Key Tasks and Immediate Demands


Key Tasks

Promoting an independent working class agenda, rights to work, rights at work
•   Opposing subservience to US imperialism and the US Alliance
Building the Party
Applying Marxism-Leninism, conscientious study and investigation
Immediate Demands
The Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) has developed a number of demands which, we believe, put people before profits and Australian national independence in place of the interests of US imperialism. These demands can be raised in an appropriate way, when organising or taking action on many issues.
Workers/union rights and democratic rights
Empower workers with the right to strike!
•   Scrap the ABCC – Stop criminalising workers demanding decent wages and conditions!
Guarantee workplace rights!
  Right to job security
  Right to a safe workplace
  Right to organise
  Right to collective action
  Right to union OH & S representatives
  Right to full entitlements when companies fail
•   Make the polluters pay!
Cap and tax carbon emissions – no “market solutions”
No emission reduction costs passed on to the people
Phase out coal!
Create clean power using renewable energy
Retrain workers for new clean, sustainable industries
Water belongs to all – it’s not for trade or sale!
No uranium mining – unsafe for workers, communities and humanity!
Manufacturing, jobs, mining tax
•   Stop nation-wrecking by multinationals – nationalise and build the nation for the people!
Regulate and control foreign investment - reject unequal “free trade” deals!
Tax the profits of the mining monopolies! Keep the wealth in Australia!
  Develop renewable energy production
  Build clean, safe, sustainable manufacturing and value-adding industries
  Improve services and amenities in mining communities and regional areas
Health, education, and livelihood
•   Serve the people – no privatisation!
More and better public schools 
More and better public hospitals 
More and better public housing – implement rent controls
More and better public transport
More and better community-run childcare centres
Nationalise the banks!
  Regulate interest rates, Cut bank fees
More affordable private housing!
Scrap Negative Gearing!
Increase pensions and entitlements!
  Aboriginal sovereignty and the ‘intervention’
End the racist Intervention now - Aboriginal control of Aboriginal affairs!
Stop land grabbing by mining companies!
Scrap compulsory ‘Income Management’!
Leave Land Rights alone - recognise Aboriginal sovereignty!
A just Treaty with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples!
Foreign policy
•   For an independent and peaceful foreign policy!
No more support for American wars – get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines!
No US Alliance – no foreign military bases on Australian soil!
Nuclear free Australia!
Social issues
•  Equal rights for women!
Equal pay for equal value
Make equal opportunity a reality
Right to choose legal, safe abortion
Parental leave paid at full wage
For a multicultural Australia!
No to racism
Stop demonisation of asylum seekers and refugees
No discrimination on grounds of sexuality!



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