Upcoming Events for Progressives




SOCIALISM – The Socialism Conference is scheduled for July 1-4 in Chicago, featuring talks and panel discussions.

Contact: [email protected]; http://www.socialismconference.org.

CUBA – The 27th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is traveling through the US from July 5-15. The Caravan will educate about the important role US citizens can play in lifting the U.S. blockade of Cuba and the travel ban. We will visit congressional offices and invite caravan event organizers and supporters to join us in these meetings.

Contact: https://ifconews.org.

TEACHERS – The Badass Teachers Association (BAT) and many others will convene The People’s March for Education and Social Justice Event July 8-10, in Washington, DC.

Contact: http://www.badassteacher.org/.

AMERICAN-ARAB – The National American-Arab Cultural Festival will take place July 9, in Washington, DC.

Contact: 1990 M Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036;  202-244-2990; [email protected] http://www.adc.org/.

PEACESTOCK – On July 9, the 14th Annual Peacestock: A Gathering for Peace, will take place near Cannon Falls, MN. The event is a mixture of music, speakers and community for peace. Sponsored by Veterans for Peace and others.

Contact: Bill Habedank, 1913 Grandview Ave., Red Wing, MN 55066; 651-388-7733; [email protected]; http://www.peacestockvfp.org.

SOCIAL FORUM – The Toronto Peoples’ Social Forum, will be held in Toronto, July 10-11.

Contact: http://www.peoplessocialforum.org/.

BLACK NEW YORK – The Many Worlds of Black New York is a study conference held July 11-15 in New York City by the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University.

Contact: http://www.columbiastsi.com/.

LEONARD PELTIER – The Peltier Justice Ride 2016 will be July 12-24, from Banks, OR to Washington, DC. People can participate in many ways.

Contact: http://www.peltierjustice.com/.

DNC & RNC – Peoples Power Assemblies is organizing Shut Down the RNC & DNC, Build the Movement to Smash Capitalism & Racism, in Cleveland, July 17; and Philadelphia, July 26.

Contact: http://peoplespowerassemblies.org/.

FEMINIST CAMP – Feminist Camp is open to all who are interested in learning more about transforming feminist theory into practice. Camps are scheduled June 5-10 in New York City, and July 18-29 in Amherst, MA.

Contact: http://www.feministcamp.com/.

FREEDOM SCHOOL – The Youth Organizing Institute of North Carolina will be holding the 6th Annual Freedom School, various dates July 19-August 12.

Contact: http://empoweryouthnc.org/.

WOMEN – The 2016 Urban Bush Women Summer Leadership Institute will be held July 22-31, in Brooklyn, under the theme: You, Me, We: Understanding Internalized Racial Oppression & How it Manifests in Our Artistic Community.

Contact: 718-398-4783; [email protected]; https://www.urbanbushwomen.org.

PEOPLES’ CONVENTION – July 23, The People’s Revolution will convene The People’s Convention in Philadelphia, a grassroots attempt to reclaim democracy by uniting behind a common policy framework, rather than a personality or party.

Contact: https://thepeoplesrevolution. org/the-peoples-convention/.

CLIMATE – Power Shift 2016 will be in Philadelphia, PA, July 23-24; Detroit, MI, August 12-14; Orlando, FL, September 9-11. Power Shift brings young climate leaders together for movement-building organizing skills, shared excitement, and strong relationships needed for a long -term commitment to the grassroots work that will help realize a just, clean energy-powered future.

Contact: http://powershift2016.org/.

LA RAZA – The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 23-26 in Orlando, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions.

Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-785-1670; www.nclr.org.

CLEAN ENERGY – The March for a Clean Energy Revolution will be July 24, the night before the Democratic Convention, in Philadelphia.

Contact: http://www.cleanenergymarch.org/.

ACTIVIST CAMP – Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.

Contact: [email protected]; http://yeacamp.org/.

FOLK FESTIVAL – The Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held August 5-7, in the Berkshires, NY.

Contact: [email protected]; http://www.falconridgefolk.com/.

HEALTHCARE – NESRI (National Economic & Social Rights Intiative) and its partners in the Healthcare Is a Human Right Collaborative will hold their annual convening in Portland, Maine, August 5-7. The convening will bring together member-leaders for exchanges and strategic planning sessions between the state Healthcare Is a Human Right campaigns.

Contact: http://healthcareisahumanright.org/.

HIROSHIMA/NAGASAKI – Ground Zero Center’s weekend of events commemorating the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki takes place from August 7-9, and will include a demonstration at one of the entrance gates to the Bangor Trident base on August 8th, and a peace flotilla on Hood Canal adjacent to the Bangor base.

Contact: 16159 Clear Creek Rd. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370; 360-930-8697; http://www.gzcenter.org/.

SCHOOLS – The Satyagraha Institute: Training Leaders in the Traditions of Nonviolence, will be August 7-19, in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Contact: Satyagraha Institute, c/o Carl Kline, 825 Fourth Street, Brookings, SD 57006; 605-692-8465; [email protected]; http://www.satyagrahainstitute.org.

VETERANS/PEACE – Veterans for Peace is holding the 31st annual convention is August 11-15 in Berkeley, CA. This year’s theme is, Peace At Home, Peace Abroad: A Just and Sustainable Future for the World’s Children.

Contact: http://www.vfpnationalconvention.org/.

DISSIDENT ARTS – The Dissident Arts Festival will take place August 13, in New York City. The Dissident Arts Festival is the annual showcase of radical arts and activism, where revolutionary New Music meets Topical Song, Free Jazz, Dissident Poetry, Theatre and Film.

Contact: John Pietaro, 646-599-0060; [email protected]; http://www.dissidentarts.com/.

MEDIA – Alliance for Community Media (ACM) and the National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) will host a joint conference in Boston, MA, August 18-20.

Contact: http://www.allcommunitymedia.org/annual-conference.

PEACE – The 18th Annual Kateri Peace Conference: Confronting the Politics of Fear, will be held August 19-20, in upstate New York

Contact: http://kateripeaceconference.org/.

WOMEN’s CONFERENCE – The annual Twin Oaks Women’s Gathering will be held August 19-21.

Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894-5126; [email protected]; http://womensgathering.org/.

CLIMATE JUSTICE – The Rising Tide North American Continental Gathering will be August 31-September 2, in Washington, DC.

Contact: [email protected] america.org; http://risingtidenorthamerica.org/.

VETERANS/ANTI-MIL – The IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War) National Convention will be September 2-5, in Stony Point, NY.

Contact: PO Box 3565, New York, 10008-3565; 646-723-0989; http://www.ivaw.org/.

COMMUNITY CONFERENCE – The annual Twin Oaks Community Conference will be held September 2-5. The conference is committed to equality, participatory government, ecology, and non-violence.

Contact: 138 Twin Oaks Road # W, Louisa, VA 23093; 540-894-5126; [email protected]; http://communitiesconference.org/.

ARTS & CULTURE – The first Kinderland Arts & Activism Festival benefiting Camp Kinderland will take place in Tolland, Massachusetts over Labor Day weekend, September 3-5, 2016. The festival will bring together musicians, artists, and dancers, with activists and organizers for a celebration of art as an agent of peace.

Contact: http://campkinderland.org/festival/about-the-festival/.

LABOR DAY – The 32nd Annual Bread and Roses Heritage Festival, a celebration of the ethnic diversity and labor history of Lawrence, MA, will be held September 5, in honor of the 1912 Bread and Roses Strike.

Contact: Bread & Roses Heritage, PO Box 1137, Lawrence, MA 01842; 978-794-1655; [email protected]; http://www.breadandrosesheritage.org/.

LGBT – The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) will have its convention September 8-11, in Miami, FL.

Contact: [email protected]; http://nlgja.org/2016.

OCCUPY WALL STREET – September 17 is the five-year anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Events are planned in New York City and worldwide.

Contact: http://occuevolve.com; http://www.nycga.net/.

NATIVE MEDIA – The Native American Journalists Association and others will co-host Excellence In Journalism 2016, September 18-20, in New Orleans, LA.

Contact: NAJA, OU-Gaylord College, 395 W. Lindsey St., Norman, OK 73019-4201; 405-325-1649; http://www.naja.com.

NONVIOLENCE – Campaign Nonviolence Week is September 18-25. Over 500 marches are being planned worldwide. See the Campaign Nonviolence website for list of events.

Contact: http://paceebene.org/.

NONVIOLENCE – World Beyond War will host a conference September 23-25, with workshops and other trainings, in Washington, DC.

Contact: http://worldbeyondwar.org/.

INDIE PUBLISHING – The Rhode Island Independent Publishing Expo (RIPExpo) will be held September 24-25, in Providence. RI.

Contact: [email protected]; http://ripexpo.tumblr.com/.

MEDIA – The Union for Democratic Communications 2016 conference on media democracy, media activism, and social justice September 29-October 1, in Detroit.

Contact: http://www.democraticcommunications.org/conference/.

LGBTQ – The annual Out On Film Festival will take place September 29-October 6, in Atlanta.

Contact: [email protected]; http://outonfilm.org/.

STREET BANDS – The 11th Annual HONK! Festival of activist street bands will take place October 7-9, in Somerville, MA.

Contact: HONK! Festival, 100 Jackson Street, Cambridge, MA 02140; [email protected] fest.org;http://honkfest.org/.

PEACE WALK – The 5th Maine Peace Walk will take place on October 11. The organizing team is made up of individuals who are dedicated to creating a more peaceful, sustainable and just world.

Contact: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space,  04011; (207) 443-9502; [email protected]; http://www.space4peace.org/.

RESTORATIVE PRACTICES – The International Institute for Restorative Practicies (IIRP) will host its 21st World Conference, October 24-26, in Bethlehem, PA.

Contact: 610-807-9221; [email protected]; http://www.iirp.edu/.


Misc /Opportunities

LABOR – The Labor and Working Class History Association, an organization of scholars, teachers, students, labor educators and activists, welcomes individual and session proposals for the 2017 LAWCHA conference in Seattle, June 23-25. The conference theme will be Scales of Struggle: Communities, Movements, and Global Connections. Deadline: September 15.

Contact: LAWCHA, 226 Carr Building (East Campus), Box 90719, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0719;[email protected]; http://lawcha.org/.


CHINA/LABOR – China on Strike: Narratives of WorkersÆ Resistance provides an intimate and revealing window into the lives of workers organizing in some of ChinaÆs most profitable factories, which supply Apple, Nike, Hewlett Packard, and other multinational companies, drawing on dozens of interviews with Chinese workers.

Contact: Haymarket Books, PO Box 180165, Chicago, IL 60618; 773-583-7884;  http://www.haymarketbooks.org/.

SEX WORK/FEMINISM – Writer Lori Adorable has released The Girl with the Most Cake: A Diary of Sex and Violence, a novel told in essays, pictures, blog posts and tweets.

Contact: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-girl-with-the-most-cake#/.

HAITI/CHILDREN – Frantz Derenoncourt, Jr. ‘s new book Haiti: The First Black Republic is an historical work on the history, struggles, and subsequent victory of the Haitian people, intended for ages 7-18.

Contact: http://www.frantzderenoncourt.com/.

PALESTINE – In the new expanded edition of The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development, Sara Roy takes her meticulous study of the political economy of the Gaza Strip since the Israeli occupation in 1967 through to the impact, one year after, of IsraelÆs massive summer 2014 assault known as Operation Protective Edge.

Contact: Institute for Palestine Studies, 3501 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20007; 001202-3423990; [email protected] http://www.palestine-studies.org/.

POLICE BRUTALITY – Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? is an anthology that examines key questions about the reality of policing in the United States and the growing movement resisting police violence.

Contact: Haymarket Books, PO Box 180165, Chicago, IL 60618; 773-583-7884;  http://www.haymarketbooks.org/.

FRACKING – Frackopoly: The Battle for the Future of Energy and the Environment, by Wenonah Hauter, is critique of fracking, including an anatomy of the industry and how to stop its dangerous, widespread practices.

Contact: The New Press, 38 Greene Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013; 212-629-8802; http://thenewpress.com/.


ABORTION – Trapped is a feature-length documentary from director Dawn Porter, that follows the struggles of the clinic workers and lawyers who are on the front lines of a battle to keep abortion safe and legal for millions of American women.

Contact: [email protected]; http://www.codepink4peace.org/.

MAROONS/JAMAICA – Queen Nanny: Legendary Maroon Chieftainess, is a one-hour documentary-film on one of the most celebrated, but least recognized heroines in the resistance history of the New World.

Contact: Action 4 Reel Flimworks, LLC. P.O. Box 3464, Union, NJ 07083; http://www.nannythemovie.com/.


BLACK LIVES MATTER – Charity Case has released #BlackLivesMatter, an ep of 7 songs including æhangmanÆ (ft. Anya Skidan) and æwaking up.Æ

Contact: https://charitycase.bandcamp.com/album/blacklivesmatter.

FOLK/ANTI-NUKE – Eileen & the In-Betweens are on their Truth & Beauty: Anti-Nuke Tour through September. The band’s latest album Everything Is Alive is available.

Contact: https://tashamusic.bandcamp.com.

FOLK/ROCK – Dan Bern has released his 2nd childrenÆs album Three Feet Tall.

Contact: 1158 26th St #411, Santa Monica, CA 90403; http://danbern.com/.

WORLD ROCK – Pontus has released IV, a new EP.

Contact: [email protected]; http://www.pontusmusic.com/.