Резултати от търсенето
  1. преди 4 часа

    George Pell's greatest hits Don't forget his enablers Abbott, Bolt & Kelly also

  2. преди 15 часа

    Cory Bernardi and myself would like to thank the following traitors for mess.

  3. преди 5 часа

    Dear Cory Thanks for killing The best way to 'make Australia great again' is to vote at the next election.

  4. 5.02

    Turnbull- "It's all about results" - I wouldn't be saying that if I was him

  5. преди 5 часа

    Ever wondered what's/who's behind ? Listen in to today's podcast & hear his outlook.

  6. преди 2 часа

    You are welcome, comrades 🇦🇺

  7. преди 3 часа

    A reminder that Trump is an asbestos denier: thinks its toxicity is a scam. Dangerous.

  8. преди 4 часа
  9. преди 4 часа

    Leigh Sales has warm chat with her mate 😒 completely ignores Greg Hunt's Govt have 👉cut $141m👈 from mental health services

  10. преди 6 часа

    "Falsehoods"? You're a lying piece of crap & you deserve hell for the lies you've told the Australian people.

  11. преди 7 часа

    Don't let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big. - V/

  12. преди 8 часа

    BREAKING: Bernardi names his new conservative party "BernardiGras"

  13. преди 8 часа

    BROKEN - Cory Bernardi gives the PM the biggest fuck you after a 3 mth taxpayer funded trip to Trumpland like a spoiled brat

  14. преди 8 часа

    A New Zealand offer to take 150 refugees has been rejected by Canberra. Why?

  15. преди 9 часа

    Andrew Bolt wrote this the day was knifed in 2015. Everything he said has proven absolutely correct.

  16. преди 9 часа

    If any other organisation had 4444 complaints of child abuse against it, it would be shut down.

  17. преди 9 часа

    Less than 1% of Muslims are terrorists. 7% of Catholic priests are child abusers. The wrong religion is being banned. #4444

  18. преди 9 часа

    BREAKING: In true homage to their mantra of individual responsibility, the Liberal Party is to break up into 60 separate parties.

  19. преди 11 часа

    Still waiting for him to figure out why...

  20. преди 11 часа

    So Turnbull has sold out pretty much everything he believes in to appease the crazed right wing, and they're leaving anyway.

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