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- Duration: 50:49
- Published: 2009-08-20
- Uploaded: 2011-01-14
- Author: MIT
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Recent developments in Monte Carlo Tree Search and machine learning have brought the best programs to high dan level on the small 9x9 board. In 2009, the first such programs appeared which could reach and hold low dan-level ranks on the KGS Go Server also on the 19x19 board.
Currently, the best Go programs running on stock hardware are ranked as 2 dan - 3 kyu. Only a decade ago, very strong players were able to beat computer programs at handicaps of 25–30 stones, an enormous handicap that few human players would ever take. There was a case in the 1994 World Computer Go Championship where the winning program, Go Intellect, lost all 3 games against the youth players on a 15-stone handicap. In general, players who understood and exploited a program's weaknesses could win with much larger handicaps than typical players.
On August 7, 2008, the computer program MoGo running on 25 nodes (800 cores, 4 cpus per node with each core running at 4.7 GHz to produce 15 Teraflops) of the Huygens cluster in Amsterdam beat professional Go player Myungwan Kim (8p) in a nine stone handicap game on the 19x19 board on the KGS Go Server. MoGo won by 1.5 points. Mr. Kim used around 13 minutes of time while MoGo took around 55; however, he felt that using more time would not have helped him win. In after-game commentary, Kim estimated the playing strength of this machine as being in the range of 2–3 amateur dan. MyungWan and MoGo played a total of 4 games of varying handicaps and time limits, each side winning two games. The game records are accessible on KGS where MoGo played as MogoTitan. In a rematch on September 20, Kim won two games giving MoGo nine stones. On August 26, 2008, Mogo beat an Amateur 6d with five stones of handicap, this time running on 200 cores of the Huygens cluster.
On September 4, 2008, the program Crazy Stone running on an 8-core personal computer won against 30 year-old professional, Aoba Kaori (4p), receiving a handicap of eight stones. The time control was 30 seconds per move. White resigned after 185 moves. The game was played during the FIT2008 conference in Japan.
In February 2009, MoGo won two 19x19 games against professional Go players in the Taiwan Open 2009. With a 7-stones handicap the program defeated Zhou Junxun (9p), and with a 6-stones handicap it defeated Li-Chen Chien (1p).
On February 14, 2009, Many Faces of Go running on a 32-core Xeon cluster provided by Microsoft won against James Kerwin (1p) with a handicap of seven stones. The game was played during the 2009 AAAS general meeting in Chicago.
On August 7, 2009, Many Faces of Go (version 12) resigned against Myungwan Kim (8p) in a 7-stone handicap game. Many Faces was playing on a 32 node system provided by Microsoft. The "Man vs. Machine" event was part of the 2009 US Go Congress, which was held in Washington DC from August 1 to August 9.
On August 21 and 22, 2009, Zhou Junxun (9p) beat Many Faces of Go, MoGo, and Zen in full-board 7-stone games, beat MoGo in an even 9×9 game, and won one and lost one even 9×9 game against Fuego.
On July 20, 2010, MoGoTW won an even 9×9 game as white against Zhou Junxun (9p).
On July 20, 2010, at the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence in Barcelona Spain computer program Zen played professional 4 dan Ping-Chiang Chou of Taiwan 19x19 Go. Yamato of Japan wrote Zen. Zen had 6 stone handicap. Each side had 45 minutes. Zen won the game.
On July 28, 2010, at the 2010 European Go Congress in Finland computer program MogoTW played European professional 5 dan Catalin Taranu 19x19 Go. MogoTW had a 7 stone handicap. The computer won. MogoTW is a joint project between the MoGo team and a Taiwanese team.
For a long time it was a widely held opinion that computer Go posed a problem fundamentally different to computer chess insofar as it was believed that methods relying on fast global search compared to human experts combined to relatively little domain knowledge would not be effective for Go. Therefore, a large part of the computer Go development effort was during these times focused on ways of representing human-like expert knowledge and combining this with local search to answer questions of a tactical nature. The result of this were programs that handled many situations well but which had very pronounced weaknesses compared to their overall handling of the game. Also, these classical programs gained almost nothing from increases in available computing power per se and progress in the field was generally slow.
A few researchers grasped the potential of probabilistic methods and predicted that they would come to dominate computer game-playing, but many others considered a strong Go-playing program something that could be achieved only in the far future, as a result of fundamental advances in general artificial intelligence technology. Even writing a program capable of automatically determining the winner of a finished game was seen as no trivial matter.
The advent of programs based on Monte Carlo search starting in 2006 changed this situation in many ways, although the gap between strong human players and the strongest Go programs remains considerable.
So far, the largest game of Go being completely solved has been played on a 5×5 board. It was achieved in 2002, with black winning by 25 points (the entire board), by a computer program called MIGOS (MIni GO Solver).
While a simple material counting evaluation is not sufficient for decent play in chess, it is often the backbone of a chess evaluation function, when combined with more subtle considerations like isolated pawns, rooks on open verticals, pawns in the center of the board and so on. These rules can be formalized easily, providing a reasonably good evaluation function that can run quickly.
These types of positional evaluation rules cannot efficiently be applied to Go. The value of a Go position depends on a complex analysis to determine whether or not the group is alive, which stones can be connected to one another, and heuristics around the extent to which a strong position has influence, or the extent to which a weak position can be attacked.
The application of surreal numbers to the endgame in Go, a general game analysis pioneered by John H. Conway, has been further developed by Elwyn R. Berlekamp and David Wolfe and outlined in their book, Mathematical Go (ISBN 978-1-56881-032-4). While not of general utility in most playing circumstances, it greatly aids the analysis of certain classes of positions.
Nonetheless, although elaborate study has been conducted, Go endgames have been proven to be PSPACE-hard. There are many reasons why they are so hard:
* Each of the local endgame areas may affect one another. In other words, they are dynamic in nature although visually isolated. This makes it much more difficult for computers to deal with. This nature leads to some very complex situations like Triple Ko, Quadruple Ko, Molasses Ko and Moonshine Life.
Thus, it is very unlikely that it will be possible to program a reasonably fast algorithm for playing the Go endgame flawlessly, let alone the whole Go game.
In those rare Go positions known as "ishi-no-shita", in which stones are repeatedly captured and re-played on the same points, humans have reading problems , while they are easy for computers.
However, within time and memory constraints, it is not generally possible to determine with complete accuracy which moves could affect the 'life' of a group of stones. This implies that some heuristic must be applied to select which moves to consider. The net effect is that for any given program, there is a trade-off between playing speed and life and death reading abilities.
The most direct way of representing a board is as a 1 or 2-dimensional array, where elements in the array represent points on the board, and can take on a value corresponding to a white stone, a black stone, or an empty intersection. Additional data is needed to store how many stones have been captured, whose turn it is, and which intersections are illegal due to the Ko rule.
Most programs, however, use more than just the raw board information to evaluate positions. Data such as which stones are connected in strings, which strings are associated with each other, which groups of stones are in risk of capture and which groups of stones are effectively dead is necessary to make an accurate evaluation of the position. While this information can be extracted from just the stone positions, much of it can be computed more quickly if it is updated in an incremental, per-move basis. This incremental updating requires more information to be stored as the state of the board, which in turn can make copying the board take longer. This kind of trade-off is indicative of the problems involved in making fast computer Go programs.
An alternative method is to have a single board and make and takeback moves so as to minimize the demands on computer memory and have the results of the evaluation of the board stored. This avoids having to copy the information over and over again.
These approaches attempt to mitigate the problems of the game of Go having a high branching factor and numerous other difficulties.
Computer Go research results are being applied to other similar fields such as cognitive science, pattern recognition and machine learning. Combinatorial Game Theory, a branch of applied mathematics, is a topic relevant to computer Go.
After implementation, the use of expert knowledge has been proved very effective in programming Go software. Hundreds of guidelines and rules of thumb for strong play have been formulated by both high level amateurs and professionals. The programmer's task is to take these heuristics, formalize them into computer code, and utilize pattern matching and pattern recognition algorithms to recognize when these rules apply. It is also important to have a system for determining what to do in the event that two conflicting guidelines are applicable.
Most of the relatively successful results come from programmers' individual skills at Go and their personal conjectures about Go, but not from formal mathematical assertions; they are trying to make the computer mimic the way they play Go. "Most competitive programs have required 5–15 person-years of effort, and contain 50–100 modules dealing with different aspects of the game."
This method has until recently been the most successful technique in generating competitive Go programs on a full sized board. Some example of programs which have relied heavily on expert knowledge are Handtalk (later known as Goemate), The Many Faces of Go, Go Intellect, and Go++, each of which has at some point been considered the world's best Go program.
Nevertheless, adding knowledge of Go sometimes weakens the program because some superficial knowledge might bring mistakes: "the best programs usually play good, master level moves. However, as every games player knows, just one bad move can ruin a good game. Program performance over a full game can be much lower than master level."
Prominent go-playing programs include North Korean Silver Star/KCC Igo, ZhiXing Chen's Handtalk, Michael Reiss's Go++ and David Fotland's Many Faces of Go. GNU Go is a free computer Go implementation which has also won computer competitions.
One of the early drivers of computer Go research was the Ing Prize, a relatively large money award sponsored by Taiwanese banker Ing Chang-ki, offered annually between 1985 and 2000 at the World Computer Go Congress (or Ing Cup). The winner of this tournament was allowed to challenge young professionals at a handicap in a short match. If the computer won the match, the prize was awarded and a new prize announced: a larger prize for beating the professionals at a lesser handicap. The series of Ing prizes was set to expire either 1) in the year 2000 or 2) when a program could beat a 1-dan professional at no handicap for 40,000,000 NT dollars. The last winner was Handtalk in 1997, claiming 250,000 NT dollars for winning an 11-stone handicap match against three 8-9 year old professionals. At the time the prize expired in 2000, the unclaimed prize was 400,000 NT dollars for winning a 9-stone handicap match.
Many other large regional Go tournaments ("congresses") had an attached computer Go event. The European Go Congress has sponsored a computer tournament since 1987, and the USENIX event evolved into the US/North American Computer Go Championship, held annually from 1988-2000 at the US Go Congress.
Japan has recently started sponsoring its own computer Go competitions. The FOST Cup was held annually from 1995-1999 in Tokyo. That tournament was supplanted by the Gifu Challenge, which was held annually from 2003-2006 in Ogaki, Gifu. The UEC Cup has been held annually since 2007.
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