
Latest health news

Review reveals the truth about statins

ABC Catalyst's statins program - presented by Maryanne Demasi - was found to have breached the broadcaster's editorial ...

Misleading reports warning patients off taking their statins have exaggerated their harms and underestimated their benefits, say the researchers of a major review.

Second stillborn mistakenly cremated

The most recent available data shows more than 27,000 babies were born in NSW hospitals in 2014.

For one Sydney family the news that a stillborn baby had been mistakenly cremated left them with a visceral sense of deja vu. They had lived through it three years earlier.

Families hit with NDIS portal failure

Melinda McFadden and her husband Grant are among more than 1000 Canberra parents who have had added stress due to ...

The federal government was quick to identify someone to blame about the brief failure of the online census, but has barely acknowledged the extended – and more disruptive – failure of the NDIS system, a leading disability advocate said.

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