
Baby Development

Eight-month old babies operate in "we mode", according to experts.

Babies are cleverer than we think

Eight-month-old babies know when they need another's person help – and act accordingly, finds new research examining the way infants develop their early communication skills.

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Infants in the first months of life try to avoid dealing with social wrongdoers.

Babies know whether you are naughty or nice

Studies have shown that infants in the first months of life try to avoid dealing with social wrongdoers - for example, sharing less with them and helping them less - and they expect others to, too.

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Life with a Baby

Baby Care

Jessica Rowe's post has attracted attention here and overseas.

Would you put your baby outside to sleep?

When television personality Jessica Rowe was holidaying in Iceland last week she noticed something that caught her eye - babies sleeping in prams outside cafes and restaurants.

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Baby Sleep

Baby Food

Baby Health

Early antibiotic use may increase the risk of eczema or hay fever later in life.

Antibiotic use when babies linked to allergies

Babies given antibiotics in the first two years of life are more likely to develop allergies as adults, according to an extensive analysis of past clinical studies involving nearly 400,000 people.

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Four-day-old Hazel Baranow with her mother, Katrina Wadeson, a participant in the creatine study.

Creatine may play role in healthy birth weight

A substance used by athletes could be the key to a healthy birth weight for babies? It's a novel theory that has found some solid footing in Australian research published today. 

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Education & Play

The baby fell facedown before flipping onto her back.

Baby's water survival video divides viewers

Is it responsible parenting, or is this baby being subjected to unnecessary distress? That's the question dividing viewers of a video showing a six-month-old girl fending for herself in a swimming pool after being enticed to fall into the water.

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Baby's future imagined in cute photo series

A French dad has captured his 3-month-old daughter, June, in a series that shows her in outfits of different professions in order to show the possibilities ahead of her. The dad, Malo, says that he, his wife and a few friends work quickly to avoid tiring the baby out.

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