- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 1563408
Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and forethought.
Folk psychology explains human behavior on the basis of mental states, including beliefs, desires, and intentions. Mental mechanisms, including intention, explain behavior in that individuals are seen as actors who have desires and who attempt to achieve goals that are directed by beliefs. Thus, an intentional action is a function to accomplish a desired goal and is based on the belief that the course of action will satisfy a desire.
There is also a theoretical distinction between intentionality (intentional actions), and a mental state of intention for the future. Searle (1983) labeled these as intention-in-action and prior intention respectively. Prior intentions reflect forethought about intentions-in-action; prior intentions do not need to be carried out to be considered intentions. An unfulfilled intention is a prior intention that has no action associated with it.
The Power may refer to:
Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American philosopher, self-help author, and a motivational speaker. His first book, Your Erroneous Zones (1976), is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date.
Dyer was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Melvin Lyle Dyer and Hazel Irene Vollick, and spent much of his childhood (until age 10) in an orphanage on the east side of Detroit, after his father walked out on the family, leaving his mother to raise three small boys. After graduating from Denby High School, Dyer served in the United States Navy from 1958 to 1962. He received his Ed.D. degree in counseling from Wayne State University for a dissertation titled Group Counseling Leadership Training in Counselor Education, under the supervision of Mildred Peters.
Lynne McTaggart (born 23 January 1951, in New York City) is an American lecturer, journalist, author, and publisher. She is the author of six books, including The Intention Experiment and The Field. According to her author profile, she is a spokesperson "on consciousness, the new physics, and the practices of conventional and alternative medicine."
McTaggart is an anti-vaccinationist. She promotes this belief in her book What Doctors Don't Tell You and in other publications. This has drawn significant criticism of her work and has created controversy.
She is married to publisher Bryan Hubbard, has two daughters, and lives in London.
In her autobiography McTaggart reports that after recovering from an illness using alternative medical approaches her husband suggested she start a newsletter on the risks of some medical practices and devised the title: "What Doctors Don't Tell You". In 1996 McTaggart published the book with the same name.
She and her husband set up a public company in 2001, What Doctors Don't Tell You plc, later Conatus plc, which published newsletters, magazines and audio-tapes based on conferences and seminars including, What Doctors Don't Tell You, PROOF!, and Living the Field. This company was wound up in 2009.
Bad Intentions may refer to:
kiiara - Intention
Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention
Kiiara - Intention (Official Audio)
Dr. Joe Dispenza: Defining Intention
The Power of Intention (Hindi) - Dr Wayne Dyer - Full Movie
Niykee Heaton - Bad Intentions ft. Migos
La puissance de l'Intention (Documentaire)
The power of intention | Colleen McCulla | TEDxDayton
The Power Of Conscious Intention - Lynne McTaggart - Part 1
Jim Carrey On The Power Of Intention
CloudCity - Music From The Future » Facebook: http://tiny.cc/mvm7zx » Twitter: http://tiny.cc/iwm7zx Kiiara https://twitter.com/KIIARA https://soundcloud.com/kiiaraonline Produced by Casper & B. https://soundcloud.com/casperxb https://twitter.com/casperxb Picture by http://i.imgur.com/9uBQfaz.jpg Follow on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/cloudcityreal If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please get in contact: cloudcityreal@gmail.com with me and I will delete it immediately. This includes artists of the images used.
Dr Wayne Dyer - "The Power of Intention" * Please visit my website http://www.unleashyourinnerstrength.com/ for more inspiration, along with unique and moving insights. - Eric Falcon The Inner Strength Coach™ Learn more about Dr Wayne Dyer at: http://www.drwaynedyer.com/ Category:
from the low kii savage EP spotify: http://smarturl.it/S_lowkiisavage iTunes: http://smarturl.it/lowkiisavage apple music: http://smarturl.it/AM_lowkiisavage google play: http://smarturl.it/GP_lowkiisavage Follow Kiiara: https://www.facebook.com/kiiaraofficial https://twitter.com/KIIARA http://instagram.com/kiiara https://soundcloud.com/kiiaraonline https://www.youtube.com/kiiara
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a New York Times bestselling author, researcher and world-renown lecturer. He has taught and spoken worldwide on how to rewire the brain and recondition the body to make changes that last. In this exclusive interview with Rose Caiola, Joe defines what intention really is and how to pursue your goals while being surrendered in the process. Rewire Me Store: http://www.rewireme.com/shop/ Rewire Me: http://www.rewireme.com Contact Rewire Me: http://www.rewireme.com/contact/ Subscribe to RWM Channel: http://bit.ly/1OdWVoW Like Rose Caiola on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1JySOoB Like Rewire Me on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1W0012F Follow Rose Caiola on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1OoAs6s Follow Rewire Me on Twitter: http://bit.ly/4jkh54hkj Follow Rewire Me on Google+: http://bit.ly/...
The Power Of Intention is a motivational programme by Dr Wayne Dyer who is also known as Father Of Motivation. He talks about simple ways to change the way we look at things. And how intention is not something that we do but it is something that we connect to. He says if you start believing in yourself and surrender to the universal power or energy, everything shall fall in place. He asks people to be in a constant state of gratitude, by being thankful for everything you have. Listen to this amazingly motivating video and see how it changes your outlook towards life. Connect with us on :- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GoodHealth24by7 Twitter - https://twitter.com/goodhealth24by7 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/goodhealth24by7 Google+ -https://plus.google.com/+shemaroo Pinte...
Bad Intentions ft. Migos from the ’The Bedroom Tour Playlist’ - out now! iTunes: http://smarturl.it/BedroomTourPL Spotify: http://smarturl.it/StreamBedroomTourPL Amazon: http://smarturl.it/BedroomTourPLa Google Play: http://smarturl.it/BedroomTourPLg Lyric Video: http://smarturl.it/badintentionslyricyt Become a #NBK for exclusives! http://smarturl.it/joinNBK Directed by DAPS and produced by Sara Lacombe, Jay Tauzin, Lex Lewter, Luti Fagbenle, Colin Wyatt & Lauren Pisciotta Follow Niykee for the latest updates: http://niykeeheatonmusic.com http://twitter.com/niykeeheaton http://instagram.com/niykeeheaton http://facebook.com/niykeeheaton http://soundcloud.com/niykeeheaton http://snapchat.com/add/niykeeheaton Music video by Niykee Heaton performing Bad Intentions fit Migos. (C...
« Ce sont vos modes de pensées qui décident si vous allez réussir ou échouer. » (Henry Ford) « Vous êtes maître de votre vie, et qu’importe votre prison, vous en avez les clefs. » (Hervé Desbois) « Notre esprit n’a pour limites que celles que nous lui reconnaissons.» (Napoleon Hill) Sommes-nous responsable de notre vie ? Qu'est ce que le hasard ? En quoi sommes-nous la cause inconsciente de ce qui nous arrive ? Comment nos pensées, nos croyances et nos conditionnements peuvent-elles avoir le moindre effet sur la réalité ? Quelle est la véritable nature de notre conscience ? Pour répondre à ces nombreuses interrogations, nous sommes allés à la rencontre d'intervenants qui nous ont amené des éléments de réponses, de part leur parcours, leur vécu, et leur compréhension des mécanismes de ...
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Colleen McCulla explores the power that daily intentional action has on transformation. She traces the impact that small actions each day have on her journey toward health that led her to shed 175 lbs. As an artist, she illustrates how this practice currently impacts her life by showing some of the 700 collages she has created every day since 2012. Colleen is an artist and performer living in Dayton. Born and raised in the Miami Valley, she has a BFA from The Cleveland Institute of Art. Since October of 2012 she has been creating and posting one collage every day on her Instagram, @colleenmcculla. She is a proud crew member at Trader Joe’s in Kettering. About TEDx, x = independently organized even...
Uploaded with permission from: http://www.merliannews.com/ The Intention Experiments Webpage: http://theintentionexperiment.com/the_experiments The Power of Conscious Intention - Lynne McTaggart - Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbj3SLzHWHc Sep 3, 2009 Lynne McTaggart is the author of five books, including The Intention Experiment and the international bestseller The Field. She also runs worldwide Living The Field master classes and groups which are designed to help people adapt the ideas of the new scientific paradigm into their everyday lives. She was featured in the wildly successful cult classic movie What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole, And has become an international spokesperson on alternatives to conventional medicine. In this interview, Lynne McTaggart talks with ...
https://www.eckharttollenow.com Jim Carrey puts words around the power of intention, and the potential for transformational media. Recorded at the 2009 Inaugural GATE Event (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment) Video was Shot and Produced by Eckhart Tolle TV. Eckhart Tolle TV is an online video network offering of transformational video content featuring Eckhart Tolle & Kim Eng.
Intentional available now! iTunes- http://smarturl.it/Intentional-I Amazon- http://smarturl.it/Intentional-A Spotify- http://smarturl.it/Intentional-S Google Play- http://smarturl.it/Intentional-G Follow Travis Greene- Twitter/tgreenestuff @TravisGreeneLive - IG/FB travisgreene.tv
Do things intentionally.
She's not a bitch, she's not a slut,
But she says she is both,
That was a statement but it's just her indignation,
She wants a band to be the antithesis of everything,
Secretly revealing what's appealing to me
She can play drums which was once good enough for me,
Now her picture's in the paper and everything,
And I missed the wedding, I don't think she expected me,
But I saw the picture with the family
Don't spend the night,
Don't start a fight,
Nothing's gonna be all right,
Don't spend the night,
Don't start a fight,
Nothing's gonna be all right
She sends me a postcard I'll stare at for a week,
Maybe lacking content but the gesture is sweet,
I don't like the record though I'll never tell her lies,
(Blue?) amongst the truth when I write a letter
She said she loved the sea and I'm not surprised,
Our old apartment looked like something out of the decline,
She's getting on with life,
I know she'll be all right,
Just one of many stars in the night
Don't spend the night,
Don't start a fight,
Nothing's gonna be all right,
Don't spend the night,
Don't start a fight,
Nothing's gonna be all right
Nothing's gonna be all right,