1. 16:40 30th May 2016

    Notes: 16

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

    image: Download

  2. 16:20

    Notes: 58

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

    image: Download

  3. 16:20 27th May 2016

    Notes: 11

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

  4. 16:20 26th May 2016

    Notes: 33

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

    image: Download

  5. 16:20 25th May 2016

    Notes: 18

    Reblogged from myanarchistproseandpoetry

    All parties without exception, when they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism.
    — Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, As quoted in Crown’s Book of Political Quotations : Over 2500 Lively Quotes from Plato to Reagan (1982) by Michael Jackman, p. 160 (via myanarchistproseandpoetry)
  6. 16:40 24th May 2016

    Notes: 15

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

  7. 16:20

    Notes: 12

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

    image: Download

  8. 16:20 23rd May 2016

    Notes: 491

    Reblogged from art-and-anarchism

    image: Download

  9. 16:20 22nd May 2016

    Notes: 8

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

    image: Download

  11. 16:20

    Notes: 12

    Reblogged from individualistanarchist


    Markets Not Capitalism

    Audiobook version with free downloadable text and audio chapters

  12. 10:20 17th May 2016

    Notes: 21

    Reblogged from notbeinggoverned

  13. myanarchistproseandpoetry:
““All my economic ideas as developed over twenty-five years can be summed up in the words: agricultural-industrial federation. All my political ideas boil down to a similar formula: political federation or...


    “All my economic ideas as developed over twenty-five years can be summed up in the words: agricultural-industrial federation. All my political ideas boil down to a similar formula: political federation or decentralization.”
    - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, ‘Du principe Fédératif [Principle of Federation] (1863)’

  14. 06:40

    Notes: 18

    Reblogged from myanarchistproseandpoetry

    Property is the Right of Increase claimed by the Proprietor over any thing which he has stamped as his own.
    — Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property? (1840), Chapter IV (via myanarchistproseandpoetry)
  15. 10:20 15th May 2016

    Notes: 3

    image: Download