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Neoliberalism, mining and Armenia's politics of plunder

The resurgence of fighting with Azerbaijan could hinder progressive mobilisation in Armenia, but recent environmental initiatives reveal the appetite for resistance to the economy of extraction. - free thinking for the world

Zimbabwe in turmoil: from the trenches

Despite constant harassment and brutal repression, one by one all sectors of society are expressing their discontent publicly.

The dilemma of the European Left

We must, without ceding to the old myths of totalitarianism, restore meaning to the ideal of sovereignty.

Are we Spaniards better off five years afterwards?

On the eve of the elections, an audit of the political and social outcomes of the square occupation and the rise of the Podemos party in Spain.

Spain’s political draw: a problem of programme or image?

Sunday, June 26, Spanish elections. A new alliance between Podemos and Izquierda Unida aims to unlock the political stalemate that occurred in the last elections. What is the calculation behind it?

Neoliberalism, mining and Armenia's politics of plunder

The resurgence of fighting with Azerbaijan could hinder progressive mobilisation in Armenia, but recent environmental initiatives reveal the appetite for resistance to the economy of extraction.

Their security, our poverty: militarisation and Lithuania’s new labour code

There are signs that a new movement is emerging against austerity in Lithuania, but it will have to contend with a new militarised nationalism. 

Affirming democracy: trade union action meets work fragmentation

How do you organize collective action if the workforce is spread in a fragmented value chain and if the power that governs processes is “faceless”?

What role for the ETUC in organising workers in Europe?

The added value of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is its role as a think-tank or even of a think-and-do-tank on strategies to organise workers.

Depoliticising protests in Armenia

Years of social and environmental protests in Armenia have proven one thing — our demands must be political in nature. Русский

Democracy after Sanders

Building a progressive alternative, beyond social media and mass rallies.

Lebanese activists leave their ‘comfort zone’: how to overcome mistrust in conventional politics

In a context where all other forms of political action seemed to be blocked in the foreseeable future, municipal elections offer a unique opportunity to challenge the establishment.

Is there a future for a social democracy?

Social democracy has been limited to understanding market principles and redistribution as ways of serving the interests of people. Now is the time to better understand the principle of reciprocity.

Karl Polanyi and twenty-first century socialism

Polanyi’s views were the exact opposite of his contemporary, Joseph Schumpeter, who famously defined democracy as giving people a choice over which elite group would rule over them.

The crisis in European social democracy: a crisis like no other

Social democracy, as practiced so far, is disappointing and depressing. There are grounds for confidence in its future. But a qualitative leap is necessary.

A human economy approach to development

Money buys the machines that control people’s access to work. Humanity’s task is to reverse that order.

A new politics from the left?

Can it be achieved from within existing political institutions, or does it require new sources of power to be built in society and the economy as a base for new political institutions?

End of a cycle for the left in Latin America?

We share a common enemy: a neo-conservative project for capital accumulation on a global scale, based on extreme mechanisms of dispossession, including war and the hollowing out of democracy and politics. Español

Defending democracy, reinventing the left

Representative democracy can only strengthen if it resorts to more participatory and deliberative mechanisms, a new generation of public action built on co-construction.

“We must never forget, so it never happens again”: Brazil’s peasant internationalism

On International Day of Peasant Struggles, we reflect on Brazil’s ‘Landless Workers’ Movement’, which has been at the heart of struggles for land and social justice for over three decades.

They make money through our dead bodies

Negotiation processes over conflict are practically impotent in men’s hands. A statement on the recent hostilities between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. Русский

« Nuit Debout » : citizens are back in the squares in Paris

What distinguishes a social movement from any other kind of mobilization is the fact that it does not focus on a specific claim (such as labour reform) but challenges some of the core values ​​of a society. Français Español Português

Open Letter to the International Community about the political situation in Brazil

A new type of “judicial-mediatic coup”, more complex and sophisticated than the military coup, is under way in Brazil. Brazilian intellectuals seek support from the international community. Español Português

Japan after Japan

Post-Fukushima social movements, the rebirth of history and tacit futures. An interview.

After the world's largest mining disaster: what impacts? Who is affected?

In contrast to ‘hazards theory’, the theory of disasters derived from a sociological approach will underline concerns about complex social organization and collective behavior. Português. Español.

We need a Plan B for growth

One overarching theme of last weekend’s Plan B for Europe conferences in Madrid, the pursuit of growth, shows a basic unawareness of how the economic system depends on the biosphere.

2013-2016: polarization and protests in Brazil

The reduction of a broad and complex reconfiguration of Brazilian society to a matter of “Fascists” versus “Bolivarians” is a sign of the exasperation caused by the current conjuncture. Español Português

Global South, beyond the State

Global South's emancipatory practices are demanding the renewal of the 'Spirit of Bandung' that gave birth to the South-South cooperation. Español

'Commons sense’: you either see it or you don’t

Some of the debates regarding agency, change and commoning that flowed through openDemocracy in 2015.

Belated tourists of a postponed-revolution

A close look at the KMU Trade Union Centre in the Philippines suggests that joining the ITUC has buried any alternative labour internationalism of the kind dreamed of in 1990.

Podemos: the schizophrenic road from public squares to the institutions

If they are not going to win anyway, as seems to be the case, would it not have been better to compromise less and work toward a more profound political change as an opposition? Español.

“Our situation is Quixotic and Machiavellian”: an interview with Podemos’ Jorge Moruno

It takes a lot to get very little, but there is no other option we must open a new way, without the means to do so. We are in the belly of the whale.

Introducing this week’s theme: 'Smile at the Indignados': Podemos' struggle for a new politics

The fate of the ‘purple party’ has fascinated analysts and publics in Europe and beyond since its inception in 2014, because Podemos’ future might easily be the future of the European anti-austerity left. This week's guest theme looks at the party, its origins, roller-coaster short history, and meaning for the future, through the eyes of some of those involved. Español.

“We are seeing you”: protesting violent democracies in Kosova

Within Kosova there is a general feeling that these international actors prize stability above all else, enabling them to overlook the kind of police violence they see in their social media.

Hong Kong’s angry young millennials: an interview with Joshua Wong

The student protest leader has been the centre of western media attention, but he’s not without his critics within Hong Kong’s Occupy movement. Joshua Wong tells us why his struggle for democracy isn’t over yet.

Ankara’s war on peace

Officials have insinuated that Kurds might have blown themselves up on purpose. What the quasi-sacred term ‘terrorism’ does today is to curb the will and the ability to resist arbitrary rule.