Andrew P StreetGeverifieerd account


Writing guy that does all the writing, and author of several book-things. Opinions expressed are yours.

Kaurna Land, South Australia
Geregistreerd in maart 2009


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  1. Vastgemaakte Tweet

    *to be read in the voice of Fred Schneider of the B-52s.

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  2. So invited me to write a piece about the exquisite pain of loving the music of an objectively awful human being, and… look, I've given up on Morrissey but as long as Johnny Marr is still awesome I can hold on to the Smiths, right? RIGHT?

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  3. (I'm almost certain that it's because we don't have cases in the community here so it seems like a hassle rather than an urgent priority, but do people not notice what's happened interstate?)

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  4. Hey, South Australia, what the actual fuck is up with this? We've always been leaders in public health initiatives so being the most vaccine-hesitant state is just embarrassing and stupid. Do we need Humphry B Bear to mime his disappointment?

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  5. See, THIS is what happens when you get trusted existing health services to do your vax rollout to vulnerable communities rather than handballing billions to untested private companies with ties to the Coalition. Isn't that right, aged care sector?

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  6. I can't wait for Pru's follow-up about how we should fine poor people to discourage them from choosing poverty, and that voting should be exclusive to those who perform adequately in dressage. Also, this article is what happens when you let psychopaths near a computer.

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  7. "Albanese warned caucus Morrison could call the election after Glasgow; and there's nothing like weeks of acting PM Barnaby Joyce to make voters hunger for literally anyone else." Is a Dec election on the cards? Surely not, says me at m'Patreon.

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  8. 19 okt.

    It's October NINETEENTH and only today, with less than a fortnight to go, have I received an email with a subject line featuring the word "Spooktacular". It's a WAR ON HALLOWEEN, I tell you.

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  9. 19 okt.

    Honestly, casino operators expressing dismay and shock that their venues were being used for money laundering is the equivalent of insisting "I had absolutely no idea that all this heroin contained drugs!"

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  10. 18 okt.

    "Biden and Johnson want you, Morrison, to commit to net zero. They know you can’t be convinced and that you need to be forced, indeed tricked." Let's ponder the question of how difficult Scott Morrison is to manipulate, shall we? Me at m'Patreon.

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  11. 17 okt.

    *WERE denied trust and autonomy. Goddamn this thing needs an edit function. (The thing is me. I need an edit function.)

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  12. 17 okt.

    “Great news, ladies - you can escape a controlling relationship where you denied trust and autonomy! That’s provided you can prove you’re not lying, of course, and also we’ll be managing that money because you’d probably just blow it all on a pretty dress or something.”

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  13. 17 okt.
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  14. 17 okt.

    I realise that this isn’t a new observation, but why did the current leaders of the Liberal and National parties go to all the trouble of rolling their leaders if they had no intention of, y’know leading?

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  15. 15 okt.

    It's a bit hilarious and mainly deeply depressing that the popularity of the hard border policies Morrison is so grumpy about from the Labor states was created by his hero and fellow xenophobia-enthusiast John Howard. Me parsing it out at

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  16. 14 okt.

    If you're disabled and living in NSW, the cancellation of Auslan interpreters suggests you maybe shouldn't expect any accommodations from your new premier. Me at m'Patreon.

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  17. 13 okt.

    Say, anyone else noticed a weird discrepancy in how certain closed-off states are being discussed compared to other, less Labory closed-off states? Me at m'Patreon.

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  18. 13 okt.

    Just a reminder that SA and Tasmania also have closed borders and are refusing to open to the eastern states any time soon, and yet seem to avoid the constant scrutiny that QLD and WA get for their covid policies. Almost as though it’s only a problem if it’s a Labor government.

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  19. 12 okt.

    The government is really, really, really, REALLY, really worried about people misrepresenting themselves online; except for themselves, obviously. Me unloading a quick recap of some of the Coalition's more egregious hypocrisy at

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  20. 10 okt.

    I’d be way more inclined to Be Kind about people opposed to vaccination if they weren’t actively risking the lives of my children. Also, if the imaginary fears of said children weren’t far more sensible than the imaginary fears of .

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  21. 8 okt.

    I wonder if Angus Taylor’s various online personas support his government’s push for transparency in online personas?

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