WA News

Hillarys Boat Harbour has become a dumping ground for Perth's unwanted pets

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Michelle Calderon is the 'The Cat Whisperer' of stray felines.

Ms Calderon has befriended dozens of strays that have made a home at Hillarys Boat Harbour and is working to rehouse as many as she can.

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Cats in Hillarys

One of WA’s most popular tourist attractions has become a dumping ground for Perth’s unwanted cats.

But the tide is rising as the northern groyne of the marina has become a dumping ground for Perth's unwanted pets, with dozens of felines finding refuge in the rocks by the lighthouse.

Ms Calderon began fishing at Hillarys Boat Harbour in 2011 when she first noticed the strays, and has made it her personal mission to feed and care for them.

Hillarys marina has become a dumping ground for Perth's unwanted pets
Hillarys marina has become a dumping ground for Perth's unwanted pets Photo: Michelle Calderon

She says their numbers are multiplying as people continue to dump them and in warmer months when the cats began to breed.

"The last breeding season we had a phenomenal amount of kittens being born, so trapping and neuteuring these cat's is a high priority for us," she said.


Ms Calderon works with the Cat Haven to capture the cats by hand, have them microchipped, neutered and returned to their home in the rocks. Kittens are often caught, microchipped and put up for adoption.

When I first met Ms Calderon, I sat in the carpark by the lighthouse seeing the occasional cat dart between boulders. None of them were game enough to approach me.

Michelle Calderon has spent the last five years caring for the strays that called Hillary's home.
Michelle Calderon has spent the last five years caring for the strays that called Hillary's home. Photo: Blaize Pengilly

At the faintest sound of the rumbling engine of the 'The Cat Whisperer's' car, seven cats suddenly emerged from the rocks excitedly anticipating her arrival.

Armed with only a torch and a small bag of meat, Michelle strolls along, a small herd of cats trailing behind her.

Hillary's Boat Harbour is home to dozens of unwanted cats.
Hillary's Boat Harbour is home to dozens of unwanted cats. Photo: Facebook - Lighthouse Felines

Their nature immediately changed from timid, unapproachable strays to the warm, inviting persona of a household cat, purring and nuzzling as she walks to the fishing platform where they are fed.

Ms Calderon visits up to three times a week, knowing them by name hand feeding them raw meat. Part of her ritual is walking down the length of the rock wall, clearing litter and dry food left by others.

Although well meaning, food left behind by others attracts rodents to the area, and dry food leads to liver damage for the cats as most of their water intake comes from their diet.

Mike Diamond is a local who says the cats have been around for as long as he remembers, but in recent times he's seen people dumping cats from their cars, only to find refuge in the rocks and steal scraps of bait from fishermen to survive.

He believes that over-feeding the stray's causes harm to local wildlife and businesses.

The Department of Transport, which owns the marina, commissioned an independent contractor to capture and euthanise five litters of kittens late last year.

The decision proved unpopular and an  improved strategy to control the cat population is being implemented.

In the past, the cat's hunting ground spanned from the lighthouse right down to Whitfords Nodes where they once preyed on local wildlife.

But Ms Calderon said although they're not native, the animals have become a vital part of maintaining a healthy eco system.

"The Department of Transport would like to have a certain number of cats here all of the time, because frankly cats do keep down the vermin population."

If you wish to help the cause, please visit Ms Calderon's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Perth-Buy-Paws-for-a-Cause