But first, the answer to yesterday’s question:
6. C. Pocahontas, a princess, married beneath her station by wedding a commoner
17th century England was a very hierarchical, feudal society where people’s class status was fixed at birth. Status was so important that laws regulated the clothing people could wear so they couldn’t “pass” as another class. When John Rolfe took his new bride Pocahontas (who had converted to Christianity) back with him to London in 1617, the English had not yet developed the racial ideology that later justified their taking of Indian lands. But it was unthinkable that royalty would marry a commoner.
And now today’s question, which is:
7. The rise of the idea of white supremacy was tied most directly to:
A. Indian removal
B. Slavery
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. The U.S. Constitution
E. Ancient Greece
If you’re a Norse heathen and believe that “race mixing” is bad
- remember that many of the gods are born from interracial pregnancies between the Aesir, Vanir, and Jotunns.
If you’re a Norse heathen and are transphobic or homophobic
- remember that many of the gods will alter their forms drastically, the most notable being Loki changing into mare and being impregnated by a male horse, and later giving birth to Sleipnir
If you’re a Norse heathen and fascist
- remember that vikings were largely democratic and would regularly hold votes to decide legal matters, and were incredibly accepting of other cultures
Re-blogging this for the Nazi who just started following me <3
Great post, I feel the same way @danishheathen !
If you’re a Norse heathen and believe that excluding people with disabilities is fine
- remember that all deities deserve the same respect, even the disabled like for example Hödur
if you’re a Norse heathen and think being misogynist is cool
- remember how Freyja would slay you, how Skadi insisted on her revenge
If you’re a Norse heathen and think people with disabilities don’t deserve the gods:
Tyr is missing a hand asshole
Time to share this again!
Wow, it finally hit 5,000 notes!
Not to mention Odin is missing an eye, and also went on transgender sexual exploits.
In any case, as far as the disabled are concerned, let’s turn to Havamal, shall we?
Now granted, people have translated Havamal in so many ways, although often the ultimate meaning is intact. Anyway, verse 71 says:
The halt can manage a horse,
the handless a flock,
The deaf be a doughty fighter,
To be blind is better than to burn on a pyre:
There is nothing the dead can do.This may be referring specifically to warfare, but the main point is still discernable: so long as one is living, they still can play a part in this world. And let’s not forget that the book is ultimately a guide on how to be a welcoming, kind person, while not tolerating injustice (although admittedly, verse 75 is a bit sketchy, as is the distrust of women. It’s a product of its time.)
In conclusion, Nazis are asshats, and we should be kind to people except them.
Reblogging again for good points.
And among the many interracial gods, Odin and Thor themselves are mixed race, as their mothers were Jötnar (Ice Giants).
If you’re a Norse heathen and dislike transvestites, may I remind you of the time Heimdall and Loki talked Thor into wearing drag.
Multiple Gods. No Masters.
Once more with feeling, so Jojo Moyes and the gang behind “Me before you” can hear it:
The halt can manage a horse,
the handless a flock,
The deaf be a doughty fighter,
To be blind is better than to burn on a pyre:
There is nothing the dead can do.tl;dr no you can’t use ~~mythology~~ to justify abhorrent views, you hats of rectal origin.
(even if it was accurate it would still be terrible but it’s also incorrect)
This made me think of @lady-feral.
If you’re a Norse heathen & a racist niding (idiot), you’ll be somewhat surprised when you get to Valhalla to find the most courageous warriors of all races up there. Since nothing in Norse mythology indicates that the gods had any intention of barring courageous warriors from other races from Valhalla.
Not that you’ll get to Valhalla, since racists are, by definition, cowards.
But first, the answer to yesterday’s question is:
5. D. Geographic latitude
Skin color tends to correspond with ultra-violet radiation from the sun and hence latitude. People with ancestors from the tropics typically have darker skin while those further north have lighter skin. Sub-Saharan Africans, Asian Indians, Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians all have dark skin. But skin color really is only skin deep. Most traits are inherited independently from one another. The genes influencing skin color have nothing to do with those influencing hair form, eye shape, and blood type, let alone the very complex traits we value such as intelligence, musical ability or athletic ability. Genetic diseases are inherited through families, not race. Sickle cell, for example, confers resistance to malaria. It occurs in people whose ancestors came from where malaria was once common: the Mediterranean, Arabia, Turkey, southern Asia and western and central Africa - but not southern Africa. The presence of sickle cell is not an indicator of race but of having an ancestor from a malarial region.
OK, on to today’s question:
6. When Jamestown colonist John Rolfe and his new wife Pocahontas traveled to the Court of London in 1619, it caused a scandal because:
A. An Englishman had married an Indian
B. John Rolfe had cuckolded General John Smith, the leader of the colony
C. Pocahontas, a princess, married beneath her station by wedding a commoner
D. Londoners had never seen an Indian before
E. A Christian had married a heathen
Was: Demo gegen das rechte Aktionsbündnis “Bielefelder Bürgerwille”
Wann: 9.7. 13:00
Wo: Bielefeld HbfDas neugegründete rechte Aktionsbündnis “Bielefelder Bürgerwille” plant für den 09.07.16 eine Kundgebung am Bielefelder Hauptbahnhof unter dem Titel" Bürgerwille achten - Asylchaos jetzt stoppen! Clausen und Nürnberger die Rote Karte zeigen!“ mit einem anschließenden Marsch zum Bielefelder Rathaus. Angemeldet wurde die Demo von Ester Seitz (“Karlsruhe wehrt sich”) aus Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.
Hinter dieser Gruppe steht ein Zusammenschluss mehrerer extrem rechter und nationalistischer Parteien und Gruppierungen. Angefangen von der NPD über „Die Rechte“, den „III. Weg“, „Widerstand Deutschland“, „Identitäre Aktion“ bis hin zu einzelnen Aktivisten aus eben diesem Spektrum. Als Redner*innen werden u.a. Ester Seitz („Karlsruhe wehrt sich“ und “Widerstand Deutschland”) und Holm Teichert (ex-„Pegida NRW“) sowie einige lokale Redner*innen erwartet. Es ist auch damit zu rechnen, dass Sascha Krolzig und Melanie Dittmer bei der Kundgebung dabei sein werden. Insgesamt handelt es sich hier also um einen Zusammenschluss der extremen Rechten, die sich ausgerechnet Bielefeld als Aufmarschort ausgesucht haben und auch bereits bundesweit hierfür mobilisieren. Dem müssen wir etwas entgegensetzen!
Wir fordern alle Bielefelder Bürger*innen, Parteien, Gewerkschaften, Religionsgemeinschaften und Vereine auf, gemeinsam diesem Aktionsbündnis zu zeigen, dass Bielefeld kein Platz für derartiges rechts-nationalistisches Gedankengut ist. Wir sehen die Demo dieser Gruppierung als Angriff auf den Zusammenhalt unserer Gesellschaft und die Bürger*innen unserer Stadt. Wir stehen für einen konstruktiven und menschenwürdigen Umgang mit den geflüchteten Menschen. Wir sind stolz auf und dankbar für die weiterhin ungebrochene Hilfsbereitschaft. Und das lassen wir uns auch nicht kaputt machen. Der “Bürgerwille Bielefelds” geht immer noch von der Mehrheit der Bürger*innen dieser Stadt aus und nicht von zugereisten Rechtsextremist*innen!
Bielefeld ist und bleibt bunt und weltoffen!
Wir sehen uns am 09. Juli!
#nonazisbi #Bielefeld #bi0907
But first, the answer to yesterday’s question:
4. E. None of the above
There are no traits, no characteristics, not even one gene that is present in all members of one so-called race and absent in another. The A, B, and O blood groups can be found in all the world’s peoples (the percentage of Estonians and Papua New Guineans with A, B, and O blood are almost exactly identical). Skin color tends to correlate with the earth’s geographic latitude not race; sub-Saharan Africans, the Dravidians and Tamils of southern Asia, and Melanesians from the Pacific all have very dark skin. Ancestry is difficult to trace; we all have two parents, four grandparents, etc. If you could trace your family back 30 generations, slightly more than 1,000 years, you’d find one billion ancestors.
OK, new question:
5. Skin color correlates most closely with:
A. Hair form
C. Risk for sickle cell, Tay Sachs and other genetic diseases
D. Geographic latitude
E. Continent of ancestral origin
F. Jumping and sprinting ability
We’ll post the answer + a new question tomorrow! Hope you’re enjoying this!
Thank you for asking the question! And also for providing us this great excuse to re-post this discussion about anti-fascism and physical self-defence. And this question from another antifa. And this essay on gun control from an antifascist we know.
Oh, we can think of a few reasons why this is not a good idea:
1) KKKops. We’re going to make an educated guess that police are disproportionately likely to be members or or support racist extremist groups themselves.
Like this guy:
Or a dozen members of the Dothan Police Department.
Or the entire Fruitland Park Police Department.
Or members of this Texas police department.
Or Bob Kroll, the head of the Minneapolis police union & member of a white supremacist biker gang whose membership is open only to police officers.
Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland - they’ve all had evidence of police involvement in white supremacist gangs.
There’s a truth to the saying “cops and the Klan go hand-in-hand,” you know. We don’t think these are the people we’d want to be “protecting” anyone.
2) Police are a bigger threat to racialized people in most places than neo-nazis.
Not sure where you live but we’re willing to bet that the police in your town have killed, injured, or destroyed the lives of more racialized people there than all the racist extremist scum in your entire country combined. So asking/expecting the cops to protect us is basically saying that we don’t want racialized people/LGBT folks/any marginalized group to participate in our anti-fascism. Many people from those communities see the police as the biggest racist gang there is; and many of those people have good reason to see them that way.
3) How good are the police at protecting anti-fascists?
This tumblr’s been going for 2+ years, during which we’ve published nearly 3000 posts about antifa actions in dozens and dozens of countries. We can’t think of a single one in which the police did anything to guard, protect, or defend anti-fascists. We can think of a lot of situations where the cops made things much worse for our side, though.
Take Sacramento last month. The police did everything they could to protect nazis and nothing to stop nazis from attempting to murder anti-fascists by stabbing them. There is even video of the cops helping one of the stabbers escape the scene. No charges pressed.
Or look at Anaheim earlier this year: KKK members stabbed anti-fascists and police refused to arrest a single one of them. But just last week, several of the people stabbed by the KKK were charged themselves!
The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has had to defend dozens of anti-fascists locked up by cops for the “crime” of stepping to racist scum. The July 25 Day of Solidarity of Anti-Fascist Prisoners happens because police don’t “guard” or “defend” or “protect” antifa - they lock them up!
4) Why should we rely on the police to protect us from racists?
Nevermind the obvious “wolf guarding the henhouse” contradiction with that idea - the truth is that when we rely on a racist state apparatus to protect us as we do anti-fascist work, we are utterly delegitimizing ourselves as anti-fascists. If we can’t even protect ourselves and each other and look to the state to do that for us, we might as well hang up our balaclavas and join the liberals in calling for the state to end racism as well, even though the state is the apparatus that perpetuates and enforces much of the most serious and damaging forms of racism.
And truthfully, we do an excellent job of protecting ourselves and our communities most of the time. The very same weekend the Sacramento action happened, 2000 antifa in London + 400 antifa in Melbourne + 70 antifa in Toronto were in the streets fighting against fascism & racism without taking any injuries. In the one action that weekend where antifa were injured, the fash were still stopped in their tracks and forced to flee.
The only reason this is even coming up now is because in California on two separate occasions, nazis have resorted to pulling out knives and stabbing people. Those are rare instances and antifa can effectively defend themselves against such attacks with some coordination, discipline, preparation, and training.
Bottom line: anti-fascists don’t need a racist, violent state institution like the cops to protect us; all we need is each other!
But first, the answer’s to yesterday’s question:
3. B. Medieval Europoeans viewed Ethiopians as saviours.
In medieval Europe, religion mattered most, not physical appearance. At the time, Christian Europe was at war with the Moslem Empire. Europe looked towards a mythical Christian Ethiopian kingdom, led by the fabled priest-king Prester John, to rescue them from the infidels. Theories of race didn’t emerge until the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Now onto today’s question:
4. Members of a race can be identified by their:
A. Blood group
B. Skin color
C. Ancestry
D. Genes
E. None of the above
F. All of the above
We’ll post the answer tomorrow!
Our first run of the flags didn’t have a way to attach it to a pole. But our current run of flags have a sleeve on the left side for poles! But we only have five left until we’re sold-out, so get yours while you can!
Treffpunkt: Rabet-Park Leipzig
Uhrzeit: 17:00Hier der Aufruf:
Liebe Menschen,vorab schon mal : Wir, die Solidarische Jugend Leipzig, finden es toll, dass ihr an diesem Montag wieder oder vielleicht auch zum Ersten Mal gegen LEGIDA und deren Hetze auf die Straße geht. Es ist absolut notwendig, dass der Gegenprotest bleibt und immer wenn LEGIDA oder andere rechte Demagog*innen ihre Parolen über den Ring schreien, dagegen aufzustehen und zu sagen: „Ihr seid hier nicht willkommen, wir akzeptieren euren Hass und euren Rassismus nicht.“
Doch warum ist es so wichtig, dass wir alle gemeinsam Menschenfeind*innen hier, auf der Straße, und auch im Alltag klar widersprechen? Wir leben in Zeiten, in denen regelmäßig Anschläge und Gewalttaten gegen Geflüchtete und deren Unterkünfte verübt werden. In Zeiten in denen es schon reicht, nicht weiß oder vermeintlich „deutsch“ auszusehen oder sich so zu verhalten, um von Neonazis angegriffen zu werden, In Zeiten, in denen es für einige Menschen immer noch nicht normal ist, wenn gleichgeschlechtliche Paare Hand in Hand über die Straße laufen und in Zeiten, in denen die Wutbürger*innen immer wieder in sozialen Medien verbal entgleisen. Warum scheinen Angriffe auf Menschen mittlerweile so normal zu sein? Schon der erste Angriff war zu viel!
Unsere Antwort auf euren Hass heißt Solidarität. Solidarität mit Geflüchteten, mit der LGBTQI Community, mit People of Color, mit allen weiteren Menschen, die Diskriminierung erfahren mussten und auch mit denjenigen, die Freiräume erkämpfen, wie es derzeit in der Arno-Nitzsche-Straße passiert.
Diese Solidarität ist vor allem vor dem Hintergrund des immer stärker werdenden Rechtsrucks in Deutschland und Europa enorm wichtig. Wenn Rassist*innen offen ihren Hass verbeiten können und Politiker*innen wie Gauland öffentlich in Talkshows Sätze wie : ,,Erst sind wir tolerant, dann fremd im eigenen Land.“ ablassen können und dann auch noch damit durchkommen und somit eine Bühne für ihre menschenfeindliche Denkweise bekommen.
Ab wann ist dieser Rassismus salonfähig geworden, wann haben Menschen aufgehört etwas gegen solche Aussagen zu tun und klar und deutlich zu erklären, warum es nicht geht?
Während viele Menschen einfach müde geworden sind, gegen die andauernden Naziaufmärsche auf die Straße zu gehen, besucht Legida-Frontfrau Tatjana Festerling selbsternannte, vermeintliche „Grenzschützende“ in Bulgarien, um den Kampf in der Festung Europa zu unterstützen. Wo bleibt der Aufschrei, wenn offen Neonazis, mit Paramilitärs zusammenarbeiten, die bereit sind an der Grenze auf Menschen zu schießen oder sogar den Schießbefehl an deutschen Grenzen fordern ?
Wir reden hier von Menschen die aus Angst vor Tod, Folter, Verfolgung oder Armut fliehen und auf lebensbedrohliche Fluchtrouten gezwungen werden. Von Menschen, die vor Gewalt fliehen und hier von erneuter Gewalt eines rechten Mobs empfangen werden.
Wir widersprechen entschieden den Politikwissenschaftler*innen, die Bewegungen, wie Pegida und Legida, immer noch für harmlos halten. Wir widersprechen auch den Menschen, die immer wieder betonen, dass die Gesellschaft sich den Rassist*innen nicht verschließen sollte.
Für uns ist klar: „Faschismus ist keine Meinung, sondern ein Verbrechen“.Wir haben es satt und sagen ganz klar NEIN zu Hass, Hetze und Gewalt, Nein zu Diskriminierung, auch unter dem Vorwand einer vermeintlichen Angst vor dem als fremd Wahrgenommenen.
Wir sagen nein zu LEGIDA, zu PEGIDA und wie sie sich noch alle nennen.
Unsere Antwort heißt Solidarität, Refugees Welcome, Racists not.
But first, the answer to yesterday’s question:
2. C. The ancient Greeks believe language was the characteristic that most distinguished them from “barbarians.” The word barbarian comes from the Greek word “bar-bar,” for someone who stutters, is unintelligible, or does not speak Greek. The Greeks, like most ancient peoples, did not attribute much meaning to physical appearance. In ancient Greece, language was the difference that mattered, because it indicated who was not Greek. Some historians believe that the first to be labeled barbarian were the Scythians of circa 500 B.C., who lived northeast of the Black Sea and were very fair skinned. Ideas of ‘race’ did not exist during antiquity.
OK! Today’s question is:
3. In Medieval Europe (circa 1300-1400), Ethiopians were looked upon as:
A. Savages
B. Saviors
C. Barbarians
D. Infidels
E. Negroes
We’ll post the answer tomorrow!
But first, the answer to yesterday’s question is:
A. None
There are no characteristics, no traits, not even one gene that distinguish all members of one so-called race from all members of another race. “Race” has no scientific validity.
Now are you ready for Question Two?
2. Which characteristic did the ancient Greeks believe most distinguished them from “barbarians”?
A. Religion
B. Skin color
C. Language
D. Dress
E. Hairiness
Answer tomorrow!
There is indeed! You can purchase one of our Antifa International or Refugees Welcome flags here! Scroll down & you’ll see them in the “Products” list on the right-hand side of your screen.
(The Kungsan 15 are 15 Swedish antifascists who have been done up by the state for the “crime” of refusing to let a neo-nazi mob march through their city.)
(Swedish below)
Today the court of appeal has judged the remainer of the antifascists that were prosecuted after the demonstrations in Kungsträdgården against the fascist Svenskarnas Parti demonstration before the election 2014.
Of the 10 antifasiscsts, 5 of them will serve a prison term between 12 to 4 months. 3 who got a prison term from the district court have instead been sentenced to community service and one has been freed of all charges. One person who was freed by the district court however, has been sentenced for community service after the court of appeal’’s sentence, even after the court has found that the person in question didn’t take part of violent acts, they only took part in an anti-fascist demonstration - something that leaves a bitter aftertaste for the future.
Two of the antifascists got their reason for arrest changed from “attempt to heavily assault” to “attempt at assault against an official”. Despite that, the court does not change the sentence of 6 months for this (10 months together with violent rioting). Attempt at assault against an official is usually a ticket crime, or eventually an one month prison term, but in this case, against antifascists, the court decides to carry out a sentence for heavy assault.
Most of them are sentenced for violent rioting that the prosecutor decided to split into two different occasions, because according to the prosecutor there was a moment of calm between the disturbances. Because of this they are able to prosecute for the same crime and drive both the sentence and the claims up twice.
Around 12.000 people were present in Kungsträdgården during the protests when the cops decided to try to disperse the crowd with pepper spray and truncheons, many decided to press the police back. Thousands of antifasists were moving and a large amount of people participated in different ways in what the district court and the court of appeal decided to be violent rioting. Of all these people, 15 were singled out where 13 were sentenced. 8 of them have been sentenced to serve time in prison.
Even though the judgements are distorted, the solution is not to mourn the repression, but to organise in solidarity and in resistance.
We can’t share the prison term in solidarity, but we can share the damage. That’s why we want to remind you of the collection we are holding and we urge anyone that is able to to contribute economically by donating a sum of your own choosing to bankgiro: 627-0086 or swish: 123 091 64 45. Every buck makes a difference.
Free Kungsan 15!!!
Idag kom hovrättens dom mot de kvarvarande antifascister som åtalats efter protesterna i Kungsträdgården mot det nazistiska Svenskarnas Partis demonstration inför valet 2014.
Av de 10 antifascisterna dömer hovrätten 5 till fängelse i mellan 12-4 månader. 3 personer som i tingsrätten fick fängelse döms istället till samhällstjänst och en tidigare dömd frias helt. En person som friades helt i tingsrätten döms dock i hovrätten till samhällstjänst, trots att domstolarna konstaterar att personen inte begått några våldsamma handlingar utan endast för att ha deltagit i en antifascistisk demonstration - något som lämnar en bitter eftersmak inför framtiden.
Två av antifascisterna fick sina rubriceringar sänkta från ‘försök till grov misshandel’ till 'försök till våld mot tjänsteman’, trots detta fastslår hovrätten straffet på 6 månaders för detta (10 månader tillsammans med våldsamt upplopp). Försök till våld mot tjänsteman är vanligtvis ett bötesbrott, eller eventuellt 1 månads fängelse, men i just detta fall,mot antifascister, väljer alltså domstolen att utdöma ett straff motsvarande det för försök till grov misshandel.
De allra flesta döms för våldsamt upplopp som åklagaren valt att dela upp i två tillfällen eftersom det enligt denne var lugnt en liten stund mellan ordningsstörningarna. På så vis kan de åtala för samma brott två gånger och därmed driva upp både strafftid och skadeståndskrav.
Drygt 12 000 personer befann sig på plats i Kungsträdgården under dessa protester, när polisen gjorde försökte splittra folkmassan med pepparspray och batongslag valde många att stå kvar och pressa tillbaka poliserna. Tusentals antirasister var i rörelse och ett stort antal människor deltog på olika sätt i det som tingsrätt och hovrätt betraktar som våldsamt upplopp, av dessa åtalades alltså 15 personer varav sammanlagt alltså 13 nu dömts. 8 personer av dessa har fått fängelsestraff.
Trots att domarna är uppenbart snedvridna är inte lösningen att sörja den orättvisa repressionen, utan att organisera både solidaritet och motstånd.
Fängelsetiden kan vi inte dela på solidariskt, men det kan vi med skadestånden. Därför påminner vi om den stödinsamling som vi bedriver och uppmanar alla som kan att bidra ekonomiskt genom att sätta in valfri summa på bankgiro: 627-0086 eller swish: 123 091 64 45. Varje hundring gör skillnad.
Fria kungsan 15!!!
1. Humans have approximately 30,000 genes. On average, how many genes separate all members of one race from all members of another race?
A. None
B. 1
C. 23
D. 142
E. 1008
F. We don’t know
We’ll post the answer tomorrow!
We should drone attack civilian villages because 1 of every 100 people killed in the attacks might have expressed intentions to harm America, but if you want to fight neo-Nazis who publically embrace racist violence and genocide, making clear threats against you or people who you care about, then you are an evil violent person and no better than Nazis.
Our four “biggest fans” for the month of June (our 2nd anniversary month) will be receiving FABULOUS ANTIFA PRIZES! Still a few hours left to like & reblog our posts & get yourself in the winner’s circle!
Our Antifa International flag is one of the rewards we’re offering to encourage people to donate to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund’s crowdfunding page.
Also on offer: our Refugees Welcome flag!
+ our t-shirt, pins, and some other stuff, too. TIME TO GET YOURSELF AN ANTIFA FLAG!!!
That is one rune that we’re not familiar with in a racist/neo-nazi/fascist context. Anyone have any ideas what that could be about?
We have some ideas - start by reading this!