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" irrigation"
95 results
Egypt - Politics
9/26/2015 5:59:18 PM
The foreign minister's statements come at a time of uncertainty for negotiations after the withdrawal of Dutch consultancy firm Deltares from studies assessing the impact of the Renaissance Dam
Egypt - Politics
9/21/2015 11:50:49 AM
Protesters briefly blocked Cairo's ring road complaining of frequent water cuts
Egypt - Politics
9/19/2015 4:10:54 PM
Egypt’s new cabinet, headed by former Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail, was sworn in before president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Saturday. Ahram Online compiles biographies of the Prime Minister, and his 33-minister cabinet.
Egypt - Politics
9/14/2015 8:22:40 PM
The outgoing Agriculture Minister Salah Helal handed in his resignation last week shortly before his arrest on corruption charges
Egypt - Politics
9/10/2015 2:10:27 PM
The Dutch firm says insufficient guarantees were given that an independent and high quality study could result from the consultancy process on Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam project
Egypt - Politics
9/9/2015 8:09:34 PM
The negotiations between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia have continued to stall as a result of the two foreign consultancy firms failure to deliver their reports
Egypt - Politics
9/7/2015 2:42:31 PM
Minister Salah Helal handed in his resignation shortly before his arrest; cabinet spokesperson says no other resignations from govt are expected; irrigation minister Hossam Moghazi acts as agriculture minister
Egypt - Politics
9/6/2015 8:59:47 PM
The two European consultancy firms already had the deadline pushed back from August
Business - Economy
9/6/2015 5:51:20 PM
Consumption of water from the wells will be tracked, and water-intensive farming banned on reclaimed land
Egypt - Politics
8/31/2015 10:54:10 AM
Egypt's president started his Asia tour with Singapore before continuing on to China
Egypt - Politics
8/30/2015 3:24:08 PM
El-Sisi embarks on an Asian tour that will take him to Singapore, China and Indonesia
Egypt - Politics
8/23/2015 12:47:25 PM
Egypt - Politics
8/20/2015 9:11:03 PM
The meeting between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia's irrigation ministers, that was planned to take place on Friday, has been adjourned according to sources
Egypt - Politics
8/19/2015 10:00:38 PM
Ahram Hebdo interviews Mohamed Nasr Allam, former minister of water resources and irrigation, about the latest developments in the Ethiopian dam crisis and its impact on Egypt
Business - Economy
8/18/2015 1:52:31 PM
Egypt - Politics
8/17/2015 7:26:59 PM
A deadline for the foreign consultancy firms to finalise their report on the dam will be decided when the tripartite committee meets later this week
Opinion -
8/14/2015 4:04:45 PM
Following the inauguration of the new Suez Canal project, the government should direct its attention to economic policies that will relief Egyptians’ daily living conditions
Egypt - Politics
7/28/2015 8:48:37 PM
Egypt - Politics
6/23/2015 7:46:00 PM
Egypt launched a campaign to protect the river earlier this year
Opinion -
6/17/2015 1:27:32 PM
The state must balance between launching new national mega projects, and developing existing minor ones
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