11 July 2016

Hundreds arrested in US protests against police killings

By Shannon Jones, 11 July 2016

Thousands took to the streets across the United States to voice their outrage over two recent police killings of unarmed black men.

“I am against something wrong, regardless of what the color of someone’s skin is”
Protesters speak out on police killings

By Nick Barrickman and Matthew Taylor, 11 July 2016

Afghan war veteran guns down five Dallas police

New video shows off-duty New York cop murdering motorist

By Sandy English, 11 July 2016

A store surveillance video has surfaced that shows the killing of Delrawn Small by off-duty New York Police Department officer Wayne Isaacs at a traffic altercation.

Video exposes Fresno police lies in shooting death of Dylan Noble

By John Burton, 11 July 2016

Noble, an unarmed 19-year-old white youth, was killed by two police officers from Fresno, an impoverished city of about one-half million located in the heart of California’s Central Valley.

The police killings in Louisiana and Minnesota: The class issues

More on police violence in America »

NATO summit plans escalation against Russia in Eastern Europe, Middle East

By Alex Lantier, 11 July 2016

NATO is planning a major military escalation, based on plans for a perpetual state of war in the Middle East and preparations for all-out war with Russia in Europe.

NATO’s war summit in Warsaw

Merkel calls for German rearmament ahead of NATO summit

Leadership contest launched, raising prospect of split in UK Labour Party

By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, 11 July 2016

Nothing is being ruled out by the Parliamentary Labour Party, including the possibility that Labour leader Corbyn will not be allowed to stand in a leadership contest.

UK: Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn refuses to call Tony Blair a war criminal

Coalition parties to form unstable government in Australia

By James Cogan, 11 July 2016

After the political and media establishment did everything possible during the election to prevent any debate on the rising danger of war, that issue is set to erupt.

Australian election outcome heightens divisions within the Greens

The political issues posed by the Australian election crisis

More on the 2016 Australian federal elections »

UN court to deliver decision on South China Sea disputes

By Peter Symonds, 11 July 2016

With a ruling imminent, the US has cranked up its propaganda apparatus and military activity in the South China Sea, setting the stage for a dangerous confrontation with China.

US and South Korea agree on THAAD anti-missile system

By Ben McGrath, 11 July 2016

The installation will likely inflame tensions while continuing to stoke an arms race in East Asia.

More on the South China Sea crisis »

Five agency workers crushed to death in British scrapyard

By Danny Richardson, 11 July 2016

Three serious incidents have occurred at the Hawkeswood Metal recycling plant in the Nechells area of Birmingham in the last few years.

Prison spending rises three times faster than education funding in US

By Nancy Hanover, 11 July 2016

Government policy—of both Democrats and Republicans—is to jettison the funding of public education while transferring vast sums to militarize the police and build prisons.

Erie, Pennsylvania school district passes austerity budget with emergency funding

New York City takes major step in privatization of public housing

By Philip Guelpa, 11 July 2016

The de Blasio administration is moving forward with its NextGen program, which will lease open space within public housing complexes to private developers.

European Union working with African despots to deter refugees

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 11 July 2016

At their latest meeting in the Slovakian capital Bratislava, EU interior ministers agreed on speedier deportation of refugees and closer cooperation with African dictatorships.

New in Russian

Саммит НАТО в Варшаве проводится для подготовки войны против России

Иоганнес Штерн, 10 июля 2016 г.

Меры, намеченные для одобрения военным альянсом Запада в польской столице, еще больше усилят угрозу войны в Европе.

Партия Социалистического Равенства Германии выдвигает кандидатов на выборах в Берлине

Партия Социалистического Равенства, 10 июля 2016 г.

Партия Социалистического Равенства, немецкая секция Четвертого Интернационала, выставляет семь кандидатов на сентябрьских региональных выборах в Берлине.

New in Spanish

Barack Obama y 25 años de guerra estadounidense

Por David North, 11 julio 2016

El gobierno de Obama personifica la institucionalización de la guerra como la fundación de la política exterior estadounidense.

Muere Michael Cimino, 77, director del Francotirador, y de La puerta del cielo

Por David Walsh, 11 julio 2016

Cimino es famoso por haber dirigido El cazador (1978) que obtuvo muchos premios, y La puerta del cielo (1980) que fue rechazada por los críticos.

La detección de ondas gravitacionales: Un conquista científica

Por Bryan Dyne, 11 julio 2016

La detección directa de ondas gravitacionales, pronosticadas por Albert Einstein hace casi un siglo, es una gran conquista para el conocimiento científico y el dominio técnico del mundo natural.

New in Turkish

NATO'nun Varşova'daki savaş zirvesi

Alex Lantier, 11 Temmuz 2016

Zirvenin başlıca askeri amacı, Rusya'yı, Rusya sınırlarındaki NATO güçlerinin varlığını büyük ölçüde arttırarak tehdit etmektir.

İstanbul terör saldırısı, Boston Maratonu bombalamaları ve Çeçen bağlantısı

Nick Barrickman, 11 Temmuz 2016

Saldırganlar Avrupa polis ve istihbarat örgütlerince tanınan ancak Suriye’deki Batılı rejim değişikliği operasyonunun parçası olarak Ortadoğu ile Avrupa arasında engelsiz bir şekilde dolaşmalarına izin verilenler gibi, ABD istihbaratının korumasından yararlanıyordu.

Other Languages


Race, class and police murder in America

11 July 2016

The campaign to portray the United States as riven by racial hatred serves definite and reactionary social and political aims.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

New book by David North
A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

By David North, 11 July 2016

We publish here the preface to A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016 by David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site. The book is available for preorder today at Mehring Books.


Axel Honneth at Humboldt University: A socialism that is nothing of the sort

By Peter Schwarz, 11 July 2016

At Berlin’s Humboldt University, philosophy professors Axel Honneth and Christoph Menke, SPD politician Gesine Schwan and Left Party leader Sahra Wagenknecht spoke about the “relevance of socialism today.”

Australian parliamentarian calls for Iraqi war crimes trial

By James Cogan, 9 July 2016

Canada’s elite rattled by Brexit vote

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 9 July 2016

The New York Times on the Chilcot report on Iraq war: “Nothing new here”

IMF chief points to war danger

Two hundred forty years since the Declaration of Independence

Arts Review

“Cinema has the potential to make us richer in spirit”—filmmaker Paul Cox (1940–2016)

By Richard Phillips, 11 July 2016

Cox directed over 40 dramatic features and documentaries—the overwhelming majority on paper-thin budgets—during his more than forty-year career.

Toward a socialist future: Children’s picture books after the Bolshevik Revolution

By Thomas Scripps, 9 July 2016

Michael Cimino, director of The Deer Hunter and Heaven’s Gate, dead at 77

By David Walsh, 7 July 2016

Charles Blow of the New York Times
The right-wing, racialist attacks on the film Free State of Jones

By David Walsh, 30 June 2016

Free State of Jones: Three cheers!

25 years ago: Leaked cables creates furor over US provocation of Iraq

On July 12, 1991, the Washington Post published excerpts of secret State Department cables revealing the trap that was set by the US to provide a pretext for the bloody war against Iraq.

More »

50 years ago: US war in Vietnam deepens

On July 15, 1966, the US launched Operation Hastings, a large-scale Marine action whose stated aim was sweeping North Vietnamese fighters out of an area adjacent to the so-called demilitarized zone.

More »

75 years ago: Uprising in Montenegro against Italian occupation

On July 13, 1941 peasants, workers and youth in Montenegro erupted in an insurrection against Italian occupation forces one day after Mussolini announced he would annex Montenegro to fascist Italy.

More »


100 years ago: British troops launch surprise attack on the Somme

On July 14, 1916, 20,000 British troops attacked German lines near the Somme River, in northern France, at 3:25 a.m.

More »

The UK Brexit crisis

The anti-working class politics of the pseudo-left
Left Unity endorses pro-EU offensive to overturn Brexit referendum

By Chris Marsden, 9 July 2016

Signs of post-Brexit financial crisis mount

More on the UK Brexit crisis »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Video: West Virginia coal miners discuss social crisis with SEP presidential candidate Jerry White

By Jerry White and Zac Corrigan, 9 July 2016

Video: SEP presidential candidate visits flood-ravaged West Virginia town

6 July 2016

Socialist Equality Party election campaign: Naomi Spencer for West Virginia House of Delegates, 16th District!

22 June 2016

Video discussion from West Virginia: SEP candidates Jerry White and Naomi Spencer

The West Virginia floods and America's class divide

The Fort Bragg baseball game, American militarism and the Fourth of July

By Niles Niemuth—SEP candidate for vice president, 5 July 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP public meetings: The Australian election crisis and the way forward for the working class

9 July 2016

Workers Struggles

UK junior doctors vote to reject contract

By Paul Mitchell, 7 July 2016

Canada Post moves to lock out 50,000 workers

By Roger Jordan, 7 July 2016


Oversaw 1979 Chrysler concessions
Former UAW official Marc Stepp dies

By Shannon Jones, 7 July 2016

The 2016 US Elections

Elizabeth Warren campaigns with Clinton as possible running mate

By Josh Varlin, 28 June 2016

More the 2016 US elections »


Juno spacecraft enters orbit around Jupiter

By Bryan Dyne, 5 July 2016

Further steps in finding an Earth-like planet outside the solar system

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The Socialist Equality Party (Germany) stands candidates for the Berlin state elections

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 31 May 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!