Antifa International

It’s Race Quiz Time! Part Twelve:

But first, the answer to yesterday’s question is:

11. C. Africa
We are all Africans. Modern humans (Homo sapien sapiens) originated in Africa, and we spent most of our evolution as a species together there. Some modern humans first left Africa 50,000 - 70,000 years ago and spread out around the world. All the other populations of the world can be seen as a subset of Africans. Every human genetic trait found elsewhere can also be found in Africa, with the exception of relatively few recent variations favored by the environment, genetic drift, or sexual selection - such as light skin.

Now, today’s question (and our final race quiz question!) is:

12. Which was NOT introduced to Indians by whites?
A. An Indian identity
B. Democracy
C. Identity by “blood quantum”
D. Horses
E. Measles

It’s Race Quiz Time! Part Eleven:

But first, the answer to yesterday’s question is:

10. A. Within a local population

85%, or almost all human variation, can be found within any single local population, whether it’s Malay, Irish, Zulus or Koreans. There is FAR more variation within groups than between groups. This means that there may be as many - or more - genetic differences between two random Koreans as between a random Korean and a Zulu. On average, approximately 94% of all genetic variation can be found within any continental area.

Now, on to today’s question:

11. Which continent has the greatest human genetic diversity?
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Africa 
D. North America
E. South America