Is Herbalife a pyramid scheme? Billionaires at odds over the question

Is the company behind nutritional supplement Herbalife selling a pyramid scheme? 

A decision handed down by US federal regulators on Friday evening was meant to answer the question and end a long-running brawl between some of the biggest names in global finance, like George Soros.

Retired at 39, John Hempton says he co-founded Bronte in 2009 when his wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't get ...
Retired at 39, John Hempton says he co-founded Bronte in 2009 when his wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't get out of the house. Photo: Domino Postiglione

But one of the key protagonists, Sydney fund manager John Hempton, said the outcome is not so clear. 

Days after the US Federal Trade Commission handed down its decision, both sides are claiming victory. 

Herbalife is a sponsor of the Western Sydney Wanderers.
Herbalife is a sponsor of the Western Sydney Wanderers. Photo: Cameron Spencer

It is no small matter for billionaire activist investor Bill Ackman who bet as much as $US1 billion that the stock would be rendered worthless by an FTC verdict supporting his view that it is a pyramid scheme.

Bronte Capital's Hempton has been going toe to toe with Ackman over the years, arguing that Herbalife – which has operations in Australia and is a sponsor of Tony Shepherd's Western Sydney Wanderers FC – is a legitimate business. 


Soros, Daniel S. Loeb, and prominent Apple investor Carl Icahn have sided with Hempton.

They are betting that Herbalife would weather the unprecedented battering by Ackman – a brash hedge fund manager who has spent $US50 million on his campaign against Herbalife betting the share price would collapse.  

Illustration: John Shakespeare.
Illustration: John Shakespeare. 

The FTC decision has fallen short, so far. 

It imposed a stiff $US200 million fine on Herbalife for deceiving buyers and sellers of its products "into believing they could earn substantial money selling diet, nutritional supplement, and personal care products". 

"This settlement will require Herbalife to fundamentally restructure its business so that participants are rewarded for what they sell, not how many people they recruit," said FTC chairwoman Edith Ramirez.

But it stopped short of shutting down the company. 

Herbalife shares rose strongly on Friday, and the company said the settlement with the FTC "does not change our direct-selling business model". Herbalife said it agreed to the terms and the fine "because we simply wanted to move forward with our mission". 

But in a blog post on Sunday, Hempton was wary about claiming victory despite noting the share price spike on Friday that further boosted the value of his investment in Herbalife. 

"Whilst the settlement is agreed, there are very substantial differences between what effect the FTC says the settlement will have and what effect the company says it will have," said Hempton. 

"The bull case is thus the government risk has gone away and there will be no substantial change in business model. And the bear case is that the conditions placed are so large they will cause the business to collapse in the US and that those changes will be exported globally."

Hempton's clashes with Ackman – they also have opposing positions on Valeant Pharmaceuticals – have made his name globally. 

But Hempton is just as well known for his unorthodox research. This has included posing as part of a gay couple, trying to buy a home they could not afford, to build his case for short-selling Australian banks. 

"The further west I went, the more irrational it felt. Lots and lots of supply and prices that bore no resemblance to construction cost and income of people around there," Hempton told Fairfax Media in February of his research that led him to bet against the banking sector.

It won't just be global billionaire investors who are interested in the outcome of that bet.  

Saul's sledge 

Sometimes it's a good thing that Australia does not punch above its weight, just ask veteran economist Saul Eslake

He says devaluing Australia's currency would be the best option for our central bank if conventional monetary policy reached its limits.

And we won't have to worry about being caught up in the spats over currency intervention as the world's major economies desperately try to remain competitive.

"It's likely that no other central bank – except perhaps New Zealand's – gives a stuff about what happens to the Australian dollar, " said a rather frank Eslake.

"Australia isn't a major trading partner for anyone else, except New Zealand. And the Reserve Bank of New Zealand may well choose to match what the RBA does, if market forces don't push the New Zealand dollar down in parallel."

Just the sort of fire-up we need across the Tasman ahead of the Bledisloe Cup. 

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