Conference of Social Economists - Leaders in independent Marxist theory
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Since 1977 Capital & Class has been the main, peer-reviewed, independent source
for a Marxist critique of global capitalism. Pioneering key debates on value theory, domestic labour and the state,
C&C reaches out into the labour, trade union, anti-racist, feminist, environmentalist and other radical movements.

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About us

The CSE Executive Committee and C&C Editorial Board are elected by members at Annual General Meetings.

Executive Committee members are: Kate Begley, Ian Fitzgerald, Mahmood Messkoub, Julian Wells and Owen Worth.

Editorial Board members are: David Bailey, Greig Charnock, Ian Fitzgerald, Steve Fleetwood, Gregor Gall, Whyeda Gill-McLure, Eleanor Kaufman, Jo McBride, Phoebe Moore, Nick Potts, Barry Ryan, Stuart Shields, Paul Stewart, Daniela Tepe-Belfrage, Julian Wells, Angela Wigger and Owen Worth.

International Advisory Board are: Patrick Bond, Mike Davis, Stephen Gill, John Holloway, Makoto Itah, Bob Jessop, Andrew Kliman, Joohee Lee, Alex Miller, Adam Morton, Gerry Strange and Kees van der Pijl.

Managing Editor is Owen Worth.

Book Review Editor is David Bailey.

List of books that are available to to review.

Prospective contributors to Capital & Class please read Notes for contributors.

The Memorandum & Articles of Association of CSE Ltd can be read here.

CSE/Capital & Class
Thorn House 
5 Rose St 
Edinburgh EH2 2PR

+44 (0) 131 243 2797
cseoffice @ skype