15 July 2016

Dozens murdered in possible terrorist attack in Nice, France

By Oscar Grenfell, 15 July 2016

French President Francois Hollande invoked the horrific attack to justify expansion of the “state of emergency” for another three months.

Global trade stagnates amid wave of protectionism

By Nick Beams, 15 July 2016

Members of the G20 were responsible for more than 80 percent of protectionist measures in 2015.

A dangerous turn to economic nationalism

Fresno video shows police murder of Dylan Noble

By Patrick Martin, 15 July 2016

Two cops fired two shots into the white youth as he stood a few feet away, then two more, including a shotgun blast, as he lay twitching on the ground.

Obama in Dallas: Platitudes and lies on police killings

More on police violence in America »

Fractured Australian government under intense US and economic pressure

By Mike Head, 15 July 2016

Even before Prime Minister Turnbull names his ministry, the government is wracked by recriminations and rifts.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation returns to Australian parliament

Manila responds to South China Sea ruling

By Joseph Santolan, 15 July 2016

The Duterte government has reacted to the ruling with caution, seeking to placate Washington and Beijing, while the Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines has escalated its attacks on China.

The Hague ruling: A dangerous step toward war

Following South China Sea ruling, Australian Labor Party again demands military action

Despite South China Sea crisis, EU deepens relations with China

More on the South China Sea crisis »

White Paper 2016: Another step in the revival of German militarism

By Johannes Stern, 15 July 2016

On Wednesday, the German federal cabinet adopted the long announced “White Paper 2016 on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr.”

Trudeau bolsters Canadian support for Ukraine’s far-right regime

By Roger Jordan, 15 July 2016

During a two-day visit, Trudeau signed a free trade agreement with the Poroshenko government and signaled support for it “reclaiming territory” through war.

Canada expands role in US-led offensives on three fronts

Decision expected soon in Detroit Public Schools “sickout” lawsuit

By Nancy Hanover, 15 July 2016

Despite the restructuring of the Detroit Public Schools, the district’s lawsuit against two teachers for “encouraging” last winter’s sickouts remains in the courts.

US Justice Department blocked prosecution of HSBC bank for drug cartel money laundering

By Gabriel Black, 15 July 2016

The House Financial Services Committee report makes clear that the Obama administration’s failure to hold criminally liable a single leading Wall Street figure is the result of a highly conscious and systematic policy.

Report exposes deaths in US immigrant detention centers

By Khara Sikhan, 15 July 2016

Immigrant detainees in the US face substandard medical and mental health treatment with fatal consequences.

Chicago police SWAT team terrorizes working class neighborhood

By George Marlowe, 15 July 2016

The Chicago Police Department conducted warrantless raids of homes in a neighborhood in the South Side while searching for alleged gunmen.

Race, class and police murder in America

Unicef report reveals 250 million child victims of war every day

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 15 July 2016

The shocking consequences for millions of children growing up in war zones can last decades.

UK: Children referred for “deradicalisation” under “anti-terrorist” strategy

By Tom Pearce, 15 July 2016

Since the start of the 2015 academic year, increasing numbers of youth have been questioned over their religion, political affiliation and actions.

Bailiffs and police break up another homeless camp in Manchester

Australia: BlueScope suing steel union over one-day strike

By Oscar Grenfell, 15 July 2016

The legal action against the Australian Workers Union is aimed at intimidating steelworkers hostile to the conditions imposed by the company-union deal last year.

New in Russian

Предсказуемый и жалкий конец «политической революции» Сандерса

Патрик Мартин, 15 июля 2016 г.

Кампания Сандерса служит важнейшим политическим уроком для миллионов молодых людей и рабочих, которые поддержали его призывы к «политической революции» против «класса миллиардеров».

New in French

L’UE renforce ses relations avec la Chine malgré la crise en mer de Chine méridionale

Par Alex Lantier, 15 juillet 2016

Les responsables de l’UE refusent ostensiblement d’approuver les revendications des États-Unis et des Philippines envers la Chine en mer de Chine méridionale, détaillées dans la décision du tribunal de mardi à La Haye.

La décision de La Haye : Un pas dangereux vers la guerre

Par Peter Symonds, 15 juillet 2016

La décision de la cour au sujet de la mer de Chine méridionale va accentuer les tensions et le risque qu’un incident mineur n’échappe à tout contrôle et ne déclenche un conflit entre les États-Unis et la Chine.

L’UE secouée par la crise bancaire italienne

Par Marianne Arens et Peter Schwarz, 15 juillet 2016

Les experts économiques et financiers européens anticipent que la crise bancaire de l’Italie puisse déclencher une nouvelle grande crise en Europe.

La nouvelle Première ministre britannique Theresa May à la tête d’un gouvernement d’austérité

Par Chris Marsden, 15 juillet 2016

May est une partisane fervente de Thtacher, qui est considérée capable de défendre sans pitié les intérêts de la classe dirigeante

New in German

Das Haager Urteil: Ein gefährlicher Schritt in Richtung Krieg

Von Peter Symonds, 15. Juli 2016

Der Haager Schiedsspruch zum Südchinesischen Meer wird die Spannungen in der Region erhöhen. Das Risiko steigt, dass schon ein kleiner Zwischenfall einen Konflikt zwischen den USA und China auslösen kann.

Großbritannien: Neue Premierministerin wird den Sparkurs verschärfen

Von Chris Marsden, 15. Juli 2016

May ist eine thatcheristische Hardlinerin, die als rücksichtslose Verteidigerin der Interessen der herrschenden Klasse angesehen wird.

Berlin: Massiver Polizeieinsatz bereitet Law-and-Order-Wahlkampf vor

Von Verena Nees, 15. Juli 2016

Am Wochenende gingen in Berlin über 1000 Polizisten rechtswidrig gegen 1800 Demonstranten vor und provozierten eine Straßenschlacht.

Gefährliche Wende zum Wirtschaftsnationalismus

Von Nick Beams, 15. Juli 2016

Wirtschaftstheoretiker der herrschenden Klasse setzen auf Protektionismus und Nationalismus.

Osteuropa: Faschistische Bürgerwehren machen Jagd auf Flüchtlinge

Von Markus Salzmann, 15. Juli 2016

In mehreren osteuropäischen Ländern haben sich rechtsextreme Milizen und Bürgerwehren gebildet, die Flüchtlinge jagen, verprügeln und ausrauben.

Deutsche Edelstahlwerke: IG Metall und Betriebsräte vereinbaren Lohnsenkung

Von Dietmar Henning, 15. Juli 2016

In Windeseile haben IG Metall und Betriebsräte sich auf einen sogenannten Arbeitnehmerbeitrag geeinigt. Die Belegschaften bezahlen mit ihren Arbeitsplätzen und Löhnen für die Krise am Stahlmarkt und die Gier der Eigentümer.

Other Languages


One year since Syriza’s betrayal in Greece

15 July 2016

Syriza’s ceaseless collaboration in the implementation of brutal austerity measures has vindicated the warnings made by the WSWS even before the pseudo-left party came to power.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

New book by David North
A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

By David North, 11 July 2016

We publish here the preface to A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016 by David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site. The book is available for preorder today at Mehring Books.

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

After Sanders, Green Party seeks to trap workers and youth within capitalist politics

By Jerry White, 15 July 2016

The Greens hope to become the “big tent” for protest groups in the orbit of the Democrats, which promote identity politics, economic nationalism and “green business” opportunities.

SEP candidate for vice president takes socialist campaign to western Pennsylvania

By our reporter, 14 July 2016

Supporters of SEP presidential campaign achieve write-in ballot status in Kentucky

By Naomi Spencer, 14 July 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


One year since the New Horizons flyby of Pluto

By Bryan Dyne, 15 July 2016

During the past year, the NASA spacecraft has sent back images showing canyons, plains, mountains and evidence for liquid water on Pluto.


The New York Times, Michael Eric Dyson and the politics of race

By Barry Grey, 14 July 2016

The Times is on guard and ready to denounce anything—a political development, a book, even a movie—that challenges its racialist agenda. This agenda has become more and more central as the class struggle has grown more intense.

Axel Honneth at Humboldt University: A socialism that is nothing of the sort


A reply to our critics
In Defense of the American Revolution

By Tom Mackaman, 14 July 2016

The American Revolution, the most progressive event in world history in its time, continues to inspire the struggle for equality.

Two hundred forty years since the Declaration of Independence

“Ordinary people truly imbibed the principles of the American Revolution”
An interview with Victoria Bynum, historian and author of The Free State of Jones—Part 2

By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier, 13 July 2016

Charles Blow of the New York Times
The right-wing, racialist attacks on the film Free State of Jones

By David Walsh, 30 June 2016

Free State of Jones: Three cheers!

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

15 July 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Arts Review

The life and career of Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami

By David Walsh, 14 July 2016

The Iranian director will be best remembered and long honored for the series of feature films, including documentaries, that he made between 1987 and 1997.

Book Review
The Mare by Mary Gaitskill: Attention to social inequality—in her own way

By Sandy English, 12 July 2016

“Cinema has the potential to make us richer in spirit”—filmmaker Paul Cox (1940–2016)

By Richard Phillips, 11 July 2016

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
The way forward after the Brexit vote

13 July 2016

Halt the attacks on living conditions! Fight for socialist policies!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 12 July 2016

SEP public meetings: The Australian election crisis and the way forward for the working class

9 July 2016

The 2016 US Elections

After endorsement, Sanders attempts to convince angry supporters to back Clinton

The predictable and pathetic end of Sanders’ “political revolution”

Sanders’ “political revolution” revealed: Nationalist reaction and support for Clinton

Amid nationwide protests against police violence
Officials prepare for mass repression at Republican National Convention in Cleveland

By Carlos Delgado, 13 July 2016

Democratic platform deal sets stage for Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton

By Jerry White, 12 July 2016

Elizabeth Warren campaigns with Clinton as possible running mate

More the 2016 US elections »

The UK Brexit crisis

New UK Prime Minister Theresa May to head austerity government

By Chris Marsden, 14 July 2016

The anti-working class politics of the pseudo-left
Left Unity endorses pro-EU offensive to overturn Brexit referendum

By Chris Marsden, 9 July 2016

Canada’s elite rattled by Brexit vote

Signs of post-Brexit financial crisis mount

More on the UK Brexit crisis »

25 years ago: Leaked cables creates furor over US provocation of Iraq

On July 12, 1991, the Washington Post published excerpts of secret State Department cables revealing the trap that was set by the US to provide a pretext for the bloody war against Iraq.

More »

50 years ago: US war in Vietnam deepens

On July 15, 1966, the US launched Operation Hastings, a large-scale Marine action whose stated aim was sweeping North Vietnamese fighters out of an area adjacent to the so-called demilitarized zone.

More »

75 years ago: Uprising in Montenegro against Italian occupation

On July 13, 1941 peasants, workers and youth in Montenegro erupted in an insurrection against Italian occupation forces one day after Mussolini announced he would annex Montenegro to fascist Italy.

More »


100 years ago: British troops launch surprise attack on the Somme

On July 14, 1916, 20,000 British troops attacked German lines near the Somme River, in northern France, at 3:25 a.m.

More »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The Socialist Equality Party (Germany) stands candidates for the Berlin state elections

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 31 May 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!