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German law endangers sex workers

The ‘prostitutes protection law’, passed 7 June by the German parliament, is a huge step backwards for sex workers rights. - free thinking for the world
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German law endangers sex workers

The ‘prostitutes protection law’, passed 7 June by the German parliament, is a huge step backwards for sex workers rights. - free thinking for the world

The promises and pitfalls of mobile polling

Mobile polling could revolutionize how civil society and human rights groups operate—if it’s done right. A contribution to the openGlobalRights debate on public opinion and human rights. Español

Rethinking recovery: poverty chains and global capitalism

Reorienting value generated within ‘global poverty chains’ is essential to improving the lives of an impoverished world labour force.

German law endangers sex workers

The ‘prostitutes protection law’, passed 7 June by the German parliament, is a huge step backwards for sex workers rights.

Sex workers fight against compulsory registration and identification in Germany

Germany's parliament will likely pass new legislation today that severely infringes on sex worker rights and increases their vulnerability.

Five steps to business accountability in global supply chains

Achieving business accountability in supply chains is incredibly difficult, but the building blocks needed to do so are plain to see.

Rethinking recovery: labour market exploitation and austerity in the UK

Stopping labour exploitation requires effective regulation of the labour market, not scapegoating migrant and vulnerable workers.

Rethinking recovery: recovery for whom?

Corporate profits are soaring, but so is labour exploitation. Who is the ‘recovery’ really benefiting?

Unravelling the 2016 Global Slavery Index. Part two

The Global Slavery Index sets out to determine slavery prevalence in every country and to assess the quality of government responses. What lies behind apparent complicity of silence that surrounds the Index? Part two. Part one.

Unravelling the 2016 Global Slavery Index. Part one

The Global Slavery Index seeks to mobilize action against human exploitation by quantifying the scale of the problem and the quality of current responses. How well has this been done? Part one. Part two.

Roundtable: do we need a binding convention on decent work in global supply chains?

In our first question, respondents debate whether a binding international convention is necessary to ensure labour standards in global supply chains.

Roundtable: what should supply chain governance look like?

Supply chains are notoriously difficult for many workers. How can this change? Does one legal size fits all? What structural changes might be necessary?

Roundtable: how can we promote accountability for labour standards in supply chains?

Some say it's impossible to ensure accountability in global supply chains. Shelley Marshall and Nick Grono argue otherwise, citing a variety of innovative legal mechanisms.

Roundtable: apart from global legislation, how can we protect workers in supply chains?

Unionisation, freedom to collectively bargain, enhanced transparency, and national anti-slavery legislation can all be used to protect supply chain workers, argue our respondents.

Roundtable: what are the pros and cons of global supply chains as a production 'model'?

Some say supply chains bring upgrading, jobs and development for poorer countries. But don't they always do so at a cost to worker rights and wellbeing?


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A proposal for transnational supply chain labour regulation

Supply chains without international cooperation will never work, but an international average minimum wage backed up by enforcement mechanisms and the correct incentives could help produce a just global economy.

Empty gestures: a critique of India’s new trafficking bill

The 2016 Global Slavery Index finds that 40% of ‘modern slaves’ live in India. A new trafficking bill seeks to lower that number, but it will fail in its current form.

De invisible a digital: la digitalización de documentos históricos en peligro en Brasil

Al no contar con documentos, gran parte de la historia de quienes fueron esclavizados está destinada a perderse. La digitalización ofrece una vía para preservar de manera rápida documentos que se encuentran en estado de deterioro. ¿Qué pasos debemos seguir para organizar un proyecto de digitalización a gran escala? English

Helping sex workers help themselves

Laws criminalising prostitution have done incredible damage to sex workers over the years but they have never succeeded in ending the practice. For that reason alone they should be opposed.

Walk Free: measuring global slavery, or masking global hypocrisy?

The Walk Free Foundation claims to fight ‘modern slavery’ by measuring its extent, but is its index not just an exercise in political hypocrisy?

Amidst Shanghai Disneyland opening, Disney toy workers protest unfair treatment

Disney stands to profit greatly from Shanghai's new Disneyland, which opened today (June 16). The same cannot be said for the workers producing its toys.

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