For help using NUnit or general information...

The nunit-discuss mailing list is the best place to start. It is monitored regularly by the NUnit developers and other experienced users. Describe your problem clearly and be sure to indicate the version of NUnit you are using.

Note: In order to reduce spam, we have set up the list to reject posts from non-subscribers. Subscribe to the list first, using the same email address from which you plan to post.

To report a bug or request a new feature or enhancement...

For bugs, first make sure it really is a bug. Post on the mailing list if you aren't sure.

Next check the relevant issue list on GitHub (see below) to see if someone else has already reported the same issue. If so, you can add more details as a comment.

When submitting a new issue giving as much information as you can. For bugs, be sure to include the version of NUnit you are using together with information about the environment in which you are running. In particular, let us know if the problem relates to running with a third-party runner like TD.Net or Resharper. For new features, try to describe clearly what you want.

Issues on GitHub

If you are not sure where to report a particular problem, please ask! If you aren't sure, don't worry... we can cross-reference it from the appropriate project.

Note: Bugs are no longer accepted on the NUnit V2 and NUnitLite projects. NUnit V2 bugs should be filed against the most appropriate project above and we'll check to see the problem doesn't occur in NUnit 3.0. NUnitLite bugs should be filed against the NUnit Framework, noting that the bug was found in the nunitlite environment.

To discuss or contribute to NUnit development...

Start by joining the nunit-developer list and introducing yourself. This list is used for development discussions about NUnit. It's open to everyone and is the best place to discuss your ideas or to learn how to contribute to NUnit.