Hasil pencarian
  1. LNP, in Opposition, were 'holier than thou' in refusing to accept Craig Thompson's vote? Not so holy now

  2. Dear far more women are killed by their male partners than from terrorism. Should we ban heterosexual cohabitation?

  3. I presume, that this means you wholeheartedly endorse 's racism & bigotry?

  4. When you haven’t bothered to show up to work and everyone knows you've quit but your boss

    Labor powerbroker Stephen Conroy resigns from the Senate
  5. Gobsmacked that Treasurer would risk Aussies' retirement by telling Super Funds to invest in Coal

  6. Pauline Hanson's supporters: they’re simple minded and poorly informed, and they're jumping at shadows.

  7. What do you think Turnbull should add to his bucket list? via 7. Resign

  8. Will the Liberals ever say: 7 million people voted Labor, and we have to respect that? More respect for 500,000 One Nation voters.

  9. The Liberals promised no changes & no cuts to pensions. Now they are both changing & cutting! via

  10. We are being swamped by bigoted ignorant fear mongers

  11. Pauline Hanson is push polling. We've got some alternative questions. via

  12. Senate, 15/9/2016, p.20 Senator Back (WA)

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