Law Professor's Epic Response to Black Lives Matter Shirt Complaint
Social Design Notes · 8,891 views today · A first year law school student wrote a complaint about her professor having worn a Black Lives Matter T-shirt during class. The professor’s response is priceless. Scans of the original letters were uploaded to the internet as images here. I’ve transcribed them below. To: REDACTED From: Concerned...
Introducing Apple's Thinnest Ever Tax Bill
2 min · 6,087 views today · Apple's Jony Ive releases Apple's thinnest ever product. It's tax bill.
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Jay Syrmopoulos · 3,915 views today · Cannon Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon...
Dangerous Women Speak Truth to Power in Patriarchy's Dying Breath
6 min · 3,175 views today · We are facing an online epidemic of violence against women. Of threats and harassment. We must #ReclaimTheInternet.  Find out more at Dangerous Women Project. Support Agnes...
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
Films For Action · 2,058 views today · A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
Woman Lets Public Cut Her Hair for Powerful Message
2 min · 1,953 views today · Beauty isn't dependent on the external appearance. In this daring street experiment, Jae West co-founder of The Liberators International dives into vulnerability in Times...
Touch Isolation: How Homophobia Has Robbed All Men Of Touch
Mark Greene · 1,902 views today · Homophobic prohibitions against male touch are hurting straight men as well.
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
Bethany Webster · 1,760 views today · The issue at the core of women’s empowerment is the mother wound
Today I Rise: This Beautiful Short Film Is Like a Love Poem For Your Heart and Soul
4 min · 1,612 views today · "The world is missing what I am ready to give: My Wisdom, My Sweetness, My Love and My hunger for Peace." "Where are you? Where are you, little girl with broken wings but full...
When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren't Called 'Hitler'
Liam O'Ceallaigh · 1,549 views today · Take a look at this picture. Do you know who it is? Most people haven’t heard of him. But you should have. When you see his face or hear his name you should get as sick in...
Donald Trump Tries to Woo Black Voters
8 min · 1,317 views today · After Donald Trump visits an African-American church in Detroit, Roy Wood Jr. breaks down the GOP presidential hopeful's attempt to bolster support among black voters. 
The White Man in That Photo
Riccardo Gazzaniga · 1,100 views today · Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one, for example. It represents John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the...
John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into a Comic Strip
John Lennon. Art by Pablo Stanley · 1,085 views today · This is easily the best comic strip ever made.  Pabl
Free Trade Explained In An Excellent Comic
Michael Goodwin, Illustrated by Dan E. Burr · 1,080 views today · The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are the latest in a long line of international free trade agreements. But why are...
How Prison Labor Is the New American Slavery and Most of Us Unknowingly Support It
Sara Burrows · 968 views today · If you buy products or services from any of the 50 companies listed below (and you likely do), you are supporting modern American slavery
The CIA Created Global Meth Epidemic
33 min · 604 views today · Big ocean creatures are being washed up on beaches because all of our corporations deadly chemical sink to the bottom, and all the media does is gawk at their dead bodies, and...
Living With Chronic Illness: Your Worth Isn't Dependent on What You Do
Amani Omejer · 538 views today · I recently spent 4 weeks in hospital. This morning, lying in bed, in severe pain and unable to move, I had a strange feeling of missing hospital. Not the noisy and un-restful...
Gabor Mate on the Myth of Normal
4 min · 432 views today · Physician Dr. Gabor Mate began his interview by addressing the 'myth of normal' that divides us into the normal and the abnormal with pathological traits. Dr. Mate mentions...
Roadmap to Apartheid (2013)
54 min · 347 views today · With a comparison between apartheid South Africa and the Israel/Palestine conflict, this doc traces the future of one conflict from the past of another. Weaving the history of...
Native American Protesters Drive Dakota Access Pipeline Bulldozers and Security off Land
8 min · 317 views today · On September 3, the Dakota Access pipeline company attacked Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray as they protested against the $3.8 billion pipeline’s construction. If...
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New Member Submitted Content
What Is Anarchism?
91 min · This video is from the website which was blocked by the CIA.  SOURCES ---
Documentary Synopsis BILDERBERG'$ CLUB - the Truth Does Not Exist
92 min · Synopsis The truth does not exist. There is only the manipulation of reality. And you are the best example. Have you heard of the Bilderberg club? Do you know who integrates...
Beware of Images Online | Vimeo on Demand
3 min · A feature-length, animated documentary about the evolution of visual language throughout history. As we are increasingly exposed to mediated realities, it is crucial to...
Open Bethlehem
90 min · This documentary is a personal story filmed over four critical years in the life of Bethlehem, as it is being encircled by a 24-foot concrete wall. Leila Sansour, the...
Celtic management must stand with fans against FIFA & UEFA hypocrisy
Football Against Apartheid ·   Kevin McKenna writes well in The Guardian about the "Gravy Train Brigade" and "Bliarite" conspiracy in the Labour Party, and he should do more of it, because he cuts to the...
The Louder Voice
M Lockley · The Louder Voice August 2016   "​I have to speak up.  How can our world be like this?  How did things get so complicated and ugly?  How has our country, our world, become so...
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Jay Syrmopoulos · Cannon Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon...
Documentary About the Comedy-Musical Duo Flight of the Conchords
44 min · Documentary about the comedy-musical duo Flight Of The Conchords 
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This Is What Every Young Girl Can Expect to be Bombarded with for a Lifetime, Condensed Into 1 Min
1 min · Parents, friends, and teachers alike - talk to girls before the beauty industry does. A powerful and concise message that communicates the destructive effect the ad and beauty industry has on society. Rather than advocating censorship of these images, Dove and others advocate the need for improving our media literacy...
Tough Guise: Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity (1999)
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Oil, Smoke & Mirrors (2007)
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About Films For Action

Film offers us a powerful tool to raise awareness of important issues not covered by the corporate news. Our goal is to provide citizens of the world with the information and perspectives essential to creating a more just, sustainable, and democratic society.

Our website has cataloged over 3000 of the best documentaries, short films and videos that can be watched free online, sorted into 40 subjects related to changing the world. And, since there's still so much to learn about that isn't featured in a film, we've also cataloged a fair amount of articles, too.


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Our list of Top 100 activist documentaries, rated by our site members, is also super quality. We also made a list of the "top 100 documentaries we can use to change the world" in 2015. 

Looking to be inspired and see more beauty in the world? Check out this visionary list of 90 films

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We've also picked our favorite 'films for action' from 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011.



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Our general guideline is: only add the best of the best, and filter out the rest.

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We look for content that:

  • Has a long shelf-life, aka "evergreen" content - containing information and ideas that will remain relevant and useful for people browsing the archives of the subject tag(s) that the content was filed under (months or ideally years later)
  • Offers a unique progressive perspective not covered by the corporate media
  • Appeals to an international audience (1/3 of our traffic comes from the US, the rest comes from all over the world - the UK, Australia, and Canada being the next highest)
  • Focuses on the root problems or the root solutions
  • Cover stories of people living and building the world they want, now
  • Is fairly non-partisan and avoids unnecessary antagonism, divisionary rhetoric, over-the-top or in-your-face emotional appeals, fear-mongering, hype, etc
  • Expands our ability to experience universal empathy and compassion for all people and the planet, and avoids appeals that reinforce artificial divisions (including nationality, political affiliation, race, culture, religion, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, immigrant status, etc)
  • Is incredibly well made or well written. If the ideas are great but the presentation is poor, find the content in a form that makes the same points but with a more polished, engaging and entertaining presentation
  • People can take action on


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Let's use the power of film and media to grow the education revolution! It's the soil upon which every other revolution grows.

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We're here to support all of the global movements working to change the present system. We believe many hands make light work, and we need all of us helping our 'movement of movements' in whatever way feels right for each other. We need both a diversity of tactics and a diversity of efforts, so the more we can support each other and see how our efforts compliment each other, the stronger we'll be.

We're loving for a world that's just, democratic, egalitarian, and ecologically healing in ways that the present system cannot offer. Our fire burns for a vision of a global paradigm based on trust and cooperation rather than fear and competition. So long as there is suffering in the world, our work is not done.

This idea that "I am because you are" - that your happiness is my happiness - this is the guiding principle of love, of ubuntu that is what keeps our feet moving and our hearts in action. We are all one human family in relationship with each other and the rest of the community of life on Earth. We seek power with, not power over.

We celebrate the diversity of peaceful cultures that exists across the globe while recognizing our underlying unity. We stand against the homogenization of the world in all it's various forms - this toxic belief in the 'one right way' which has been responsible for all of the colonialization and conquest and subjugation we have seen in the past.

We believe that the old way should not be replaced with a new best way (which would be a repeat of the old way) - but rather 10,000 new and ancient ways of living. There is no one solution to the world's problems. There are 10,000 solutions, 10,000 ways of life - and we need them all. 

We are everyone who dreams of a more beautiful world and is finding ways to put their values into action.

We aren't here to fix the old media. We're here to be the new media - a diverse and decentralized network of tens of thousands of indy media efforts working towards our common dreams.

As more and more of us become the new media, sharing, broadcasting and mircocasting media across the internet, we will eventually dwarf the impact of the old media. Eventually our alternative models will make the old media obsolete.

Films For Action is one contribution to this network among thousands. But it's going to take all of us to hit the tipping point. 

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