

Independent news, investigative journalism, and analysis.

Joined November 2008

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  1. David Feeney, Alone In A Sea Of Green, May Have Avoided Drowning For Now -

  2. The real celebrations begin when both parties make significant changes to their Indigenous Affairs policies

  3. Turnbull's credibility is now in tatters. Don't blame a 'scare campaign', this is a rejection of his policies

  4. Malcolm Turnbull faces an awful truth: his political credibility is in tatters. My analysis today in

  5. Andrew Bolt On Malcolm Turnbull's election disaster: via

  6. In One Stunning Tantrum, Andrew Bolt Has Summed Up Everything Wrong With The Extreme Right -

  7. The Point Piper Train Wreck: Malcolm Turnbull Loses His Big Gamble -

  8. Ode To Pauline: The Four Line Poem About Hanson That We All Wish We Wrote -

  9. Once more, for the record: Labor wasn't lying about Medicare privatisation

  10. What caused Malcolm's fall? new comic for !

  11. As I wrote just before the election, Hanson's platform is more radical than other anti-Muslim parties -

  12. LIVE BLOG: Wrapping up our live blog. It's clear there will be no election result tonight. Here's a brief wash-up.

  13. LIVE BLOG: A late blow to the Greens: ABC predicting a Labor retain in the seat of Batman.

  14. 9:01pm: The Turnbull government has lost its first 'Minister'... or at least former Minister, in Jamie Briggs.

  15. LIVE BLOG: 5 independents/minor parties look likely to win House Reps. Hung parly?

  16. LIVE BLOG: Hung Parliament? The election remains on a knife edge, 2.5 hours after polls closed on the east coast.

  17. LIVE BLOG: Coalition minister Christopher Pyne will be sweating bricks in Adelaide tonight.

  18. LIVE BLOG: Polls have closed in NT and Solomon's Natasha Griggs appears in trouble.

  19. LIVE BLOG: On early numbers doesn't look like Labor will win enough seats to take govt.

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