School cleaner Vincent Stanford watched teacher Stephanie Scott at work before killing her

As Leeton school teacher Stephanie Scott prepared lessons in her staff room on Easter Sunday last year, a relief cleaner was studying her from the corridor.

Vincent Stanford, 25, then drove home to the house he shared with his mother and collected a "rape kit" before returning to Leeton High School where Ms Scott, 26, was still working.

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Marcus Stanford pleads guilty

The brother of Stephanie Scott's killer, Marcus Stanford pleads guilty to accessory after the fact to murder. Vision courtesy: Network 10 News.

Unaware of what he was planning, Ms Scott then bumped into her killer and said: "I'm going home now, have a happy Easter".

But as the bubbly bride-to-be tried to open the metal gate at the school's exit, Stanford grabbed her around the waist and put his hands over her mouth to smother her screams.

Murdered days before her wedding: Stephanie Scott.
Murdered days before her wedding: Stephanie Scott. Photo: Facebook

He pulled her into a storeroom, which was once used as a photography dark room, threw her on the ground and locked the door.

It was here he sexually assaulted her, then killed her by stabbing her in the neck with a knife.


Stanford told police he had punched Ms Scott unconscious, then stabbed her with a knife "to make sure she was dead".

Distressing details of the Ms Scott's murder were revealed for the first time on Tuesday before a sitting of the NSW Supreme Court at Leeton in the state's Riverina.

Leeton High School, where Stephanie Scott worked, was searched.
Leeton High School, where Stephanie Scott worked, was searched. Photo: Kate Geraghty

An agreed statement of facts was tendered during the sentencing hearing for Vincent Stanford's identical twin brother Marcus Stanford, who had pleaded guilty to being an accessory to murder after he pawned Ms Scott's engagement and graduation rings.

Not knowing at the time what had happened to Ms Scott, her family began a desperate and agonising search as soon as she failed to return home that Easter Sunday.

Leeton Volunteer Recue Association searched for Stephanie Scott.
Leeton Volunteer Recue Association searched for Stephanie Scott. Photo: Kate Geraghty

The 26-year-old English and drama teacher was just days away from marrying her partner of five years Aaron Leeson-Woolley and he and her family were adamant it was not a case of cold feet.

Her sister Robyn told Fairfax media at the time she had no idea where her sister could be.

Stephanie Scott and her fiance Aaron Leeson-Woolley.
Stephanie Scott and her fiance Aaron Leeson-Woolley. Photo: Facebook

"I spoke to her on that Saturday night, and she was over the moon, she was so excited" Robyn said. "She had been to Griffith that day shopping and getting ready for the honeymoon."

As the family searched and fretted, Stanford worked furiously to cover up his crime.

Police divers found Stephanie Scott's laptop in an irrigation canal near Leeton.
Police divers found Stephanie Scott's laptop in an irrigation canal near Leeton.  Photo: Kate Geraghty

He placed the body of Ms Scott in the boot of her red Mazda 3 and drove it home to his house on Maiden Avenue in Leeton.

The car was parked behind a shed in his backyard and was left overnight until the early hours of Easter Monday.

A forensic officer walks into Cocoparra National Park, where Stephanie Scott's body was found.
A forensic officer walks into Cocoparra National Park, where Stephanie Scott's body was found. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Court documents outline how he later drove Ms Scott's car, with her naked body still inside, to Cocoparra National Park, about 70 kilometres north-east of Leeton, near Griffith.

It was a place where Stanford went on regular camping trips with his mother Annekke Noort and other brother Luke.

Stephanie Scott's red Mazda 3 was found by police in a field outside the Leeton township.
Stephanie Scott's red Mazda 3 was found by police in a field outside the Leeton township. Photo: Ron Arel jr.

Just off to the side of an orange dirt road, Stanford removed Ms Scott's body from the car.

He then placed branches over her, poured petrol everywhere and set her remains on fire.

Stephanie Scott's fiance Aaron Leeson-Woolley reads a tribute on the gates of Leeton High School.
Stephanie Scott's fiance Aaron Leeson-Woolley reads a tribute on the gates of Leeton High School. Photo: Kate Geraghty

In a depraved act, he took pictures of her burnt remains, images police later found on his camera.

When the officer in charge, Detective Sergeant Timothy Clark, later questioned Stanford about the photos, the offender told him he had downloaded the pictures "from a horror movie".

Messages from friends, students and the community were placed outside the Leeton school gate.
Messages from friends, students and the community were placed outside the Leeton school gate. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Stanford drove her Mazda back towards his home before dumping it in a field at Wamoon, eight kilometres from the Leeton township.

Witnesses later told police they saw Stanford disposing of Ms Scott's laptop in a murky canal nearby.

Stephanie Scott's family and fiance gathered for a memorial picnic on what was supposed to be the day of her wedding.
Stephanie Scott's family and fiance gathered for a memorial picnic on what was supposed to be the day of her wedding. Photo: Kate Geraghty

Bill and Gail Scanlan lived next door to Stanford and remember him waving over the fence of their Maiden Avenue home on Easter Monday.

"We heard him come back on Monday, did all the washing, hung it all on the line, piles of it," Mrs Scanlan said.

Murder accessory: Marcus Stanford is escorted into Leeton Local Court.
Murder accessory: Marcus Stanford is escorted into Leeton Local Court.  Photo: Emma Partridge

It was not until Wednesday, April 8, that police brought Stanford in for questioning.

He initially denied having anything to do with her disappearance and told investigating officers he had been grocery shopping on Easter Sunday.


But this was where the 25-year-old came unstuck. A sharp-thinking police officer rang the store where Stanford said he had been and was told the business never opened on Easter Sunday.

Stanford was arrested later that night and police conducted another search when they found Ms Scott's keys, a red bra and the boot liner of her Mazda.

A few days later, Stanford contacted police from Junee Correctional Centre and made full admissions about her abduction and murder.

The day of his confession was the day Ms Scott was supposed to be married in front of an intimate crowd at the vine-covered archway of Eugowra's Eat Your Greens function centre.

Instead of celebrating at a wedding, Ms Scott's family and Mr Leeson-Woolley gathered in a small Leeton park to pay tribute to the teacher who touched so many hearts.

Her father, Bob, told the crowd of hundreds gathered in Mountford Park that he wanted his daughter to be remembered for the great girl she was, not the tragic way she was taken away.

"Stephanie was a bubbly, bright, witty, intelligent fun-loving girl who has obviously impacted on many people here to today and our wishes for the future are that that will continue in your minds, you remember her as the girl she was … that great little girl she was."

Vincent Stanford will face a sentencing hearing in Griffith in October.