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Hakan Braxton
Lives in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
3 followers|7,348 views


Hakan Braxton

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International Executive Director of Greenpeace Kumi Naidoo at University of Sydney Charles Perkins Lecture Theater
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Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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If you eaten those products for the first 20 years of your life unkowingly....You may have passed the defects onto your kids..DNA is the blueprint of your cells and the damage cannot be undone, just like smoking the sooner you give it up the more chances your survival will increase and the less genetic diseases you will carry.

Hakan Braxton

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Helen Caldicott Symposium: Possible Nuclear Extinction 1st March 2015
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Hakan Braxton

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We live in a Nuclear Waste World were Humans can not turn back the clock on the damage that has been in effect for many decades, how do we clean up this insidious act?
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Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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safety is an illusion. The dead end technology is only good for Destroying the planet and the People in it.

Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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1/500th the cost of a real drum set and sounds marvelous! 5 Stars for recycling!
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Paulette Audrey's profile photo
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Hakan Braxton

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Dogs helping elephants? Check out how African Wildlife Foundation is bringing an unlikely animal duo together to stop poaching:
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Hakan Braxton

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Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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How do you get penalized for lowering your own carbon footprint by becoming self sufficient?

Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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EPA, Gov, the legislation are all %100 corrupted, not one ounce of moral, resent or truth can be seen here, the harm they caused to the general population has always had health damaging consequences. After all we have the most highest leading cancer and autoimmune disease rates in the world and still rapidly rising since the 1950's. The evidence dont lie.

Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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 if you put all the Humans on the planet side by side and integrate their brains and wire them up with each other they still wont have the ability or capacity to solve a problem like this or either make it go away. This is only abundant how far and how good God has given us intelligence, just enough to fit into a nut shell and self destruct. Animals were not given this intelligence due to them have spanned millions of years, just like the dinoursaurs over 125 million years, the extra chromosone in human DNA is called the self destructing Gene, to ensure a limit and capacity to see the end of an experimented species.

Hakan Braxton

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Pitt Street Mall Sydney, I was their :)
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Paulette Audrey's profile photo
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Writer, Author, Public Speaker, Master Barista and into Comedy Art.
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AKA Turkish Superman
Lies Will Lock you up but the truth will set you free - Hakan
The Bible foretold a time when man would "ruin the earth" (Revelation 11:18)
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
New South Wales, 2500, Australia
Yes it is true what they say, cheap prices are only the nasty beginning, Refund Please!
Public - 4 weeks ago
reviewed 4 weeks ago
Its all in the Name...Truly the Best!
Public - a month ago
reviewed a month ago
Not a bad drive if your looking for something different for a change, The pies taste like any other ordinary pie, your just paying more for location.
Public - a month ago
reviewed a month ago
Customer service is Very Important in all aspects. I Wanted to do a First Aid course in Wollongong, But these guys never took the time to respond to Phone or Email, And another person said the same thing about it, Shame. So i took my business elsewhere.
Public - a year ago
reviewed a year ago
6 reviews
Before you take the trip just be Aware that this is a Privately owned and Run facility with staggering Admission and Food prices.
Public - a month ago
reviewed a month ago
They say good to employ local, In mid 2014 walked in to ask for measure and quote on a product I wanted to install, worker said leave your full details and will get the boss to give you a call, never heard back ever since. Address, phone & email.
Public - 5 months ago
reviewed 5 months ago