[ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Directionless Malcolm Turnbull needs to take back control and set his own agenda

Date: August 6 2016

Peter Hartcher

Malcolm Turnbull had only just been sworn in as the newly re-elected Prime Minister a couple of weeks ago when Robert Menzies offered him a piece of advice.

Turnbull was anxious, no doubt, about the size of his majority in the House.

It'd been a whacking 14 seats before the election but, barring a court appeal, it's reduced to a nerve-wrackingly narrow majority of one.

Menzies reached from beyond the grave through his daughter, Heather Henderson, who happened to be at the swearing in at Yarralumla as a guest of Josh Frydenberg.

Over a cup of tea at the reception afterwards, she told Turnbull: "My father always said that the best majority is a majority of one."

Australia's longest-serving prime minister had suffered heavy losses at the 1961 election, but clung to office with a single-seat majority.

How could such a minute margin possibly be a good thing? Because it imposes a firm discipline on a government, in Menzies' experience. There is no tolerance for MPs who want to indulge their own egos in so close a balance of power.

Menzies held his government together and won the next election with an enlarged majority. He eventually went into retirement in 1966 at a time of his own choosing after 18 and a half years as prime minister across two separate phases.

Turnbull has the slimmest of majorities. But, as Henderson points out, it's hardly unprecedented. Or impossible.

Julia Gillard had no majority at all yet never lost an important vote in the House. She ultimately lost control of her own party, but never lost control of the House.

Which precedent will Turnbull follow? Menzies or Gillard? In the era of the permanently restive backbench and the revolving-door prime ministership, can a party control itself long enough to allow a prime minister to serve a full term?

Either way, he can't afford to wait to find out. Turnbull has been weakened by the election result, but he can't govern as a weakened leader.

He has promoted the new three-year parliamentary term as "time for delivering" on his election promises. However slender his majority, he needs to govern purposefully if he's to deliver anything.

In recent weeks, events have set Turnbull's agenda for him. He is at the point where he needs to assert control and set his own agenda.

Every government is buffeted by events, but a directionless one will be carried far adrift.

In the famous line attributed to the former British prime minister Harold McMillan when a reporter asked him what was most likely to blow a government off course: "Events, dear boy, events."

The quote may well be apocryphal, but its truth withstands its status.

If Turnbull were to govern hesitantly, the Parliament, the media and his own party would soon destroy him.

The Parliament sits from August 30. The first item on Turnbull's work program is to put before a joint sitting of both houses the bills that justified the election.

Turnbull twice asked the Senate to reinstate the construction industry supervisory body, the Australian Building and Construction Commission. John Howard created the ABCC, Kevin Rudd maintained it, and Julia Gillard abolished it.

As the Heydon royal commission demonstrated, thuggery and corruption are endemic in the sector. The unions and employers are joint partners in crime. The industry needs special attention and an inspectorate with special powers. Turnbull has called it a "critical economic reform".

In tandem, Turnbull asked the Senate to pass the Registered Organisations Bill. The aim here is to regulate the governance of unions and union officials in the same way as companies after the scandals in the Health Services Union exposed flaws in the system.

The Senate's rejection of this pair of measures was the trigger for the double dissolution election. Now Turnbull has to demand that a joint sitting approve them. The government is expected to act on this in the first week or so of the new Parliament.

Turnbull probably won't get everything he wants. It's likely that the government will need to negotiate with Nick Xenophon and perhaps other crossbench senators to win these bills.

But he has to make the new Parliament work. Skilful negotiation will be the name of the game for the parliamentary term, as it should be in every term. These two measures will be the starting point for Turnbull.

Another urgent workplace reform will be Turnbull's promise to fix the Fair Work Act to protect volunteers like the Country Fire Association members who were crunched by the unions in Victoria during the election campaign.

The other great and urgent priority is the budget. This includes two of the most vexed issues in Australian politics.

One is the centrepiece of the economic plan that Turnbull campaigned on – the 10-year, $50 billion corporate tax cut proposal.

The global economic outlook has only darkened since the plan was announced, reinforcing the government's determination to pursue this.

Turnbull championed it as an essential measure to attract investment to fuel a new era of economic growth. Labor thundered against it as a giveaway to the big banks and the Liberals' cronies.

The government will press ahead with an attempt to legislate the full 10-year schedule. But it will likely need to yield to the political reality of the Senate by legislating only the first years of the plan, cutting it into at least two phases.

The early years give only small and medium firms a tax cut, and this will likely pass the Senate. It's only in year eight that the banks and mega firms would start to benefit; this phase is likely to be rejected in the Senate.

Again, Turnbull will need to win what he can and surrender what he must to make the Parliament work and to deliver as much of his plan as possible.

The other great vexed budget matter is more an internal problem for the Liberals than an issue for the opposition – the superannuation changes that would curb the tax-free treatment for the wealthiest retirees.

These measures to improve fairness in super, and curb the national deficit, caused a lot of anger in Liberal heartland during the campaign.

It seems Joe Hockey was wrong – the age of entitlement is alive and well. You can't even trim the most egregiously generous tax-free benefits for the rich.

Scott Morrison is looking at this proposal anew; the likely outcome is that the $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional contributions will be rejigged somewhat.

The government will need to do all this while tightening spending. The credit ratings agencies have made plain that Australia's sovereign rating is in the balance.

The election campaign created a big new priority for the government – its credibility on Medicare.

Labor's scare campaign was just that, but the people's readiness to believe that the government was planning to privatise the system showed that Australia doesn't trust the Liberals on Medicare.

Turnbull has recognised this trust deficit, evidently the result of the now-defunct Abbott government plan to introduce a $7 GP co-payment.

His Health Minister, Sussan Ley, will be given the tough task. She has to reset health policy, finding savings and efficiencies in the portfolio while guaranteeing quality of healthcare and entrenching public ownership.

In essence, Ley is being asked to give the Liberal party a personality and branding makeover without spending any more money. This is a high level of difficulty.

On two other big issues, Turnbull was hoping that bipartisanship from Bill Shorten would ease the way.

These are same-sex marriage and constitutional recognition of Australia's Indigenous people.

On both, Shorten is, so far, demonstrating partisan combativeness, even after the election. This will complicate delivery of same-sex marriage and could scupper constitutional recognition. Shorten, so far, shows no sign of caring.

It's politics as a partisan game rather than achieving reform, yet, after the Tony Abbott years as hyperpartisan opposition leader no Liberal can cry foul.

And that's just the Labor party. Turnbull's greatest difficulties of management are likely to be internal. In his favour for surviving the term as leader, there is no clear successor in the Liberal ranks.

But against him is the modern era of restiveness, a phenomenon to which he owes his own post.

Another apocryphal yet truth-telling anecdote was when a newly elected young English Tory MP, taking his place on the benches and pointing to the benches opposite, said to Winston Churchill, "So that's the enemy".

Churchill supposedly replied, "No son, that's the opposition". Pointing to the benches behind and said, "That is the enemy".

In calling the election, Turnbull said that "the time for playing games is over". We're about to see whether his own party was paying heed. Menzies survived, but he was the master. Turnbull is the apprentice.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.