- published: 11 May 2016
- views: 15104
Marcello Truzzi (September 6, 1935 – February 2, 2003) was a professor of sociology at New College of Florida and later at Eastern Michigan University, founding co-chairman of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), a founder of the Society for Scientific Exploration, and director for the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research.
Truzzi was an investigator of various protosciences and pseudosciences and, as fellow CSICOP cofounder Paul Kurtz dubbed him "the skeptic's skeptic". He is credited with originating the oft-used phrase "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
Truzzi was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was the only child of juggler Massimiliano Truzzi and his wife Sonya. His family moved to the United States in 1940 where his father performed with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Truzzi served in the United States Army between 1958 and 1960; he became a naturalized citizen in 1961.
Truzzi founded the skeptical journal Explorations and was a founding member of the skeptic organization CSICOP as its co-chairman with Paul Kurtz. Truzzi's journal became the official journal of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and was renamed The Zetetic ("zetetic" is another name for "skeptic" and is not to be confused with zetetics, the study of the relationship of art and science). The journal remained under his editorship. He left CSICOP about a year after its founding, after receiving a vote of no confidence from the group's Executive Council. Truzzi wanted to include pro-paranormal people in the organization and pro-paranormal research in the journal, but CSICOP felt that there were already enough organizations and journals dedicated to the paranormal. Kendrick Frazier became the editor of CSICOP's journal and the name was changed to Skeptical Inquirer.
Conclusive Evidence Earth Not A Rotating Revolving Globe, But A Stationary Plane Circle by Thomas Winship, 1899 note * if you watch part one or two individually the audio is much better, for some reason when I put the two together it makes the audio pop and crackle. I'll have it resolved soon (with any luck).
This video has been blocked/restricted by You Tube on 10 Sept 2015. So if you cannot access it on You Tube, you can still watch it on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/138874902 and Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ka1u4 Thank you and God bless. This is how I see it, step by step. This video also contains very important information about the flight paths of commercial planes between southern destinations and I highly recommend you watch it all. Real passengers of those flights say that the planes stop at certain locations to refuel. I'll make another separate video about that very soon so please stay tuned. (I just don't have time to finish it right now.) Also, very important thing proving the Flat Earth to look like UN map is the Solar Analemma and I made a separate video about...
Zetetic Astronomy ~ Earth NOT a Globe as read by The Morgile Full Video version Also, an audio only version here with a copy of the pdf http://outsideradio.blogspot.ie/2015/08/zetetic-astronomy-earth-not-globe-full.html TheMorgile's channel ... https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMorgile
From Zetetic Astronomy by Samuel Birley Rowbotham. The "Bedford Level" experiments proved water is flat and level, and on the same level everywhere, hence earth IS a stationary plane circle. This video describes the true basics of earth's shape and rough proportions. This document was written by Rowbothbam before the turn of the 20th century, yet, amazingly, because of NASA's deception, the "old tome's" description of the earth is still about as much as we know about the breadth, depth and extent of the tertiary plane.
2nd draft of Z.E.G. model for Flat Earth, attempts to explain illusion of curvature (Chicago skyline), ocean currents, gravitation, Qantas flight 27, sunset, 24 hour Antarctica sunlight, and other issues. Please understand that to understand this video, you will have to ponder if for a bit. You won’t get it in one quick, unthoughtout viewing. It took me nine months to develop this video/model, and I still only view this as a rough draft. The images in this video involve the AE flat Earth map, but that does not mean the filmmaker is endorsing only that map. For example, in this video, for sake of time and ease, I simply lay-out and plow through the 24 hour Antarctica sunlight description and then I move on. I don't walk the viewer through every single issue with that, such as how when th...
A better sound version is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSIuRdh14f4 SOLAR ANALEMMA EXPLAINED IN DETAILS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNGnz_1MMTg&lc;=z12zzbcwdkakvdf4r04cdvkqksucwvrijd0 The Earth is flat and stationary, exactly as intended by God, created by God and described in the Bible! 1. The Earth doesn't spin 1000mph, doesn't travel around the Sun 67,000mph! We don't feel any movement whatsoever! 2. Time lapse videos of the stars around Polaris wouldn't be circular in motion but straight instead if the Earth was speeding around the sun 67,000mph, since the linear speed of assumed globe earth around the sun is supposedly 67 times greater than spinning on its axis, right? 3. Falling stars always fall DOWN - from top to bottom. 4. The hot climate around Equator ...
"A Zetetic Manifesto" What is this madness... This surge of furious and indignant investigation, Why are so many increasingly daring to question that which is supposed to be unquestionable... To challenge the core consensus of that which our modern, advanced society claims to know. Are they simply going slowly insane? Or maybe just fools? Are they the tragic victims of a sadly innadequate education? Or, is it maybe, something else... Have they instead perhaps stumbled upon a most unexpected, yet liberating, realization, the realization that our most fundamental of human faculties, have in fact not been rendered obsolete, by this cumulation of so-called "higher knowledge", and the staggeringly simple conclusion, that our own senses and observations, can indeed be trusted. For i...
Utwór pochodzi z płyty "The Legend of Legends" There's no globe the sun is near Believe what you believe in but the answer's here We're motionless the earth is flat And if you see a distant lighthouse can you answer how's that? Gravity is just a tool and science keeps you grounded But don't be a fool You know the world's deceived except the few Can you hear the round-Earth sceptics calling out for you They say don't walk too far or you will drop F-f-falling through the cosmos so you'd better stop Because the world is flat and that's that, say That Australia aint down under, it's a bike ride away. Hey! The movie blonde, the chief the King, The leader hanging lifeless, you must stop and think Just close your eyes and find the truth Or those aliens and those masons they will come for yo...
http://marksargent.com/ http://enclosedworld.com/ Apple App http://apple.co/1Vxfs4w Android App http://apple.co/1Vxfs4w Are we inside a Truman show enclosed world, thousands of miles wide? This is part of a series of videos that shows not only is it possible, but likely. The Flat Earth awakening is the biggest story to hit this world in Millennia. I am humble to be just a part of this massive force of truth, one that's going to change the world and how you live forever. This new site is dedicated to everything that is real and true about the place where you live, a place that has until now, been hidden from you. Join me in rediscovering the awesome power and potential of our civilization. Together we can take back the secrets and knowledge, and become great again. msargent23@comcas...
Flat Earth, Curvature, Rowbotham, Galileo, Scientism, Zeteticism, Copernican Principle, As Above So Below, Occultism, Geometric planes, pseudoscience, history, Cosmology..... Don't feel like typing any more than that at the moment. ;-) #flatearth
(Sendt d. 21. marts 2016 i Go' morgen Danmark på TV2 og i Deadline på DR2) Se også interview i Radio24syv: https://youtu.be/GGhHYPl_MSA og i Go' aften Danmark: https://youtu.be/1zBn-lUaTcQ • ’Vi bliver lykkelige, når nogen tør være åbne og nuancerede’ "Danskerne tror, de lever i et sekulært samfund. Men Danmark er gennemsyret af bedrevidende protestantisme, der er lige så skadelig og unuanceret som forestillingen om modsætningen mellem tro og videnskab, mener forfatteren Kristian Leth, der i samtaler med Eske Willerslev har fundet en naturvidenskabsmand, der tror, at der er mere mellem himmel og jord" https://information.dk/kultur/2016/03/lykkelige-naar-nogen-toer-vaere-aabne-nuancerede • Uffe Elbæk: Så er bogen der skal læses i Påsken købt. https://twitter.com/uffeelbaek/status/711192877...
Professor of psychaitry Dr. John Mack and David Jones - an experiencer who shared his alien encounter experiences with him - are interviewed on Company, a daytime talk show from WXYZ Detroit. Also appearing is an experiencer using the name Bill (possibly a local experiencer; it does not appear that he knew Dr Mack), MUFON consultant Ron Westrum, and via phone, professor of sociology Marcello Truzzi. Originally aired April 26, 1994 Note: The final 15 minutes of this program are not available; the broadcast was interrupted by an ABC News special report on the death of former President Richard Nixon. © 1994 WXYZ Detroit
Marcello Truzzi co founder of CSICOP resigned, when he realised it was actually a PSYCHE OP to headkick the general public into forgetting their natural religious and spiritual impulses installed by evolution to rescue Atheistic Stalinism as a political alternative in the intended Sovietisation of the US. Randi and Dawkins are just employees of that Corliss Lamont personal project http://www.truebluehealer.com/CSICOP30yrs_War_Lost.html
From the series "COSMOS" Season 1: Ep. 12 "Encyclopedia Galactica" Marcello Truzzi was the first to suggest the idea of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary proof, but Carl Sagan made it popular and explains it eloquently in this clip. FAIR USE NOTICE: This Channel may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
(Sendt d. 26. januar 2014 på DR2) Selv ateister tror http://information.dk/483109 http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teisme http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ateisme http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skepticisme http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosticisme http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-mindedness http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophia_perennis • Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications on Psi Research http://noetic.org/research/psi-research • Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies - Testimonials by Distinguished Researchers http://ascsi.org/feat/life_after/_testimonials.php • Skeptical Fallacies https://sites.google.com/site/chs4o8pt/skeptical_fallacies • How To Debunk Just About Anything http://bibleufo.com/debunk.htm • Reinkarnation - fup eller fakta? http://mensa.dk/skriverier/reinka...
A 1977 interview with roller coaster designer, John Allen. Photographed by Scott Campbell and Gary Kyriazi.
Curioso documentário canadense "In Advance Of The Landing" (1991), inspirado no livro homônimo de Douglas Curran, exibido pelo canal a cabo GNT em 02/06/1998, sobre a reação de diversas pessoas diante da possibilidade de um contato oficial com seres de outros mundos. Ilustrado com imagens de filmes antigos de ficção científica, mostra ainda vários personagens e seitas excêntricas da ufologia e também alguns sérios. Atenção especial para uma rara entrevista com Betty Hill no final. Participações e depoimentos de Archangel Uriel (Ruth Norman), Charles Spaegel, Alan Moseley, Gabriel Green, Evan Hayworth, Ms. Hayden, Henry Dicienzo, Dorothy Izatt, Patricia Diegel, Betty Hill, Marcello Truzzi, Budd Hopkins, James Sanford, Larry Bryant, Jules Van Brabant e John Shepherd. Apresentação de Cláudia ...
(Sendt lørdag d. 7. september 2013 på DR2) http://kosmoshealerskole.dk | http://kosmoscenter.dk _Forskning vedr. healing_ • Effects of Healing Intention on Cultured Cells... "Conclusions: Results were consistent with the postulate that healing intention, applied repeatedly in a given location, may alter or condition that site so as to enhance the growth of treated cell cultures compared to untreated controls. Repeated intentions also appear to be associated with a general increase in negentropy or statistical order." http://media.noetic.org/uploads/files/Effects_of_Healing.pdf • Effects of Distant Intention on Patients' Autonomic Nervous System (double-blind study) "Conclusions: Directing intention toward a distant person is correlated with activation of that person's autonomic nervous sy...
MEJOR CALIDAD DE VIDEO EN EL LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7UnvtRUm2c .Un gran ejemplo Versión subtitulada en Español de este entretenido video, en donde Felicia expone claramente como interactuan las galaxias que colisionan. Y como siempre, al final, lo que muchos medios de comunicación hacen: prefieren lo sensacional a la realidad. No logran entender que la realidad es mucho más fantástica que la ficción y no se necesita exagerar las cosas. Algunos estupidos utulizan fotochop o montajes de video para engañar a la gente o dicen que el gobierno o los astronomos esconden la verdad,¡QUE TAL ESTUPIDEZ!,ese cuento es mas viejo que los dinosaurios jaja.. Libertad de expresión El mejor remedio para un argumento falaz es un argumento mejor, no la supresión de la idea. Un recordat...
"Ifølge en gentest er Lone Frank »sårbar, men uvenlig«." http://pol.dk/2367679 "Der er to måder at lade sig narre på. Den ene er at tro på det, der ikke er sandt; den anden er at nægte at tro det, som er sandt." - Søren Kierkegaard 1. indslag: Fra Temaaften 7-9-13 på DR2 http://youtube.com/watch?v=BQSyo_LN4Xo 2. indslag: Fra filmen The Matrix http://youtube.com/watch?v=w6HgysLj2hM The Emperor's New Media: Science, Psi, and Skeptics: Breaking the Silence http://media.noetic.org/uploads/files/s2radin.pdf Om paranormal videnskab, forskning og fænomener samt hvordan bevidstheden fungerer: _Google Talks_ • Science and the taboo of PSI - Dean Radin http://youtube.com/watch?v=qw_O9Qiwqew • The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence - Rupert Sheldrake http://youtube.com/watch?v=JnA8GUtXp...
When you were young some years ago
your old man told you
don't you set yourself on fire, listen
the point of all is what you do not
what you are talking about
no matter what you've been going through.
Don't give a damn, all those bridges you've crossed
still trying to catch the rainbow.
You'll spread your wings to rise up high,
only need the wind to blow
and after all you will know where to go.
Fight, you got to be a fighter,
don't show your Achilles heel
life will turn out lighter,