'It was just horrific': Tradesman mauled by three dogs at Kenthurst property

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A tradesman let out a "horrific scream for help" as he was mauled by three dogs during a prolonged attack on a rural property in Sydney's north-west on Friday morning, a witness says.

The 36-year-old man was taken to hospital with deep wounds over his body after the dogs, which Hills Shire Council said were American Staffordshire terriers, tore into him at the property on Pitt Town Road in Kenthurst just before 8am.

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Tradesman mauled by three dogs

A man is hospital after being attacked by three American Staffordshire terriers at a rural property in Sydney's north-west. Vision courtesy: Seven News

All three dogs were later impounded and destroyed, a council spokeswoman said. 

A neighbour, Robert Brooks, told 2GB how he heard "horrific screaming and yelling ... and [the victim's] just horrific scream for help", prompting him to run and look over the fence.

The CareFlight team treats a tradesman who was attacked by three dogs at a property in Kenthurst.
The CareFlight team treats a tradesman who was attacked by three dogs at a property in Kenthurst. Photo: CareFlight

"These dogs are just attacking him and he's just helpless, and we're helpless as well," Mr Brooks said.

"The first reaction is to try to jump over and get [the dogs], but mate, there's no way. We're going to sort of get mauled ourselves.


"It was just horrific mate. We couldn't help the poor guy, you know?"

Mr Brooks said the man had been in the company of the property owner's daughter in a paddock when the pet dogs latched on to him. The woman also suffered minor injuries as she attempted to pull the dogs off the man.

The 36-year-old was taken to Westmead Hospital for treatment.
The 36-year-old was taken to Westmead Hospital for treatment. Photo: CareFlight

The attack was prolonged, Mr Brooks said, and neighbours initially could do nothing to help.

The man eventually escaped from the animals and was helped over the front fence by neighbours, including an off-duty nurse, who performed first aid before police, NSW Ambulance paramedics and the CareFlight helicopter arrived.

Mr Brooks said the man was conscious following the attack, but suffered "big puncture wounds" to his arms, back, thigh and calf.

"There was blood but there wasn't actually blood gushing out, it was actually torn down to his muscles," Mr Brooks said.

A CareFlight spokeswoman said the tradesman was believed to be at the house carrying out some work when he was attacked. "The patient received bites all over his body," she said.

A NSW Ambulance spokesman said the man was treated for cuts to his legs and his body, and was taken to Westmead Hospital by road ambulance in a stable condition.

Mr Brooks said one of the dogs was caught immediately after the attack. It's understood the other two dogs ran into nearby bushland, and were caught several hours later before being destroyed.

A council spokeswoman said one of the dogs was subject to a previous nuisance order to prevent it from wandering; however the attack occurred on the owner's property.