Independent News
51-100 of 2671
Solitary Confinement Is 'No Touch' Torture, and It Must Be Abolished
I spent about nine months in an isolated cell behind a one-way mirror. It was cruel, degrading and inhumane
American Horror Story
I went backstage at the biggest political show on earth- and found America telling stories about itself
My Favorite Definition of Privilege
My favorite definition of privilege is 'thinking something's not a problem because it's not a problem to you.' This is embodied most poignantly to me by the fact that most...
Up to 28 Civilians Reportedly Killed in US-Led Strike in Syria
Fresh strike took place in same area where US is said to have killed scores in airstrikes last week
Is Voting Third Party for President in 2016 a Good Idea? Here are a Few Things to Consider
This does not preclude voting for third parties at the local and state levels, which is where third party power needs to grow before a presidential campaign could win.
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say the DNC Was 'Disaster' for the GOP
Something strange happened on the last night of the Democratic National Convention. After the GOP nominee lambasted the Democrats on Twitter for displaying what he viewed as...
We Want a Political Revolution. First We Must Defeat Fascism.
If progressives fail to seize the populist moment, the authoritarian right will fill the void. The insurgent Bernie Sanders campaign was a big step forward in building the...
Just Another Day in the Acid Nation
An argument for collective expression.
An Anti-Trump Electoral Strategy That Isn't Pro-Clinton
Can voter identification, registration, and protection efforts help not only defeat Trump, but build a mass movement for democratic socialism?
Meet Some Sanders Delegates Who Plan to Turn Anger Into Positive Action
Luz Sosa came to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia as a disappointed Bernie Sanders delegate. But she is leaving fired up to take on big political fights in...
Jane Sanders: Why Bernie Voters Shouldn't Get Over It
Bernie's wife discusses her proudest and most difficult campaign moments, the DNC email leak and the future of his revolution
The Need for Common Ground, and the Need to Do What You Do
Both Trump and Clinton are scary bad news. There's plenty of time to make a decision. You don't have to answer to anyone when you make it. Whichever decision you make, make it...
The Martin Luther King You Don't See on T.V.
It's become a TV ritual: Every year in mid-January, around the time of Martin Luther King's birthday, we get perfunctory network news reports about "the slain civil rights...
What to Do When the Going Gets Rough
Four ways to make it through trying times with an open heart
The Real Reason White People Say 'All Lives Matter'
Why “Black” Makes Us Uncomfortable Dear fellow white people, let’s have an honest talk about why we say “All Lives Matter.” First of all, notice that no one was saying “All...
Why Don't We Take Action on the Global Crisis?
Taking action requires practice, and that means training for it. Simply put, we have not been training to build the skills necessary for actively evolving the institutions of...
Depression-Busting Exercise Tips for People Too Depressed to Exercise
If you’ve struggled with depression at any point in your life, you’ve probably heard some well-meaning soul say “just try to get some exercise, it’s good for your mood!”...
You're Not Voting for Hillary to Protect Me
Many Americans are rightfully scared shitless of Donald Trump; in particular marginalized people. But for many of us, we do not have the privilege of it being the first time we...
How Political Mind Control Works
The illusion of power IS a kind of real power. There is a lesson in this for the majority of humanity.
DNC Leak Reveals Party Insiders Promised Access to Obama in Exchange for Cash
Emails appear to violate White House policy
She's With Them - But We've Got Us: a Movement Bigger Than Sanders
The DNC and the Clinton campaign joined forces against the 'political revolution' for one simple reason: they knew it could win. And it still can.
Stories Are How We Make Sense of Ourselves and the World Around Us
Brilliant comic, part of the Seeing Wetiko series, from The Rules.
History Tells Us What May Happen Next With Brexit and Trump
It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals. I am sketching out here opinions based on information, they may...
Why Hope Has Power in This Gut-Wrenching Election Year
Cynicism and despair are among democracy’s worst enemies.
Dear Fellow Jillb4 Hill Folks and Berniecrats
Dear fellow JillB4 Hill folks and Berniecrats, a part of me really does not want to expend energy posting to all my center-left groups about the necessity of preventing Trump...
A Perfect Symbol of Media Capture: DWS Booed, MSNBC Caption Says “Cheered”
Monday morning saw Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former DNC chair, booed offstage at the Florida Democratic Delegation Breakfast; while it was transpiring, MSNBC's caption read...
Solidarity Is About What You Do - Not Who You Are.
I am Black. I capitalize Black and leave white lowercased. Sure, it’s the accepted spelling, but really I do it because it feels good. My family lived in Missouri, but my...
Is the Revolution Internal or External?
Bringing together the inner and outer aspects of transformation may be the revolution of our times
Forget Gerrymandering. Here's What We Need to Fix to Ensure Truly Fair Elections.
It's The Biggest Problem in American Politics
25 Mind-Twisting Optical Illusion Paintings by Rob Gonsalves
The beautiful and mind-bending illusions in Canadian artist Robert Gonsalves’ paintings have a fun way of twisting your perception and causing you to question what in his...
Demonstrators Demand 'Clean Energy Revolution' on Eve of Dem Convention
'When it comes to climate change, there’s precious little time for lesser evils; the physics—as scientists are quick to tell us—has put humanity on a deadline.' - Kate Aronoff
The Iroquois Confederacy
In 1987, the United States Senate passed a resolution which acknowledged the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the United States...
How Prison Labor Is the New American Slavery and Most of Us Unknowingly Support It
If you buy products or services from any of the 50 companies listed below (and you likely do), you are supporting modern American slavery
Recipe for Clinton / Kaine Lemonade
Hillary Clinton's pick of Tim Kaine for VP may trigger the sea change progressives have been dreaming of and working towards for decades. Please hear me out.
I Stopped Eating Animals Because of Human Rights
What does the meat industry do to people’s mental health?
How Can We Make Our Politics Reflect What's Best in Us and Not What's Worst?
Both inner and outer change are essential for political transformation.
Clinton's F-You to Progressives: This Is How Trump Could Become President
Nominating a political clone like Sen. Tim Kaine is exactly the wrong thing to do if you want a higher turnout
We've Been Protesting for Decades. What's It Going to Take to End Police Brutality?
On #BlackLivesMatter, moral injury and activism
The Cultural Sickness That Needs to Be Named
All over the world there is a feeling that something is deeply wrong. It is often felt more than seen, an unnamed darkness that keeps millions (even billions) of people...
What You Can Do Right Now About Police Brutality
Once again we find ourselves confronting the murder of another black man at the hands of police. The video showing Michael Slager fire eight times at a fleeing Walter Scott is...
Why Black Lives Matter Won't Go Away: a Primer on Systemic Racism in America
Intellectually lazy. Willfully ignorant. Blinded by privilege. Drunk with prejudice. These are some of the words that come to mind when I think of the 30 percent of Americans...
I'm With the Banned - Welcome to the Scream Room
What my evening with Milo told me about Twitter’s biggest troll, the death of reason, and the crucible of A-list con-men that is the Republican National Convention.
15 Films That Explain Why the Political Revolution Must Continue Past November and Beyond
No matter who we vote for or who gets elected, the revolution must continue. These films remind us why. 
15 Films Inspiring and Illuminating the 'New Story' Revolution
Charles Eisenstein is one of the first people I heard talk about the "new story," synthesizing a diverse movement that has been emerging for the last several decades. When I go...
Dear Democrats: An Open Letter from a Sanders Supporter to Democrats Calling for "Unity". This is What it Looks Like from My Side
Dear Democrats, As the absurd Trump convention grinds on, somewhere in Philadelphia I imagine there is an army of volunteers inflating one hundred thousand colorful balloons...
The Deeper Reason Many Intelligent Progressives and Independents Will Not Support Hillary Clinton
The “lesser-of-evils” argument might not work for independent voters this year. Tony Brasunas investigates the real reasons behind Clinton's flagging support. The piece had...
7 Solutions We Can Support Right Now to Transition to a Resource Based Economy
One of the downsides of presenting such a visionary solution to our global crisis is that it's hard to know where to begin, beyond raising awareness. The gap between where we...
Two Brilliant Thinkers Had the Same Solution to Political Oligarchy: Direct Democracy
The primary threat to nature and people today comes from centralizing and monopolizing power and control. - Vandana Shiva
Now Is the Time to Defeat Both Trump and Clintonian Neoliberalism
"If Trump is the price we have to pay to defeat Clintonian neoliberalism – so be it." — Mumia Abu-Jamal
Listen to the Baton Rouge Police Killer: Tavis Smiley
How many more disaffected black men have to self-radicalize before we take their claims seriously?