CERES Global

CERES Global invites you to travel internationally on unique participatory, cross cultural, educational and skill sharing programs. Each year we take people with us to visit, learn from and work with our international partner organisations all doing exceptional work in the areas of sustainability, environment, community development, social equity and education.
The trips are open to people of any age or background wanting to travel sustainably with meaning and purpose beyond the tourist trail and willing to open their hearts and minds to another culture and way of life.

CERES Global

CERES Global invites you to travel internationally on unique participatory, cross cultural, educational and skill sharing programs. Each year we take people with us to visit, learn from and work with our international partner organisations all doing exceptional work in the areas of sustainability, environment, community development, social equity and education.
The trips are open to people of any age or background wanting to travel with meaning and purpose beyond the tourist trail and willing to open their hearts and minds to another culture and way of life.

CERES Global News

308, 2016

Living on Country in Arnhem Land

August 3rd, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Arnhem Land|Tags: , , , , |

This poem was written by Darcy Neave, a participant on the CERES Global Arnhem Land Living on Country Workshop. There is magic in this place In this Faraway Land, Where the sun burns hot In [...]

2707, 2016

Rethinking Approaches to Development and Sustainability

July 27th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I was recently asked by one of our participants who travelled with us on our Permaculture design Course in Timor to participate in a number of research questions related to his studies. The key questions [...]

703, 2016

IT students click with schools in India

March 7th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global India|Tags: , , , , |

This article is was originally published in Swinburne Media on 4th March 2016. Swinburne University of Technology students are moving beyond the classroom and applying their IT and business skills to help remote tribal communities [...]

2402, 2016

Support our Housing Project Team in India

February 24th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global India|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The CERES Global team are raising funds to help send some of the team over to Jamnya in March. The Start Some good campaign is now live so follow the links and donate a few [...]

909, 2015

September 9th, 2015|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Timor Leste|

Aileu Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) and the Rai Husar Foundation (Chris Adams, Friends of Aileu) Background The District of Aileu, while not far from Dili, has for long been regarded as a relatively disadvantaged [...]

909, 2015

Reflections on Samoa

September 9th, 2015|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Samoa|

Some reflections on our 2014 Samoa trip,  By Charlotte and Melanie. On Sunday, we got up early to go help prepare a traditional Samoan Umu. We had been invited by Tu and his wife Lei [...]

Newsletter Sign-up

CERES Global is a project of the not-for-profit CERES Community Environment Park, and all trips run at cost price. Fees include meals, accommodation, transport, community contributions, facilitator support, carbon offsets, pre trip preparations and administration. It does not include flights, visas, medical and items of a personal nature.

For further details:
(03) 9389 0183

Read our Responsible Travel Framework

CERES Global travel to various communities, and in doing so identify partners and community groups with which we hope to develop a connection. Returning annually, sharing our stories and experiences, we are able to develop rapport and understanding, and build long term meaningful friendships. With these friendships and ongoing connection, we find we are able to have a greater impact, contributing to a more cohesive global community, and address social and environmental challenges from a position of equality.
After a number of visits to a particular community, it is often the case that through community dialogue and engagement, an opportunity to work together on a project or activity is identified. CERES Global recognise that the activity must be community driven, seeking to work alongside the community, intending to overcome a social or environmental challenge. Based on the requirements of a particular project, CERES Global will recruit participants with a relevant skill set to the project, and in certain circumstances seek funding to meet the costs of undertaking the project. Often it is the CERES Global participants who will lead the way in establishing and playing an ongoing role in completing projects with the community.

CERES Global News

308, 2016

Living on Country in Arnhem Land

August 3rd, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Arnhem Land|Tags: , , , , |

This poem was written by Darcy Neave, a participant on the CERES Global Arnhem Land Living on Country Workshop. There is magic in this place In this Faraway Land, Where the sun burns hot In [...]

2707, 2016

Rethinking Approaches to Development and Sustainability

July 27th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I was recently asked by one of our participants who travelled with us on our Permaculture design Course in Timor to participate in a number of research questions related to his studies. The key questions [...]

703, 2016

IT students click with schools in India

March 7th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global India|Tags: , , , , |

This article is was originally published in Swinburne Media on 4th March 2016. Swinburne University of Technology students are moving beyond the classroom and applying their IT and business skills to help remote tribal communities [...]

2402, 2016

Support our Housing Project Team in India

February 24th, 2016|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global India|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The CERES Global team are raising funds to help send some of the team over to Jamnya in March. The Start Some good campaign is now live so follow the links and donate a few [...]

909, 2015

September 9th, 2015|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Timor Leste|

Aileu Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) and the Rai Husar Foundation (Chris Adams, Friends of Aileu) Background The District of Aileu, while not far from Dili, has for long been regarded as a relatively disadvantaged [...]

909, 2015

Reflections on Samoa

September 9th, 2015|Categories: CERES Global, CERES Global Samoa|

Some reflections on our 2014 Samoa trip,  By Charlotte and Melanie. On Sunday, we got up early to go help prepare a traditional Samoan Umu. We had been invited by Tu and his wife Lei [...]