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Novels > Trout Fishing in America

First published in 1967, although written 1960-1961, Trout Fishing in America was Brautigan's second published novel. Trout Fishing in America was the novel that launched Brautigan's rise to literary fame, and is still considered by many critics as his defining literary work.

Writing History and Inspiration
Brautigan wrote the majority of Trout Fishing in America during Summer 1961, while camping with his wife, Virginia Alder and daughter, Ianthe, in Idaho's Stanley Basin. According to Virginia, she and Brautigan bought a "ten year old Plymouth station wagon" using a $350.00 tax refund.
[W]e loaded [it] down with books, a Coleman stove and a Coleman lantern, a tent, sleeping bags, diapers, and we took off for the Snake River country of Idaho. We'd camp beside the streams, and Richard would get out his old portable typewriter and a card table. That's when he began to write Trout Fishing in America. He had to learn to write prose; everything he wrote turned into a poem. (Kevin Ring 12)
The trip began in June 1961, when Brautigan and Virgina vacated their Greenwich Street apartment, gave their black cat, Jake, to roommate Kenn Davis, and loaded the station wagon with camping gear, two orange crates of books, and a portable Royal typewriter loaned by Brautigan's barber, Ray Lopez. They drove east from San Francisco, over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, through Reno, Nevada, where they were married, and into the Nevada desert where they spent their first night camping. The next day the couple turned north at Wells, Nevada, headed for Idaho on U.S. Highway 93. Past Twin Falls, they camped at Silver Creek, Idaho, where Brautigan fished.

During the next week, Brautigan fished several of the surrounding creeks and recorded their romantic sounding names in a notebook entry he titled "Name of places where I caught trout, in order of appearance, 1961—Idaho, a travel song, a ghost song." The list included Silver Creek, Copper Creek, Little Wood Creek, Big Smokey Creek, Paradise Creek, Salt Creek, Little Smokey Creek, Carrie Creek, Middle Fork of the Boise River, Queens River, South Fork of the Poyette River, Big Pine Creek, East Fork of Big Pine Creek, Fall Creek, Redfish Lake Creek, Salmon River, Little Redfish Lake, Yellow Belly Lake Creek, Stanley Lake, and Stanley Lake Creek.

Brautigan fished with a seven-foot, two-section RA Special #240 bamboo fly rod and an Olympus reel. In the winter of 1974, Brautigan traded the rod and reel to writer and editor J. D. Smith. Both the rod and reel were sold in an eBay auction. This photograph illustrated the auction.

From Silver Creek, Brautigan and family moved north to a campground at Big Smokey Creek in the Sawtooth National Forest. Here, Brautigan added Big Smokey, Paradise, Salt, Little Smokey, and Carrie creeks to his growing list of places fished. At Salt Creek, Brautigan was disturbed by the signs warning of explosive cyanide capsules placed to kill coyotes. He wrote a mock government warning, which Virginia translated into Spanish. Both were included in the "Salt Creek Coyotes" chapter.

From Big Smokey Creek, Brautigan and family moved to a campground beneath East Warrior Peak where Brautigan fished and recorded the Middle Fork of the Boise River, and Queens River. From here, Brautigan and Virginia drove to McCall, Idaho (location for the 1940s film Northwest Passage starring Spencer Tracey), where they stayed with Virginia's cousin, Donna and her husband. Brautigan described the visit in "The Teddy Roosevelt Chingader" chapter. He also described buying tennis shoes and idle conversation with strangers in McCall.

From McCall, the Brautigan's traveled to Stanley Basin, Idaho, where they camped at the Little Redfish Lake Campground (unit 4), three miles south of Stanley. Along the way, Brautigan fished the South Fork of the Poyette River. Brautigan and his family stayed at the Redfish Lake campground for a month and Brautigan fished the Salmon River, Yellow Belly Lake, Valley Creek, Stanley Lake, Stanley Lake Creek, and Big and Little Redfish Lakes. Virgina took photographs of Brautigan fishing and posing next to an abandoned, rusted motor vehicle. Brautigan and Virginia visited Stanley, Idaho, several times, attending a Saturday night "Stanley Stomp" dance at one of the bars.

Brautigan met a surgeon staying at a nearby campsite with his family. Brautigan and the surgeon fished together, during which time the surgeon complained of his life and medical practice. Brautigan used the experience as the basis for "The Surgeon" chapter.

During the afternoons, when the fish were not taking his dry flies or bait, Brautigan read or wrote. Many of his daily camping and fishing experiences made their way into the chapter drafts for his evolving novel.

At the end of July, Brautigan and Virginia moved north to Lake Josephus where they again set up an extended camp. Brautigan fished Float Creek, Helldiver Lake, and Lake Josephus. The experiences inspired two chapters, "Lake Josephus Days" and "The Towel," about dealing with a sick baby.

Lingering into August, the Brautigans enjoyed their final campsite along Carrie Creek. With snow possible, and cash low, Brautigan and Virginia decided to return to San Francisco where Brautigan worked on his evolving novel.

Preliminary work on the novel actually began the previous year when Brautigan, determined to write prose instead of poetry, experimented with short stories hoping they would lead to a novel. He abandoned the manuscript for The Tower of Babel, a mystery novel, after struggling to write 167 pages. On 16 September 1960, Brautigan began writing an experimental story he called "Trout Fishing in America" in which he imagined trout made from steel and introduced a character called Trout Fishing in America. The results, later incorporated in the first chapter of his most famous novel, were the beginning of a new (for Brautigan) literary form, the prose poem.

As Brautigan sought chapter content for his evolving manuscript he turned first to previously written material. A short story written in fall 1959, about two unemployed artists from New Orleans Brautigan met in Washington Square Park and how they imagined spending a pleasant, and warm, winter in a mental institution became the "A Walden Pond for Winos" chapter. Oddly, this is one of the few chapters in the novel that does not mention trout fishing.

Brautigan developed this penchant for using found materials as the basis for additional chapters, and continued to use the technique throughout his writing career. For example, inspiration came from Brautigan's reading and research at the Mechanics' Institute Library. Located at 57 Post Street, the location of the original building, built in 1855 and destroyed by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, the library maintained a collection of nearly 160,000 books in 1961. Brautigan included a list of twenty-two classic books about fishing in found in the Mechanics' Library in the "Trout Death by Port Wine" chapter. Four recipes he found in cookbooks at the library were included in the "Another Method of Making Walnut Catsup" chapter. A cut up description of Richard Lawrence Marquette, taken from a poster seeking his arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, prompted the "Trout Fishing in America with the FBI" chapter. The signature at the end of the chapter is in Brautigan's handwriting. "The Mayonnaise Chapter" is almost verbatim the text of a letter Brautigan found in a used book store.

Brautigan also incorporated people he knew into his evolving novel. Trout Fishing in America Shorty and the chapters "The Shipping of Trout Fishing in America Shorty to Nelson Algren" and "Footnote Chapter to 'The Shipping of Trout Fishing in America Shorty to Nelson Algren'" were all inspired by a legless man called Shorty who propelled himself around North Beach on roller skate wheels mounted to a board. Brautigan connected this individual to Nelson Algren's fictional character, Railroad Shorty, and proposed shipping him to Algren in Chicago, Illinois, where he might become a museum exhibit.

Pierre Delattre credits Shorty with inspiring Brautigan past the frustration of not being able to capture the magic of "his trout fishing book" on paper. Delattre recalls a fishing trip with Brautigan and how he lamented his writer's block.
Then one afternoon back in North Beach we went into a hardware store so that he could buy some chickenwire for his bird cage. Suddenly he seized the pen from my pocket, the notebook from my shoulder bag, ran out and over to a park bench, and started to scribble a story about a man who finds a used trout stream in the back of a hardware store. The next day, we stopped to chat with a legless-armless man on a rollerboard who sold pencils. Brautigan called him "Trout Fishing in America Shorty," and wrote a story about him. From then on, trout fishing ceased to be a memory of the past, but the theme of immediate experience and Brautigan's book made him a rich and famous writer. (Delattre 53-54)
Brautigan drew from his childhood memories to create chapters. Memories of Johnnie Hiebert, a childhood friend in Eugene, Oregon, who suffered from a rupture and drank pitchers of Kool-Aid contributed to the chapter and character called "The Kool-Aid Wino."

The acquistion of camping gear—a tent, sleeping bags, pots, and a Coleman gas stove and lantern— provided the basis for the chapter "A Note on the Camping Craze That Is Currently Sweeping America."

Brautigan drafted "The Cover of Trout Fishing in America" in February 1961 in which he described the Benjamin Franklin statue in nearby Washington Square Park (see "The Front Cover," below).

"The Cleveland Wrecking Yard" chapter came from real-life experience according to San Francisco artist Kenn Davis.
Somewhere in 1958—although my memory is faulty about this date—I rented a rundown cottage on a hill and decided I wanted a bigger window overlooking the city of San Francisco. A mile or so away was the Cleveland Wrecking Company yard [2800 3rd Street; Quint Street], where all kinds of house salvage was stored. I called Dick and told him I was going there and [asked] did he want to come along—so we did; he found the place fascinating, and lo and behold he wrote about it in Trout Fishing in America. Poets can find inspiration anywhere. As it was, I bought a large window and we drove it to my shack, where I installed it to my satisfaction. (Davis, Kenn. Letter to John F. Barber. 9 June 2004.)
William Hjortsberg says Brautigan learned of The Cleveland Wrecking Yard, a demolition business on Quint Street, in San Francisco, that sold dismantled homes in bits and pieces, from Price Dunn. Intrigued by what Dunn said of the place, Brautigan visited it himself, sparked with the idea of selling used trout streams by the foot (Hjortsberg 182).

Learning of Ernest Hemingway's suicide (2 July 1961, in Ketchum, Idaho, forty miles from where he was camping and fishing), Brautigan wrote "The Last Time I Saw Trout Fishing in America" chapter in which he included memories of his step-father Robert "Tex" Porterfield and the winter they spent together in Great Falls, Montana. Porterfield was the first person to tell Brautigan about trout fishing. Hemingway was Brautigan's artistic father, a writer he was often said to emulate, and whose death he certainly did.

The chapter "In the California Bush" evolved from weekend trips to Mill Valley to visit friend Lou Embee and his girlfriend who lived in a remote cabin overlooking San Francisco Bay. Brautigan called Embee "Pard" in the chapter.

By mid-March 1962, Brautigan had completed the manuscript for his first novel.

Publication History
Following completion of the manuscript, Brautigan sent copies to Donald Allen, Luther Nichols, and Malcom Crowley, seeking publication. Both Nichols and Crowley responded via letter in the fall of 1962, apologizing for not being able to publish Brautigan's novel.

In mid-December, however, Allen wrote Brautigan to say he was very interested in his manuscript and wanted to use sections from the manuscript in a forthcoming book anthology of new prose to be published by Black Cat Books, that he was editing with Robert Creeley. Donald Merriam Allen (1912-2004), poet, editor of The Evergreen Review, West Coast representative of Grove Press, and owner of the San Francisco nonprofit press Four Seasons Foundation also suggested that sections of Brautigan's manuscript should be considered for publication in Evergreen Review.

Evergreen Review, published in New York, NY, 1957-1973, was edited by Barnet Lee "Barney" Rosset, Jr. (1922-2012) and Donald Merriman Allen (1912-2004) (numbers 1-6 only) with the backing of Grove Press.

In a letter to Rosset, dated 16 December 1962, Allen described Trout Fishing in America as possessing "a wonderful tone" and "a definite moral point of view." He concluded by saying, "I do think it deserves serious consideration as an Evergreen."

On 21 March 1963, Richard Seaver wrote Brautigan saying Grove Press was interested to publish nine chapters of Trout Fishing in America in two upcoming issue of Evergreen Review as well as the novel in its entirety. Seaver said he could arrange for a contract to be sent to Brautigan if he was interested. Four chapters, "The Hunchback Trout," "Room 208, Hotel Trout Fishing in America," "The Surgeon," and "The Cleveland Wrecking Yard," were published in the October-November 1963 issue of Evergreen Review (see below). Five chapters, "Witness for Trout Fishing in America Peace," "A Note on the Camping Craze That is Currently Sweeping America," "The Pudding Master of Stanley Basin," "In the California Bush," and "Trout Death by Port Wine" were published in the August-September 1964 issue (see below). Grove Press declined to publish the novel, but asked for an option on Brautigan's next work of fiction.

In April, the first issue of City Lights Journal was published. It included three chapters from Trout Fishing in America: "Worsewick," "the Salt Creek Coyotes," and "A Half-Sunday Homage to a Whole Leonardo da Vinci" (see below).

Despite praise and recommendations from leading literary figures, no publisher would accept Brautigan's manuscript for Trout Fishing in America. James Laughlin at New Directions passed it to G. P. Putnam's Sons, who forwarded it to Dell/Delta who sent the manuscript back to G. P. Putnam's Sons, who said they would be happy to consider it for publication, but rejected the manuscript in August 1963. Donald Allen then sent the manuscript to Coward-McCann who rejected the manuscript.

In December 1963, Seaver contacted Brautigan to say Grove Press, and specifically Barnet Lee "Barney" Rosset, Jr., had decided to publish A Confederate General from Big Sur. He offered Brautigan a $1,000 dollar advance against royalty payments. Additionally, Seaver offered a $1,000 option for Trout Fishing in America with a $1,000 advance payable within one month of publication of A Confederate General from Big Sur. Seaver also offered an option on Brautigan's third novel (unnamed, but Brautigan was working on a manuscript he called Contemporary Life in California) with terms to be determined on delivery of the manuscript.

Ivan von Auw, a New York literary agent also wrote Brautigan saying his agency, Harold Ober Associates, wanted to represent him to his new publisher, Grove Press.

But, Brautigan was concerned. Grove Press was most interested in A Confederate General from Big Sur, thinking it the more "traditional" novel and desired to publish it first, with Trout Fishing in American to follow. Brautigan considered Trout Fishing in America his first novel, A Confederate General from Big Sur his second. Together they represented an aesthetic order that should be published in the order in which they were written. His third novel, he felt, would continue the aesthetic. Brautigan was also concerned that von Auw would be his literary agent when it was Donald Allen who had done all the work to get his books published.

In January 1964, Brautigan, having no formal agreement with a literary agent, and concerned to secure the best possible contract with Grove Press, proposed using one modeled after that used by the Society of Author's Representatives. Anticipating selling the screenplay rights from one of his novels, Brautigan asked Grove to pay advertising costs from their half of the royalties. Richard Seaver, for Grove, accepted the contract, but rejected the proposed change to screenplay royalties. He told Brautigan that Grove wanted to submit A Confederate General from Big Sur for the Prix Formentor, a prestigious international award for unpublished fiction. Contracts had to be finalized before application for the award could be submitted, and applications were due at the end of January. Seaver also offered Brautigan, who desperately needed the money, $500.00 on signing. He told Brautigan that Grove planned to published A Confederate General from Big Sur in the fall of 1964, and Trout Fishing in America a year later. This subtle pressure convinced Brautigan to sign a publishing contract with Grove Press and thus, although it was the second novel Brautigan wrote, A Confederate General from Big Sur became the first published.

Disappointing sales of A Confederate General from Big Sur prompted Grove Press to reject the next two Brautigan novels in turn: In Watermelon Sugar, written in 1964, and The Abortion, written during the first five months of 1966 and to allow their contract for Trout Fishing in America to expire in July 1966.

Seeking a publisher for his books, Brautigan wrote to Robert Park Mills, a New York literary agent, as suggested by Don Carpenter, on 5 October 1966 asking him to act as his literary agent and to sell "three unpublished novels": Trout Fishing in America, In Watermelon Sugar, and The Abortion. "Grove Press is no longer my publisher and I am looking for a new publisher. . . . I need an agent to sell the three novels and to try and sell the Confederate General rights that I have lying around over at Grove."

Brautigan and Mills exchanged several letters. Mills agreed to represent Brautigan and his novels, but in a 25 November 1966 letter Brautigan informed Mills of a change of plans.
I have decided to allow two young West Coast publishers Coyote Books and the Four Seasons Foundation to bring out Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar in pilot editions early next year. I think the novels are unpublishable in New York at this time. . . . I would like to find a New York publisher for my novels, but I think The Abortion is the only novel of mine that stands a chance right now in New York. I look forward to hearing from you about it.
After rejection by several publishers—Viking Press later noted "Mr. Brautigan submitted a book to us in 1962 called TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA. I gather from the reports that it was not about trout fishing."—Trout Fishing in America was published by Allen and Four Seasons Foundation. Brautigan wrote Mills on 7 October 1967 to say Trout Fishing in America had been published. Brautigan wrote Mills again on 19 December 1967 to say the first printing consisted of 2,000 copies.

The publisher of Trout Fishing in America was Four Seasons Foundation, a nonprofit press run by Donald Allen. Letters, signed by Allen, sent with review copies of Trout Fishing in America stated the publication date as October 31, 1967 and noted the novel would be distributed by City Lights Books. Allen and Four Seasons Foundation eventually published Brautigan's third novel In Watermelon Sugar in 1968 and Brautigan's first major poetry collection, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster in 1968.

Four Seasons Foundation published five editions of Brautigan's first novel, selling nearly thirty-five thousand copies. In its various editions, Trout Fishing in America has sold more than two million copies.

20th Anniversary—1987
A short piece on National Public Radio commemorated the 20th anniversary of the original publication of Trout Fishing in America. Author Thomas McGuane read a short essay about Brautigan.

Listen to McGuane read his essay about Brautigan

In another radio interview, Michael McClure talked about Trout Fishing in America and Brautigan's problematic literary fame, what McClure called "dyslexia of the soul."

Listen to McClure talk about Brautigan

Four Seasons front cover The front-cover photograph, taken by Erik Weber in San Francisco's Washington Square Park, March 1967, features Brautigan and Michaela Blake-Grand posed in front of the statue of Benjamin Franklin. Brautigan provides details about this photograph in the first chapter.

Blake-Grand was the former girlfriend of friend and former roommate (October-December 1963) Andy Cole. Brautigan called her his muse. In addition to the front cover of Trout Fishing in America, Blake-Grand also appeared with Brautigan and daughter Ianthe in the front cover photograph for Brautigan's first collection, Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster, In Watermelon Sugar. Brautigan dedicated his poem "I've Never Had It Done So Gently Before" to "M" (Michaela) and during his poet-in-residency at the California Institute of Technology (January 1967) wrote her other, unpublished, poems.

Washington Square Park, on Stockton, between Union and Filbert, was originally the site of a Mexican ranch owned by Juana Briones. Later, the site served as a cemetery. It is the largest open space in North Beach.

Another photograph was considered for the front cover. This one, taken in April 1965 by Weber, was a head and shoulders portrait of Brautigan alone in front of the same Franklin statue. The statue and trees seem to loom over Brautigan.

Weber explains "The Trout Fishing Cover Origin" this way:
Erik Weber. Email to John F. Barber, 26 July 2003.
As depicted in the front cover photograph, dressed in a surplus Navy jacket, black jeans, a vest adorned with many pins and buttons, and soft, high-crowned, uncreased tan cowboy hat, Brautigan was a familiar sight around Haight-Ashbury and North Beach.

Kirby Doyle, author of Happiness Bastard, the first free novel published by the Communication Company, included an account of Brautigan and his attire in his poem "The Birth of Digger Batman" to commemorate the birth of Digger Jahrmarkt, son of Billy "Batman" and Joan Jahrmarket. The poem was first published as a broadside by the Communication Company and reprinted in The Digger Papers (Ed. Paul Krassner. New York August 1968: 10-11) and later in Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps (Emmett Grogan, Boston, Little, Brown, 1972. 414-416), the autobiography of Emmett Grogan, one of the founders of the Diggers:
Rap rap on the door and I go to open it to Richard Brautigan who comes in under a soft tan hat, checks out the action, spots Cassandra in the kitchen, decides everything is cool, walks once again through the rooms, tall, slightly stooping like a gentle spider standing up (We are all spiders, or ants, or something, I remember wondering, watching Richard putting his hands in his pockets and taking them out) decides to split. "Be back in a while—need anything?" "No, nothing." Out the door he goes (414)
The clothing might have resulted from personal style and fear of change.
Richard always dressed the same. It was his style and he wanted to change it as little as possible. (I was like that myself at the time. We were all trying to get the exact style of ourselves.) Richard's style was shabby—loose threads at the cuff, black pants faded to gray, an old mismatched vest, a navy pea-jacket, and later something like love beads around the neck. As he began to be successful he was even more fearful of change. (Michael McClure 39)
Statue of Benjamin Franklin in Washington Square, North Beach, San Francisco The statue of Benjamin Franklin, the earliest existing monument in San Francisco, donated by dentist and prohibitionist Dr. H. D. Cogswell, was originally erected at the corner of Kearny and Market Streets in 1879 and moved to Washington Square Park in 1904. Cogswell installed water taps at the base of the statue in hopes that people would drink water from them rather than seeking out bootleg liquor.

First Readings and Acceptance
As he finished a draft, Brautigan showed each chapter to Jack Spicer who offered editorial advice and encouragement.

William Hjortsberg says Brautigan's first public readings of Trout Fishing in America were at Ebbe Borregaard's Museum, two floors of a Victorian house at 1713 Buchanan Street converted into a gallery by Borregaard, 8:30 PM, Friday 17 March 1961. Brautigan read selections from the manuscript focusing on his boyhood in Eugene, Oregon, and forgotten poem entitled "Alas, In Carrion Umpire" (Hjortsberg 173).

Spicer also arranged for Brautigan to read from his manuscript over two consecutive nights at a former Welsh church at the corner of Market, 16th, and Noe Streets (Ellingham and Killian 223). Hjortsberg notes the address as being on 14th Street, between Guerrero and Valencia and that the reading was actually requested and arranged by Pierre Delattre, who, after leaving the Bread and Wine coffee shop in North Beach had taken up the challenge to turn this former church into the 14th Street Art Center (Hjortsberg 184).

Brautigan read the entire manuscript for Trout Fishing in America over two consecutive evenings, probably in early 1963, at the 14th Street Art Center. The reading was free and generally well received by the poets and members of the North Beach arts community who attended. Matthew Shelton adds some additional details, saying

Matthew Shelton. Email to John F. Barber, 7 April 2006.
Following its publication, early acceptance of the novel was positive. Critics hailed Brautigan as a fresh new voice in American literature. For example, Newton Smith said,
Trout Fishing in America altered the shape of fiction in America and was one of the first popular representatives of the postmodern novel. . . . The narrative is episodic, almost a free association of whimsy, metaphors, puns, and vivid but unconventional images. Trout Fishing in America is, among other things, a character, the novel itself as it is being written, the narrator, the narrator's inspirational muse, a pen nib, and a symbol of the pastoral ideal being lost to commercialism, environmental degradation, and social decay. (Smith 122)
Dedication reads:
For Jack Spicer and Ron Loewinsohn
Both Jack Spicer and Ron Loewinshon were poets active in the San Francisco literary scene. Spicer, a gay San Francisco poet, was Brautigan's mentor and confidant, especially following Brautigan's wife's affair and elopement with Anthony (Tony) Frederic Aste. Spicer was attracted to Aste so the rejection was probably hard for him as well as Brautigan. Spicer and Brautigan talked about the manuscript for Trout Fishing in America and together they revised it, "as though it were a long serial poem" (Ellingham and Killian 223).

Ron Loewinsohn speculated on the reasons for the double dedication. "Me, I think, just friendship; and Jack, editing, help, whatever he did. Jack was absolutely fascinated with Trout Fishing, and spent a lot of time with Richard talking about it." Spicer may have recommended cuts; this was rumored in the community at the time. "Anytime you [could] get Richard Brautigan to accept criticism [was] an unbelievable accomplishment. He [was] so defensive, and so guarded; and Jack was able to get him to make changes. Whatever he did he deserved some sort of Henry Kissinger award" (Ellingham and Killian 223).

Inscribed Copies
A copy inscribed to Donald Allen
This copy is for Don Allen
thank you
Richard Brautigan
September 29, 1967
Brautigan drew a small fish on either side of the words "thank you"
Allen ran Four Seasons Foundation, the publisher, in 1967, of Trout Fishing in America.
A first edition copy signed and dated by Brautigan
Richard Brautigan
May 9, 1968

From the collection of Gregory Miller. Used by permission.
A first edition, third printing, copy signed and dated by Brautigan
Richard Brautigan
June 19, 1973

From the collection of Gregory Miller. Used by permission.

"The Cleveland Wrecking Yard." The New Writing in the USA. Eds. Donald Merriam Allen and Robert Creeley. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1967. 33-38.
Front cover "Trout Fishing in America 2." Evergreen Review (33) August-September 1964: 42-47.

Featured five chapters: "Witness for Trout Fishing in America Peace," "A Note on the Camping Craze That is Currently Sweeping America," "The Pudding Master of Stanley Basin," "In the California Bush," and "Trout Death by Port Wine." Also featured work by John Fowles, Robert Gover, Blaise Cendrars (translated by Anselm Hollo), Jakov Lind, Michael O'Donoghue, Julian Beck, Judith Malina, Jack Kerouac, Lysander Kemp, Alden Van Buskirk, and Harold Pinter.

Evergreen Review, published in New York, NY, 1957-1973, was edited by Barnet Lee "Barney" Rosset, Jr. (1922-2012) and Donald Merriman Allen (1912-2004) (numbers 1-6 only) with the backing of Grove Press.
Front cover "Trout Fishing in America." Evergreen Review (31) October-November 1963:12-27.

Featured four chapters: "The Hunchback Trout," "Room 208, Hotel Trout Fishing in America," "The Surgeon," and "The Cleveland Wrecking Yard." Also featured work by Anselm Hollo, Pauline Reage, Andrei Voznesensky, Lenore Kandel, Harold Norse, Robert Coover, W. S. Merwin, Jack Kerouac, and Douglas Woolf.

Evergreen Review, published in New York, NY, 1957-1973, was edited by Barnet Lee "Barney" Rosset, Jr. (1922-2012) and Donald Merriman Allen (1912-2004) (numbers 1-6 only) with the backing of Grove Press.
Front Cover "Trout Fishing in America." City Lights Journal (1) 1963: 27-32.
112 pages; Paperback, perfect bound with printed wrappers. Published by City Lights Books, San Francisco, CA. Edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Front cover photograph by Gary Snyder of Allen Ginsberg in the Central Himalayas. Dedicated to e. e. cummings and William Carlos Williams.

Featured three chapters: "Worsewick," "The Salt Creek Coyotes," and "A Half-Sunday Homage to a Whole Leonardo da Vinci." Also featured a photograph of Brautigan.

In addition to this work by Brautigan, this issue also featured works by W. C. Williams, Anselm Hollo, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Daniel Moore, Ed Sanders, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Harold Norse, Ted Joans, Michael McClure, Stuart Z. Perkofff, Mayakovsky (translated by Hirschman and Erlich), Henri Michaux (translated by Corman), Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Antonin Artaud (translated by Rattray), and Bruce Conner. Poetry by Daniel Moore and Harold Norse was included in the first paperback collections published by Grove Press in 1957.

Of Brautigan, Barry Silesky said,
Also included was fiction writer Richard Brautigan, who had been writing and reading his poetry around North Beach since the fifties, even selling copies of his poems for small change on street corners. Three sections of Brautigan's strange, inviting, deceptively simple Trout Fishing in America appeared; it was an important early exposure for him that helped open the way to a wider audience, and to publication of that novel in 1967, as well as his previously written comic Confederate General in [sic] Big Sur in 1964. Both of them became best-sellers, and by the late sixties, Brautigan's following had grown from a tiny cult to a huge section of the swelling counterculture, rivaling that of Ginsberg and Ferlinghetti himself. (Barry Silesky 122)
These three chapters are the earliest known publication of any part of the novel Trout Fishing in America, so Brautigan's inscription on a copy of City Lights Journal is the earliest known associated with this work.
This copy is inscribed "We begin Richard Brautigan"
From the collection of Gregory Miller. Used by permission.

Four Seasons front cover San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundation, 1967
112 pages; First printing October 1967; 2,000 copies
Printed wrappers
No hard cover edition was published until the collection of Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster, In Watermelon Sugar.

Front cover photograph by Erik Weber of Brautigan and Michaela Blake-Grand, whom Brautigan called his "muse."

No illustration or photograph on back cover. LEARN more >>>

Brautigan wrote, on 19 December 1967, Robert Park Mills, then his literary agent, with details about figures for both first and second printings of Trout Fishing in America. LEARN more >>>

The phrase "Writing 14" on the opening page indicates placement in the publisher's writing series edited by Donald Merriam Allen.

Mattituck, NY: Amereon Ltd., 2003
ISBN 0-848-82578-0; First printing August 2003

Mattituck, NY: Amereon Ltd., 1979
182 pages; ISBN 0-44039-125-3; First printing January 1979
Printed wrappers

Online Resource
Amereon website
Front Cover San Francisco: Arion Press, 2003
Limited Edition: 426 copies

The 25 September 2003 announcement in The New York Review of Books, at left, notes the price of $450.00.
Includes a portrait photograph of Brautigan by Edmund Shea and, in half the copies, a color lithograph by Wayne Thiebaud (American painter, born 1920, noted in the 1960s Pop Art scene for his thick impasto-style paintings of cakes, ice cream cones, and gum ball machines).

Preface by long time friend of Brautigan, Ron Loewinsohn.

READ the full text of Loewinshon's preface.

Benson, Heidi. "Fishing for Brautigan Stories." San Francisco Chronicle 7 September 2003: Book Section M2.
Describes the release party for a limited edition of Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America published by Arion Press. Andrew Hoyem, founder of Arion Press and publisher; Virgina Aste, Brautigan's first wife and typist for the first edition of Trout Fishing in America; and Ianthe Brautigan, Brautigan's daughther and author of You Can't Catch Death all offer amusing stories about Brautigan.

READ the full text of this review.

Online Resource
Benson's article at the San Francisco Chronicle website

Arion Press
Arion Press is run by printer-publisher Andrew Hoyem. An exhibition featuring photographs by Michael Carboy of the production facilities at Arion Press and related ephemera celebrating Brautigan's life was sponsored by the Arion Press 25 August-31 October 2003.

Online Resources
Carboy's photographs from this exhibition at his website

Arion Press website

Feedback from Michael Carboy
Michael Carboy. Email to John F. Barber, 7 February 2004.
New York: Bantam Doubleday Publishing, 1983
ISBN 0-440-39125-3; First printing 1 November 1983
Front cover London: Jonathan Cape, 1970
124 pages; ISBN 0-224-61849-0; First printing 23 July 1970
Hard Cover, with red-orange dust jacket
First United Kingdom edition
Front dust jacket photograph by Erik Weber of Brautigan and Michaela Blake-Grand, whom Brautigan called his "muse."

Front Cover White cloth-covered boards with printed photograph on front echoing photograph on front dust jacket.
Front cover New York: Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence, 1969
5.75" x 8.5"; 112/108/138 pages; ISBN 1-1997-8543-1; First printing September 1969
Hard Cover, with dust jacket
Collects, as facsimile reprints, Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster, and In Watermelon Sugar in the manner of their original editions, including front cover photographs and title pages. This is one of several collections of Brautigan's works.
Front cover New York: Dell Publishing, 1969
5.25" x 8"; 112 pages
Printed wrappers
Facsimile reproduction of first American edition front cover

Back cover
Back cover Back cover features a quote from poet John Ciardi, excerpts from a review by Thomas Parkinson of the San Francisco Chronicle and one from the Kansas City Star, and a statement from The Viking Press (one of the presses that initially rejected Brautigan's manuscript):
Mr. Brautigan submitted a book to us in 1962 called TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA. I gather from the reports that it was not about trout fishing.

Front cover New York: Mariner Books, 2010
7.7" x 5.1"; 144 pages; First printing 19 January 2010
Printed wrappers
Mariner Books is a division of Houghton-Mifflin

Introduction by poet Billy Collins, former United States Poet Laureate, who recalls reading the manuscript for Brautigan's novel.
A few hours later I looked up, blinking like someone emerging from a strange cavern. I had never read anything like it. This book, I was convinced, was our very own "Alice in Wonderland." And Brautigan was our Lewis Carroll.
Collins talked about Brautigan and his contribution to American literature during the 6 February 2010 Saturday Weekend Edition program on National Public Radio (NPR) during an interview with host Audie Cornish. Collins called Brautigan's writing an American form of surrealism.
[Trout Fishing in America] had a huge impact. It achieved a kind of instant cult status, not just for adolescents but I think for a whole generation that was weaned on a much more traditional kind of fiction. And I think it also had to do with something of the drug culture, that this was a kind of refracted and drugged way of looking at things. It was a disruptive and surrealistic vision.
READ the full text of this interview.

Online Resources
Collins' NPR interview (audio and textual transcript) at website

Pincus, Robert L. "It Might Be Time To Go 'Trout Fishing' Again." The San Diego Union-Tribune 24 January 2010: E-4.
Concludes saying
[Brautigan's] words may seem whimsical at first glance, but look longer and they suggest the idea of seeing one's self in relation to nature or the soul. In that sense Brautigan's work is probably as much in the spirit of Emerson or Thoreau as Twain, looking to American philosophical as well as comic precedents. A literary naif he was not.
Online Resources
Pincus' review at The San Diego Union-Tribune website
Front cover New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1989
5.5" x 8.25"; 112/108/138 pages; ISBN 0-395-50076-1; First printing 1 March 1989
Reprint of 1969 DelacortePress/Seymour Lawrence edition. Collects, as facsimile reprints, Trout Fishing in America, The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster, and In Watermelon Sugar in the manner of their original editions, including front cover photographs and title pages. This is one of several collections of Brautigan's works.
Front cover New York: Dell Publishing, 1972
4.25" x 7"; 112 pages; First printing February 1972
Printed wrappers
Picador front cover London: Picador-Pan Books, 1972
First United Kingdom paperback edition
160 pages; ISBN 0-330-23346-7; First printing 6 October 1972
Printed wrappers
Also issued in slipcase with A Confederate General from Big Sur and In Watermelon Sugar, 1973.
Front cover London: Vintage/Random House UK Limited, 1997
150 pages; ISBN 0-099-74771-5; First printing 1 May 1977
Printed wrappers

Front Cover Chytání Pstruhú v Americe. Trans. Olga Špilarová. Praha: Volox Globator, 1993.
First Czech edition
117 pages; ISBN 8-085-76918-2
Hard Cover, with dust jacket
Front cover Forel Vissen in Amerika. Trans. Peter van Oers. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 1987.
136 pages; ISBN 90-351-0508-7
Printed wrappers with photograph of Brautigan by Erik Weber from first American edition
Cover design by Mischa Joseph
Front cover Forel Vissen in Amerika. Trans. Helen Knopper. Bussum: De Boer, n.d. [1970?]
First Dutch edition
142 pages; ISBN 90-269-5925-7
Printed wrappers
Front Cover Forellipüük Ameerikas. Trans. Atko Remmel and Tuuli Seinberg. Tallinn: Kirjastuskeskus, 2004.
ISBN 9985-9507-4-7
Front cover features the original picture by Erik Weber
Taimenenkalastus Amerikassa. Trans. Jarkko Laine. Helsingissä: Otava, 1974.
136 pages; ISBN 9-511-01419-6
Bourgois editions
Front Cover Romans 1. Trans. Marc Chénetier. Paris: Bourgois, 1994.
471 pages; ISBN: 2-267-01253-7
Printed wrappers
Collects three novels: A Confederate General from Big Sur, Trout Fishing in America, and In Watermelon Sugar
Introduction(s) by Marc Chénetier

Front Cover Sucre de Pastèque; La Pêche à la Truite en Amérique. Trans. Michael Doury. Paris: Bourgois, 1974.
First French edition
282 pages
Printed wrappers
Collects two novels: In Watermelon Sugar and Trout Fishing in America

Additional Resources
Lottman, Herbert R. "France: A Growing Taste for Anglo-American Authors." Publishers Weekly 4 September 2000: 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62-63.
An overview of the publishing industry in France and its interest in American writers. Notes that publisher Christian Bourgois says
"there's a new generation of French critics&mdasah;and book buyers—curious about what comes out of America and prepared to embrace it." Bourgois . . . is one of the rare publishers in France (or anywhere for that matter) publishing under his own name—and independent. Not being able to afford the greats, Bourgois began with writers of his own generation, such as Richard Brautigan. (62)
Bourgois published several French translations of Brautigan's works including Trout Fishing in America, In Watermelon Sugar, The Hawkline Monster, Willard and His Bowling Trophies, Sombrero Fallout, Dreaming of Babylon, The Tokyo-Montana Express, So the Wind Won't Blow It All Away, and Revenge of the Lawn.
10-18 editions
Front cover Sucre de Pastèque; La Pêche à la Truite en Amérique. Trans. Michael Doury. Paris: 10-18, 2004.
ISBN: 2-264-03901-9
Printed wrappers
Collects two novels: In Watermelon Sugar and Trout Fishing in America.

Front cover Sucre de Pastèque; La Pêche à la Truite en Amérique. Trans. Michael Doury. Paris: 10-18, 1990.
Printed wrappers
Front cover illustration is a detail from Edward Hopper's painting "White River at Sharon"
Collects two novels: In Watermelon Sugar and Trout Fishing in America.

Sucre de Pastèque; La Pêche à la Truite en Amérique. Trans. Michael Doury. Paris: 10-18, 1984.
Printed wrappers
Collects two novels: In Watermelon Sugar and Trout Fishing in America.

Front Cover La Pêche à la Truite en Amérique. Paris: 10-18, 1978.
142 pages; ISBN 2-264-00846-6
First 10-18 edition; First paperback edition
Cover design by Pierre Bernard
Front Cover Forellenfischen in Amerika. Regensburg: Kartaus Verlag, 2003.
160 pages; ISBN 3-936-05402-9
Printed wrappers

Online Resource
Der Kartaus Verlag website
Front Cover Forellenfischen in Amerika. Roman. Trans. Günter Ohnemus. Reinbek by Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rororo 12619), 1990.
123 pages; ISBN 3-499-12619-2
Printed wrappers
Front cover Forellenfischen in Amerika. Trans. Günter Ohnemus. Frankfurt am Main: Eichborn Verlag, February 1987.
175 pages; ISBN 3-821-80152-2
Printed wrappers and endflaps
Cover illustration by Henri Schmid

Kirchner, Gerhard. "Der Albtraum vom Paradies: Richard Brautigan beim 'Forellenfischen in Amerika' ein Roman von Richard Brautigan." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 4 May 1987: ***?***.

READ this review, in German.
Front Cover Forellenfischen in Amerika. Trans. Céline and Heiner Bastian. East Berlin: Volk und Welt Spectrum, 1986.
135 pages
Printed wrappers
German Democratic Republic (East Germany) edition
In Wassermelonen Zucker & Forellenfischen in Amerika. Trans. Céline and Heiner Bastian. Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Taschenbuch Verlag (Ullstein Buch Nr. 3080), 1974.
176 pages; ISBN 3-548-03080-7
Printed wrappers
Collects two novels: In Watermelon Sugar and Trout Fishing in America.
Forellenfischen in Amerika. Trans. Céline and Heiner Bastian. München: Carl Hanser Verlag (Reihe Hanser; 73), 1971.
133 pages; ISBN 3-446-11496-3
Printed wrappers
First German edition

Kramberg, K.H. "Wegweiser der Träume: Richard Brautigan beim Forellenfischen in Amerika." Süddeutsche Zeitung 17 Nov. 1971: ***?***.

READ this review, in German.
Widmer, Urs. "Zärtliches Forellenfischen: Ein Roman von Richard Brautigan." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 13 Nov. 1971: ***?***.

READ this review, in German.
Front cover To Psarema Tes Pestrophas Sten Amerike. Trans. Gianna Chilampea. Athens: Plethron, 1984.
First Greek edition
136 pages
Printed wrappers
Front cover Pisztrángfogás Amerikabán. Trans. Gy. Horváth Lázló. Budapest: Europa (Modern Könyvtár 434), 1981.
First Hungarian edition
285 pages
Printed wrappers
Collects two novels: Trout Fishing in America and A Confederate General from Big Sur [translated as: In the American Civil War].
Front cover Silungsveioi í Ameríku. Trans. Gyrðir Elíasson. Akranesi: Hörpuútgáfan, 1992.
184 pages; ISBN 9979-50-021-2
Printed wrappers
Feedback from Gyrðir Elíasson
Gyrðir Elíasson. Email to John F. Barber, 22 December 2010.
Front cover Pesca Alla Trota in America. Trans. Riccardo Duranti. Milano: Isbn Edizioni, October 2010.
Edited and afterword by Enrico Monti
150 pages: ISBN: 9788876382185
Revises Duranti's 1989 translation for the Serra e Riva Editori edition (see below)

Petrella, Marco. l'Unità 21 November 2010: 38, 39.
A review in comic form by Italian artist Marco Petrella appeared in his weekly column in the newspaper L'Unità.

From left to right, the panels read:
Panel 1: "Richard Brautigan Trout Fishing in America isbn"
Panel 2: "More than a guide, a state of mind."
Panel 3: Brautigan quote from the novel about a pretty girl with a body like a clear river.
Panel 4: "With On the Road, a fundamental book for the underground culture."
Panel 5: "With the clever constructions you can buy a little river at $19.50."
Panel 6: "Surreal, ironic, and dreaming. A time capsule for our times."
Panel 7: "Still, The Beatles fall in love with him and record a record album of poetry for Apple Records."
Online Resources
Information about this book, in Italian, at the Isbn Edizioni website

An interview with Enrico Monti, in Italian, about Brautigan

Marco Petrella's website
Front cover Pesca Alla Trota in America. Trans. Marco Zapparoli. Milano: Marcos y Marcos, 1999.

The chapters "Prologue To Girder Creek" and "The Lake Josephus Days" and the last line of the chapter "Prelude to the Mayonnaise Chapter" from this book are available online in Italian.

Online Resources
These chapters in Italian

A description of this book in the Marcos y Marcos catalog

Feedback from Marco Zapparoli, publisher, Marcos y Marcos
Marco Zapparoli. Email to John F. Barber, 6 June 2002.
Pesca Alla Trota in America. Trans. Riccardo Duranti. Milano: Mondadori/Leonardo, 1994.
First Leonardo edition
Printed wrappers
Pesca Alla Trota in America. Trans. Riccardo Duranti. Milano: Serra e Riva Editori, 1989.
First Italian edition
Printed wrappers
Front cover Amerika no masu tsuri. Trans. Kazuko Fujimoto. Tokyo: Shobunsha, 1975.
212 pages; ISBN 4-7949-2285-X
Hard Cover, with printed paper dustjacket
(image shows front and spine of dustjacket)
Front cover Miguk ui songo nakssi. Trans. Song-gon Kim and Mun-gun Song. Soul Tùkpyolsi: Chungang Ilbosa, 1991.
203 pages
Front Cover Upetakiu zvejyba Amerikoje. Trans. Saul Repecka. ***: Kitos kynygos [Other Books], 2007.
152 pages, ISBN-10: 9955640324, ISBN-13: 978-9955640325
Printed wrappers
Front Cover Ørretfiske I Amerika. Trans. Olav Angell. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1974.
4.5" x 7.5 inches
122 pages; ISBN 8-205-06410-5
Green, blue, and black printed wrappers
Reprinted in 2002
Seyd e Qezel-Ala dar America [Trout Fishing in America]. Trans. Houshyar Ansarifar. Tehran, Iran: Nashre Ney, 2006.
207 pages; ISBN: 964-312-800-8
Printed wrappers
Front cover illustration by Farhad Fozouni
Front cover Seyd e Qezel-Ala dar America [Trout Fishing in America]. Trans. Payam Yazdanjoo. Tehran, Iran: Nashre Cheshmeh, 2005.
196 pages; ISBN 964-362-215-0
Includes a Preface by the translator
"The Cleveland Wrecking Yard." Hamm_e chiz va hich chiz [All and Nothing]. Trans. Hassan Afshar. Tehran: Iran, 1997.
Front Cover Lowienie pstragów w Ameryce. Trans. Pawel Marcinkiewicz and Jacek Podsiadlo. Poznan: Rebis, March 2000.
First Polish edition
149 Pages; ISBN 83-7120-863-4
Front cover Pescar Truta na América. Trans. José J. Veiga. São Paulo, Brazil: Marco Zero: June 1991.
180 pages; ISBN 85-279-0124-2
Printed wrappers

Translator's note
How I discovered Richard Brautigan

Commenting on a book by Richard Brautigan, someone wrote at the Examiner & Chronicler of San Francisco (the article is not signed) that "when we are old, people will be writing 'Brautigans', like today we write novels". Because Richard Brautigan was an inventor. He managed to write his texts as if he were inventing literature.

Hunter of the unusual in literature, I discovered Richard Brautigan in the beginning of the 1970s at a small bookshop in Ouvidor street (it no longer exists) specialized in foreign editions. The cover and the title, In Watermelon Sugar, drew me in. I opened the book—and the first sentence gripped me: "In watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar. I'll tell you about it because I am here and you are distant". This guy is something else, I thought. I was captured.

The reading of any Richard Brautigan book is a rare intellectual adventure. One never knows what comes next, and whatever comes is always a surprise. It is not the case here of that experimentalism at times brilliant but about nothing, of which even the most intellectual of readers is tired already. Brautigan's text is always new, always inventive, always original—and always about something. It is about everything that concerns human beings in this preposterous and at the same time fascinating world. Whoever wants to attest this, has in their hands the opportunity to do so.
Front cover La pescuit de pastravi in America. Trans. Liviu Bleoca. Iasi: Polirom, 2004.
First Romanian edition
192 pages; ISBN 973-681-574-9
Printed wrappers
Feedback from Liviu Bleoca
Liviu Bleoca. Email to John F. Barber, 22 October 2004.
Front cover Lovlya Foreli v Amerikye. St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2002.
Limited Edition: 7,000 copies
320 pages
Hard Cover, with printed dust jacket
Collects Trout Fishing in America, A Confederate General from Big Sur, Please Plant This Book, and fifty-eight of the ninety-eight poems from The Pill versus The Springhill Mine Disaster. The forty poems not included are: "General Custer versus the Titanic," "Oranges," "Xerox Candy Bar," "The First Winter Snow," "The Wheel," "Map Shower," "The Double-Bed Dream Gallows," "December 30," "The Sawmill," "I've Never Had It Done So Gently Before," "Our Beautiful West Coast Thing," "Man," "Hollywood," "Your Necklace is Leaking," "It's Going Down," "Hey, Bacon!," "The Rape of Ophelia," "A CandleLion Poem," "Flowers for Those You Love," "It's Raining in Love," "I Lie Here in a Strange Girl's Apartment," "My Nose Is Growing Old," "Crab Cigar," "The Sidney Greenstreet Blues," "Indirect Popcorn," "Albion Breakfast," "The Postman," "A Mid-February Sky Dance," "The Quail," "Milk for the Duck," "Nine Things," "Sit Comma and Creeley Comma," "Automatic Anthole," "I Cannot Answer You Tonight in Small Portions," "Your Catfish Friend," "December 24," "Horse Race," "After Halloween Slump," "Gee, You're so Beautiful That It's Starting to Rain," and "The Garlic Meat Lady from."
Front Cover Trout Fishing in America, Revenge of the Lawn. ***: Moscow, 2002.
376 pages
Hard Cover, with printed dustjacket
Collects Trout Fishing in America and Revenge of the Lawn.
La Pesca de Truchas en Norteamérica. Trans. Federico Campbell. México, D.F.: Editorial Extemporáneos, 1972.
204 pages
Front cover Öringfiske i America: en roman. Trans. Caj Lundgren. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1971.
First Swedish edition
131 pages
Printed wrappers
Front cover Amerika'da Alabalik Avi. Trans. Kerem Kamil Koç. Istanbul: Altıkirkbes Yayinlari, 2011.
Printed wrappers; 180 pages
Front cover Amerika'da Alabalik Avi. Trans. Zekeriya S. Sen. Istanbul: Altikirkbes Yayin (6.45), 1995.
Printed wrappers
Front cover Amerika'da Alabalik Avi. Trans. Ayse G. Gure. Istanbul: Can Yayinlari Ltd. STI, 1994.
First Turkish edition
Printed wrappers

"Knock on Wood [Part Two]." Lexington, New York: Art Awareness Gallery, 1979.
Oblong folio broadside as as speciality publication.
Front Cover The Body. Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 1991.
212 pages
Features twenty three black and white photographs of art sculptures and the stories that inspired the artists.
Reprints "Worsewick" and "Red Lip," both chapters from Trout Fishing in America
Brand, Stuart. "Trout Fishing in America." The Last Whole Earth Catalog: Access To Tools. Ed. Stuart Brand. Menlo Park, CA: Portola Institute, 1971. 254.
Reprints brief excerpts from the novel.
If it's fish you're after, go to p. 280. For headfishing, stick around.
Whole Earth Review Winter 1998: 2.
Front Cover Brykczynski, Terry and David Reuther, eds. The Armchair Angler. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1986. 64-66.

Reprints the chapter "The Hunchback Trout."
Front Cover James, Laurence, ed. Electric Underground: A City Lights Reader. London: New English Library, 1973. 128-131.
Hardcover with dustjacket; ISBN-13 978-0450016028

Reprints three chapters: "Worsewick," "The Salt Creek Coyotes," and "A Half-Sunday Homage to a Whole Leonardo da Vinci" that originally appeared in City Lights Journal (1) 1963: 27-32. (see above)

A United Kingdom anthology intended to introduce City Lights Books and the Beat Generation. Reprints poetry and prose by authors published in City Lights Books including (in order of appearance) Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Jack Kerouac, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Miroslav Holub, Andrei Voznesensky, Michael McClure, Norman Mailer, Mayakovsky, Philip Lamantia, Pablo Picasso, William Burroughs, Anselm Hollo, Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Semyon Kirsanov, Julian Beck, Gary Snyder, Jeff Nuttall, Jean Genet, Antonin Artaud, Tom Pickard, Michael Horowitz, and Brautigan.
Weber, Erik. "Richard Brautigan Postcard." Greenville, CA

Weber created a postcard from his photograph of Brautigan and Michaela Blake-Grand that appeared on the front cover of Trout Fishing in America.

Listening to Richard Brautigan album cover In 1970, Brautigan released a record album titled "Listening to Richard Brautigan" that featured him reading poetry, short stories, and selections from some of his novels. One reading was "The Hunchback Trout," a chapter from Trout Fishing in America.

LISTEN to Brautigan read the "The Hunchback Trout."

In addition to the specific reviews detailed below, commentary about this book may also be included in General Reviews of Brautigan's work and his place in American literature, or reviews of his Collections.

Allen, Trevor. "Richard Brautigan." Books & Bookmen June 1973: 138.
The full text of this review reads
This wayout pop writer angles for more than trout in river of life, gets some magical catches.
Anonymous. "Polluted Eden." The Times Literary Supplement [London Times] 14 August 1970: 893.
Reviews and compares Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar. Concludes Trout Fishing in America is "an American manner for American matter: a slender classic."

READ the full text of this review.

—. "Trout Fishing in America." Publishers Weekly 3 January 1972: 66.
The full text of this review reads
When is Brautigan going to get it all together? His intelligence comes in glittery flashes, and this book is like a carelessly-strung chain of beads—some plastic, chipped and broken, some perfect diamonds. He is difficult to read, because it is too easy to check out the short short entries on a browsing level and too demanding to sit down and puzzle out the pieces until they fit. Whether this is deliberate or the result of planning it is impossible for us to decipher. Some of the short prose pieces are funny, some are telling what seems to be part of a story, some of the poetry is complee and some is ragged. The whole is an almost beautiful puzzle with pieces missing.
Bales, Kent. "Fishing the Ambivalence, or, a Reading of 'Trout Fishing in America'." Western Humanities Review 29 (Winter) 1975: 29-42.
Concludes that Brautigan skillfully handles the deliberate ambivalences that help develop the novel's theme.

READ the full text of this review.

Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 5. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976. 67-72.
Busani, Marina. "Altre Seduzioni: Trout Fishing in America di Richard Brautigan." Il Lettore di Provincia (60) 16 March 1985: 50-59.
Criticism from an Italian perspective.
Carpenter, Don. "A Book for Losers." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle 15 October 1967: 39, 42, 46.
Features reviews by Herbert Gold and Don Carpenter, prefaced by introductory remarks by the editor, "W.H.", which read
A strange very "in" literary bauble by the San Francisco writer Richard Brautigan (A Confederate General from Big Sur) titled Trout Fishing in America, appears from The Four Seasons Foundation, San Francisco ($1.95). For some time this has had an underground reputation in an around the literary scene, but no two readers can agree what Trout Fishing in America is about.

We asked two Bay Area novelists to share their thoughts on the work. Herbert Gold's most recent novel is Father's. Don Carpenter (Hard Rain Falling), is the author of the forthcoming Blade of Light, both published by Harcourt, Brace and World.
READ the full text of this review.
Chénetier, Marc. "Les Images dans Trout Fishing in America de Richard Brautigan." Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines (1) April 1976: 39-53.
Clayton, John. "Richard Brautigan: The Politics of Woodstock." New American Review. Number 11. Ed. Theodore Solotaroff. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. 56-68.
Equates Brautigan's work with the politics of the American counterculture.

READ the full text of this review.

Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 12. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980. 57-74.
Cleary, Michael. "Richard Brautigan's Gold Nib: Artistic Independence in 'Trout Fishing in America'." English Record 35 [Second Quarter] 1984: 18-20.

READ the full text of this review.
Coleman, John. "Finny Peculiar." The Observer [London] 26 July 1970: 25.
Reviews the Jonathan Cape editions of both Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar. Say concerning Trout Fishing in America
Trout Fishing in America is a pleasant surprise, though probably not so for aspiring anglers. It's a little as if [Ernest] Hemingway had stopped worrying about his masculinity, being a simple anecdotal ramble around memories and rural America.
READ the full text of this review.
Cooley, John. "The Garden in the Machine: Three Postmodern Pastorals." Michigan Academician 13(4) Spring 1981: 405-420.
Examines "Morris in Chains" from Robert Coover's book of fictions, Pricksongs and Descants; Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.'s Cat's Cradle; and Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America. Says they represent pastorals with certain common features, and "with a feeling about nature and the earth which does not exist in earlier pastoral fiction" (405). Concludes saying,
Brautigan more fully articulates the possibilities for pastoral conspiracy than the others. He seems to affirm ancient belief in the power of the word and of the imagination to transform lives, even nations. The "pastoral hope" resides in the power of a "green language." Thus one of the traditional functions of the poet is invoked anew: to warn against violations of natural law, and to create images, metaphors, and myths both ecologically harmonious and sufficiently compelling to protect the natural world. (419-420)

READ the full text of the reference to Brautigan.
Downing, Pamela. "On the Creation and Use of English Compound Nouns." Language December 1977: 810-842.
Collects and analyzes "non-lexicalized compounds" (noun+noun combinations) in Trout Fishing in America and The Hawkline Monster.
Farrell, J. G. "Hair Brained." Spectator [London] 225(7415) 8 August 1970: 133.
Reviews The Book of Giuliano Sansevero by Andrea Giovene, The Age of Death by William Leonard Marshall, An Estate of Memory by Ilona Karmel, and Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar by Brautigan.

READ the full text of the reference to Brautian.
Fiene, Donald M. "Trout Fishing in America." Masterplots II. American Fiction Series. 4 vols. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1986. Vol. 4, 1702-1706.

READ the full text of this review.
Furbank, P. N. "Pacific Nursery." The Listener [London] 84(2158) 6 August 1970: 186-187.
Reviews the Jonathan Cape editions of Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar. Says of the books, "it is best to think of them as children's books" and of Brautigan, "His is a most entrancing kind of pop writing, the prettiest of wallpapers for that great nursery by the Pacific."

READ the full text of this review.
Gillespie, Bruce R. "Rats Reviews." SF Commentary: The Independent Magazine about Science Fiction 40 May 1974: 52-54.
Reviews the Picador editions of Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar.

Published in Melbourne, Australia. Bruce Gillespie, publisher. SF Commentary began publishing in 1969 and continued on an irregular basis. Publication suspended 1981-1989 and 1993-1997. Focuses on science fiction commentary, criticism, history, and book reviews.

READ the full text of this review.
Gold, Herbert. "A Book for Losers." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle 15 October 1967: 39, 42, 46.
Features reviews by Herbert Gold and Don Carpenter, prefaced by introductory remarks by the editor, "W.H.", which read
A strange very "in" literary bauble by the San Francisco writer Richard Brautigan (A Confederate General from Big Sur) titled Trout Fishing in America, appears from The Four Seasons Foundation, San Francisco ($1.95). For some time this has had an underground reputation in an around the literary scene, but no two readers can agree what Trout Fishing in America is about.

We asked two Bay Area novelists to share their thoughts on the work. Herbert Gold's most recent novel is Father's. Don Carpenter (Hard Rain Falling), is the author of the forthcoming Blade of Light, both published by Harcourt, Brace and World.
READ the full text of this review.
Hayden, Brad. "Echoes of 'Walden' in 'Trout Fishing in America'." Thoreau Quarterly Journal July 1976: 21-26.
Notes the similarities between Henry David Thoreau's Walden and Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America and discusses their various levels of structure.

READ the full text of this review.

Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 12. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980. 57-74.
Hearron, Thomas. "Escape through Imagination in 'Trout Fishing in America'." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction 16(1) 1974: 25-31.
Says the novel is "firmly rooted in the American tradition." Says the novel's central point is the notion of "imaginative escape."

READ the full text of this review.

Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 5. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976. 67-72.
Kolin, Phillip C. "Food for Thought in Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America." Studies in Contemporary Satire: A Creative and Critical Journal 8 (Spring) 1981: 9-20.

READ the full text of this review.
Lhamon, W. T. "Break and Enter to Breakaway: Scotching Modernism in the Social Novel of the American Sixties." Boundry 2 3(2) Winter 1975: 289-306.
Notes that American fiction, including that written by Brautigan, represents a new model of consciousness. Provides examples from several current works of fiction, including Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America. Concludes by saying this new "breakaway" fiction reacts against conventional expectations, most often by becoming self-referential and heaving itself against those expectations, creating, in some cases, character, style, and nuance from the violence and pain of confrontation as it strives to move beyond a system that says only "NO."

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Malley front cover
Malley, Terence. Richard Brautigan. New York: Warner, 1972.
The first critical survey of Brautigan's work through 1971. Chapter 6, "Toward a Vision of America," deals with Trout Fishing in America. One of several reference books focusing on Brautigan.

Martins, Heitor. "Pescando Trutas na América com Richard Brautigan." Minas Gerais, Suplemento Literário 30 August 1975: 6.
Criticism from a Brazilian perspective.
McDonell, Terry. "Fish This." Editor's Notes. Sports Afield 215(3) April 1999: 8.
This month's cover line, "Trout Fishing in America," is not new. It is the title of a novel by Richard Brautigan that City Lights Books first put out in 1967. The book was considered highly eccentric at the rime; and the truth is that the manuscript had been rejected by every major publisher and agent. But there was something very compelling about the tide, something sophisticated yet down-home—just like trout fishing. The book sold millions of copies, was translated into 27 languages, and heralded an entire generation of cranky, stylists. Brautigan, who had been poor; suddenly had the means to purchase all the new rods, reels and tackle he could ever want. Sometimes he would say that the book was about love, sometimes he would say it was about America, and sometimes he would say it was about mayonnaise; but he always said he would rather be fishing than writing.

An elegant if impatient angler, Brautigan prowled the spring creeks of the Yellowstone, where he was once visited by a Japanese radio crew dispatched from Tokyo (where he was wildly popular) to record the sound of his line tiding on the air above the water. "All very Zen," explained Brautigan. The author was also known on occasion to discharge firearms at targets at the far end of his dining room (not very Zen at all). But one such evening, Brautigan brought forth a kind of literary enlightenment. After dinner, he produced a letter from a publisher who had turned the book down without reading it, thinking the last thing America needed was another book about trout fishing. The publisher now said he had been foolish to judge the book by its tide, and asked if there might be any more like Trout Fishing in America lying around.

"But it is about trout fishing!" Brautigan howled. "Everything in America is about trout fishing if you've got the correct attitude." Turn to James Prosek's paintings on page 97 and you'll see exactly what Brautigan meant.
Also featured the photograph by Erik Weber of Brautigan and and Michaela Blake-Grand that appeared on the front cover of the first edition of Trout Fishing in America.
Mellard, James M. "Brautigan's 'Trout Fishing in America'." The Exploded Form: The Modernist Novel in America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980.
Trout Fishing in America as exemplar of sophisticated phase of modernist novel, 155-168; as center of late modernist fiction, 155; Brautigan and Wallace Stevens, 168; mentioned, 16, 21, 173.

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Front Cover
Mills, Joseph. Reading Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America. Boise, Idaho: Boise State University Press, 1998.
66 pages plus bibliography; 0.5" x 5.5" x 8.0"; ISBN: 0884301346
Paperback, with printed wrappers
#135 in the Western Writers Series
Provides a critical assessment of Trout Fishing in America.

Mills also wrote "'Debauched by a book' Benjamin Franklin, Richard Brautigan, and The Pleasure of the Text"
Montgomery, John. "A Nature Book for Hippies." Los Angeles Free Press 8 December 1967: 23.
Concludes, "this book ought to be required reading in hippie pads."

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Pendel, George. "Book Cover: Trout Fishing in America." [Financial Times London] 30 August 2010.
"It's 26 years since Brautigan committed suicide, but he still peers out from the cover of his strange and unclassifiable book, daring readers to see what Trout Fishing in America means to them.

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Online Resources
This review at the website
Ritterman, Pamela. "Trout Fishing in America." Commonweal 26 September 1969: 601.
The full text of this review reads
This book has been around for a while, enjoying some underground success. It's really about trout fishing in America. There's something of Hemingway, but also of Izaak Walton in this small compendium of anecdotes, observations, a few recipes. Brautigan can write whimsey that, miraculously, is neither cute nor embarrassing. Trout Fishing is a funny, delightful book that draws freely on American mythic attitudes, the tones and rhythms of drifting, searching out trout streams, thinking slow thoughts in wide country.
Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 12. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980. 57-74.
Schneck, Stephen. "Trout Fishing in America." Ramparts December 1967: 80-87.
Schneck participated on the Creative Arts Conference program with Brautigan in August 1969.

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Schönfelder, Karl-Heinz. "Richard Brautigan: Forellenfischen in Amerika." Weimarer Beitrage: Zeitschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft, Asthetik und Kulturtheorie 34(3) 1988: 461-470.
Review from a German perspective.
Seib, Kenneth. "Trout Fishing in America: Brautigan's Funky Fishing Yarn." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction 13(2) 1971: 63-71.
Comments on Brautigan's style noting his apparent intent to project disillusionment with the American dream.

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Siegel, Mark. "Trout Fishing in America." Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature. 5 vols. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1983. Vol. 4, 1979.

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Skau, Michael. "American Ethos: Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America." Portland Review 27(1) Fall/Winter 1981: 17-19.

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Stull, William L. "Richard Brautigan's Trout Fishing in America: Notes of a Native Son." American Literature 56(1) March 1984: 68-80.

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Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 42. Eds. Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1980. 48-66.
Tanner, Tony. "The Dream and the Pen." The Times [London] 25 July 1970: 5.
Reviews both Trout Fishing in America and In Watermelon Sugar.

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Vanderwerken, David L. "Trout Fishing in America and the American Tradition." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction 16(1) 1974: 32-40.
Argues that the novel pursues a traditional theme: "the gap between ideal America and real America."

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Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 5. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1976. 67-72.
Front Cover
Whissen, Thomas Reed. "Trout Fishing in America." Classic Cult Fiction: A Companion to Popular Cult Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. 274-279.

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White, Lawrence La Riviere. "Jack Spicer's Best Seller, Trout Fishing in America." The Valve 3 September 2006.

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Online Resource
White's essay at The Valve website
A music drama for one actor and five musicians by Mason Bates
Stirling, Grant. "Mourning and Metafiction: Carole Maso's The Art Lover." Contemporary Literature 39(4) Winter 1998: 586-613.
Reviews The Art Lover by Carole Maso (San Francisco: North Point, 1990). Says it "explores issues of mourning and loss, sexuality and identification" while Maso utilizes elements of self-reflexivity to explore "ways in language to express the extreme" (586). Says the "patent" use of self-reflexivity to "relentlessly foreground" the "discursive rendering that shapes our worlds" is known as "metafiction." Notes that other authors have used this technique.
When Richard Brautigan employs fanciful figural language that stretches a reader's imagination by the incongruity of the image—"The trouts would wait there like airplane tickets for us to come"; "I waded about seventy-three telephone booths in"—he implicitly foregrounds the artifice that inhabits language while still using that language throughout Trout Fishing in America. (587-588)