Community Conversation on Poverty

In 2014, over 35 percent of the residents in McDowell lived in poverty, including nearly half of the children. The roads are crumbling and only 6 percent of adults have a college education. Less than two-thirds have graduated high school. It has the lowest life expectancy for men in the entire nation. Watch excerpts of Bernie’s speech on poverty and share it with friends and family on social media.

1 comment

  1. Chris Reed May 8, 2016 2:42 pm 

    At the peak of the coal industry in the 1950s , McDowell County had 100,000 resident, now there are 20,000. Mine mechanization was the first culprit in the decline,
    followed by the decline of coal generally.
    The Clintons received a rude reception in WVa. coal country. Of course I would like to see my fellow West
    Virginians to take their views beyond their immediate
    circumstances. But generally it is a good thing when people push back against the leadership class, whether against the Clintons in Mingo County, or Trump on the Southside of Chicago.

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