Welcome To My Blog

Thanks for checking the blog out... Hope it offers something a bit different every now & again. Though I come from a pseudo - Mod background (Soul & Ska in particular), I have a diverse taste in music & hope my varied posts will reflect this.

Cheers Skamanc .... I'm not after your undying gratitude, but please leave your thoughts, comments & opinions on the posts & content. I regularly up- & download material, plus buy and trade items. As such, if I have inadvertently "trodden on anyone's toes" in posting anything then please let me know & accept my apologies. Also please support the artists involved & remember that the blog is merely a pointer toward these various downloads, which are stored elsewhere. Legally, any downloads should not be retained for more than a week. So now I've told you the legal bit !

Feel free to give me a shout : waltjabsco@hotmail.com

Manchester M22, September 2016

For my kids, Dylan & Tommy. Bollocks to the ex Mrs!

Special thanks to Steve White (software), Gordon Waring (music), Shaun Robinson (artwork), Paul Buddery (DVD's / software) & Sonchey Barrett (essential technical advice!).

"Thank you" also to regular contributors Herr Pauli (Malente, Germany), Phil (Shetland), Deco Mc Dermott & Mark Pengelly of Dublin, Martin Smith (Barnet), Paul Baily (London) and Rodd (Australia).

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Prince Buster - Don't Throw Stones


RIP 8/9/16


Kim Weston - "Take Me In Your Arms" (1965)

One of my all time Tamla Motown faves courtesy of the fantastic Ms Weston, with the late, great James Jamerson on his Fender Precision. I had the privilege of seeing her live @ Blackpool Football Club & heard this classic live !! Ner ner nene ner ner !

The Action (see previous post) did a decent version of this too.......

The Action - "I'll keep on holding on" LIVE ! Ready Steady Go 1966

Formidable players & a massive live draw on the circuit. 8 gigs a week, travelling the length of the UK in a battered van. The late Reg King, for me, was up there with Steve Marriott and Stevie Winwood as a vocalist.

Spencer Davis Group : Dust My Blues (1966)

Just about every 1960s Blues band played this Elmore James classic, but apart from Peter Green's version with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, in my opinion this is the best version by a UK group.

DEAD KENNEDYS : Holiday in Cambodia / Police Truck / MTV Get Off The Air

Sheer genius proto Punk from the United States... Flame Up the Herb, Woof Down the Beer.

Buzzcocks & Magazine : B'dum B'dum (Granada TV 1978) Full show...

The enduring genius that is Howard Devoto in The'cocks & then Magazine. Great footage from Manchester's Granada TV, 1st shown 1978. Apologies for the scary pic of Mick Hucknall on the vid title frame (above). Had I been a bouncer at Belle Vue then he wouldn;t have been able to have gone on to create such atrocious muzak.

Helena Ferguson : Soul Time (Come On and Dance Now)

Well... we always knew it as & called it "Soul Time"......

BOB & EARL : Harlem Shuffle

Great, much covered floor filler from my misspent (was it really) youth ...

Remembering Keith Moon......

In memory of the late, great & completely unique Keith John Moon, who died aged just 32, 38 years ago yesterday.


Want to go to this, though I'm having a minor operation that morning. Anybody want to dare me to go anyway ???

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

WATCH THIS SPACE.........it looks like Father Jack's demise was a false alarm.

Skamanchackett - The resurrection ...... coming to a screen near you SOON

Saturday, 23 March 2013

MADNESS : BBC TV Centre 22/3/13

Deco does us proud yet again... I expect we've all seen the live Madness appearance fom the Goodbye BBC TV Centre programme last night, though here's the audio in all its mp3 glory to add to your collection. As always, be sure to leave a note of thanks for Decco. Thanks !!

For all Nutty Fans everywhere...

MADNESS : La Trianon, Paris, 11/3/13.

Decco does it again !! I recently received this Madness Parisian gig from old blog friend Deco McDermott, and have just uploaded it for your enjoyment. Please leave Decco a comment or two...

For Andy Coulter & Victoria Pearson...

Sunday, 24 February 2013


Does exactly what it says on the sleeve... excellent compilation from the April 2007 edition of Mojo magazine...

Sunday 24/2/13: Just put a brand new sharecode on here... will be catching up with more uploads & posts asap... Let's not let the bastards grind us down !!

THE SPECIAL A.K.A : Play At Home (Film / DVD)

Courtesy of long-term blog friend Bud The Wiser, here is a DVD version of The Special A.K.A's Play At Home film, ready to download for your pleasure...

This is the rare "Play At Home" release, as opposed to the much more easily found "On Film" VHS release.

Be sure to leave a note or two for Bud please... Thanks !


There have reportedly been some encryption issues with the original sharecode... these below are new & should work fine...












