Last Update 18:44

China will contribute 8,000 troops for a United Nations peacekeeping standby force, China's ...

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday called on Europe to do more to confront the migration ...

German prosecutors said Monday they have opened a criminal investigation into Volkswagen's ...

Hundreds of Taliban fighters launched a brazen attack on the northeastern Afghan city of Kunduz ...

India successfully launched Monday its first high-tech telescopes into space to study the stars, ...

The Norwegian owner of a ship intercepted in Kenya says the vessel has been set free and allowed ...

Separatists pushing to make Catalonia independent from Spain were on track to win an absolute majority ...

At least nine civilians were killed and 33 wounded in a bomb attack Sunday at a volleyball match ...

Catalan separatists danced as speakers blasted "Invincible! Invincible!" after pro-independence ...  

Liquid water has been observed on the planet Mars, the US space agency NASA said Monday.

"Mars ...

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Monday he would not discuss the "end of unity of Spain" ...

A Chinese government official said Monday that Hillary Clinton was "biased" on women's ...

The Taliban seized control of half of a major Afghan city Monday, the first time they have done ...

Sporadic gunfire rang out in the capital of the Central African Republic overnight despite a curfew ...

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