Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Anarchist G. Dimitrakis' trial in Athens on Friday July 6

This Friday (July 6), Giannis Dimitrakis, a 28 year old anarchist
detained since January 16, 2006, when he was shot and arrested after
an armed expropriation of a bank in Athens, will front a jury in the
"Efeteio" bulding in Athens. The police are trying to handle the case
under the renewed "anti-terrorism law", claiming Giannis is a member
of the so-called "thieves in black" (name of an imaginary "anarchist
gang" introduced by the media) and will try to charge Giannis with
many other unsolved armed bank robberies without any obvious
evidence. Many anarchist groups have called for a demo outside the
court, and a lot of direct action has taken place in solidarity to
Giannis. Apart from Giannis Dimitrakis, the police are after 4 more
anarchists, considered as members of the "thieves in black" (ofcourse
without any further justification apart from them being active in
social struggles in Greece, p.e. S.Seisidis who took part and got
arrested at the militant occupation of the polytechnical school in
1995 when police invaded the school and arrested more than 500

For more info:
- The story from a liberal newspaper.

http://www.325collective.com/prisons_letter-from-giannis-d.html - a
prison letter from giannis dimitrakis.

http://bombsandshields.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html - prison
insurrection sparked by the brutal beating of giannis dimitrakis

also try http://athens.indymedia.org

or www.geocities.com/anarcores/prisoners


Anonymous said...

more than 200 persons gathered in&outside; the court, but the trial will continue from Monday on. Riot policemen formed an "O" around solidarians and prevented them from coming close to Giannis Dimitrakis when he was taken back to the prison. dozens of cops of all kinds took over the area...

Many posters and communiques appeared in Athens, Thessaloniki, Iraklion, Patras...

Anarchist Vassilis Stergiou, the only detainee since the 8 March 2007 student riots outside the parliament, also wrote a prison letter in solidarity to Giannis.

On Thursday anarchists/antiautoritarians occupied "Sport FM" radio for 15' and played a CD with solidarity messages to Giannis D. and all class struggle prisoners. The police attacked the comrades while leaving and took into custody 16 persons.

Thursday again, at 10:00, 4 banks in Athens were attacked by anarchists with paintbombs, sticks and molotov cocktails in solidarity to Giannis D. One of them, was the Solonos Str. National bank, the one that Giannis D. robbed when he got shot & caught.

Wednesday late at night two banks were damaged by gas canister bombs in Nicosia, Cyprus, in solidarity to Giannis D. according to a phonecall made by a woman claiming responsibility for the "Communist Sect". Police says there might be links with anarchist from Greece.

Wednesday morning there was an attack to the ministry of culture by some 20 persons with paintbombs and stones. A ministry vehicle was firebombed a little before Voulgarakis (minister of culture and notorious ex-minister of public order) got out of the building. His guards were shooting with their firearms in the air.

Monday night in Thessaloniki the offices of New Democracy (Ruling Party) and PASOK (Ex-ruling party) were attacked with improvised gas canister bombs.

information from athens.indymedia.org

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