- published: 27 Dec 2014
- views: 9890
Loie Fuller (also Loïe Fuller; January 15, 1862 – January 1, 1928) was an American dancer who was a pioneer of both modern dance and theatrical lighting techniques.
Born Marie Louise Fuller in the Chicago suburb of Fullersburg, now Hinsdale, Illinois, Fuller began her theatrical career as a professional child actress and later choreographed and performed dances in burlesque (as a skirt dancer), vaudeville, and circus shows. An early free dance practitioner, Fuller developed her own natural movement and improvisation techniques. Fuller combined her choreography with silk costumes illuminated by multi-coloured lighting of her own design.
Although Fuller became famous in America through works such as the serpentine dance (1891), she felt that she was not taken seriously by the public who still thought of her as an actress. Her warm reception in Paris during a European tour persuaded Fuller to remain in France and continue her work. A regular performer at the Folies Bergère with works such as Fire Dance, Fuller became the embodiment of the Art Nouveau movement. An 1896 film of the Serpentine Dance by the pioneering film-makers Auguste and Louis Lumière gives a hint of what her performance was like. (The unknown dancer in the film is often mistakenly identified as Fuller herself.)
Jody Sperling is an American dancer, choreographer, and dance scholar based in New York City. She is the Founder/Artistic Director of Time Lapse Dance, a dance company that gives a postmodern twist to vintage genres, from the fin de siècle spectacles of Loie Fuller, to circus and music hall entertainments.
Sperling holds an MA in Performance Studies (New York University, 1996) and a BA in Dance and Italian (Wesleyan College, 1992).
Sperling became interested in Fuller in 1997 when she performed Fuller's The Butterfly Dance. Since then, she has gained an international reputation as an expert on Loie Fuller and as a contemporary interpreter of Fuller’s style of dancing. She has lectured and/or performed at colleges, universities and international festivals and conferences in countries such as the United States, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Russia.
Sperling has created five Fuller-inspired solos:The Serpentine Dance (after the 1891 original); The Magic-Lantern Dance (a collaboration with the American Magic-Lantern Theater); Dance of the Elements, La Nuit set to the music of John Cage; and Debussy Soirée. She has also developed group works such as Ghosts (2008); the trio Roman Sketches (2007), co-commissioned by Vermont Performance Lab, LLC. and Marlboro College,; and the septet Ballet of Light (2007), a reinterpretation of Fuller’s 1908 original, commissioned by the University of Wyoming with funds from the National Endowment for the Arts/American Masterpieces program.
Loie Fuller (1905) [silent short film]
Loie Fuller, 'Danse Serpentine' - by the Lumiére Brothers (1897)
Loie Fuller / Vicky Butterfly - 'What A Performance!'
Danse Serpentine - Loie Fuller
Reimagining Loie Fuller's Ballet of Light
The Fire Dance: Loie Fuller
1895-1908 Loie Fuller's Serpentine Dance (highlights from the greatest movie pioneers' films)
Loie Fuller
Jody Sperling as Loie Fuller in Claire de Lune
Loie Fuller - Danse Serpentine by Lumière Brother
Actors: Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte (editor), Philippe Morier-Genoud (actor), Michel Pilorgé (actor), Vladimir Cosma (composer), Isabelle Huppert (actress), Philippe Noiret (actor), Corinne Jorry (costume designer), Charles Berling (actor), Christian Charmetant (actor), Gérard Caillaud (actor), Pierre Belot (actor), Claude Pinoteau (director), Claude Pinoteau (writer), Corinne Marchand (actress), François Guerrar (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Biography, Comedy, Drama,Loie Fuller, 'Danse Serpentine' - by the Lumiére Brothers (1897) Loie Fuller (1862 - 1928) was one of the most innovative dance artists of the 20th century. Her work influenced not only future artists in modern dance, such as Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham, but also a whole range of poets, painters, sculptors, and intellectuals. She brought both revolutionary dance forms and technical innovations in costume and lighting to American, Caribbean, London, and Paris stages. Unlike most of the pioneers in modern dance who followed her, Fuller was not classically trained in ballet or any other formal dance technique. Instead, she began her career as a burlesque skirt-dancer, in vaudeville, and in the circus. She choreographed her own dances, increasingly incorporating her own style of i...
Loie Fuller / Vicky Butterfly From the BBC's three part series 'What A Performance!' Presenter - Suzi Klein. Vicky Butterfly - http://www.vickybutterfly.net/Home.html
A dance perfomance of pionner modern dancer Loie Fuller, recorded in 1896. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v;=zmMS65wJpQE
Reimagining Loie Fuller's Ballet of Light details Jody Sperling's Residency at the University of Wyoming and her historical reimagination of Loie Fuller's Ballet of Light. International performing sensation and innovator, Loie Fuller, staged her original Ballet of Light in 1909. Close to one hundred years later, dance scholar Jody Sperling is commissioned to revive this work at the University of Wyoming. Without notation or musical score to ensure accuracy, Ms. Sperling employs archival research, collaboration, and creativity in this historic reimagination of Ms. Fullers work. The documentary, Reimagining Loie Fullers Ballet of Light, provides insight into the life and work of Loie Fuller, investigates the creative process of reimagining a historic work of dance, and documents the full pe...
Almost every important movie pioneer seems to have chosen the Serpentine Dance as an interesting subject for one or more films: the Skladanowsky brothers (1895), Dickson for Edison Manifacturing Company (1895+1896+1897), Lumiere brothers (1896), Demeny (1897), Alice Guy (1899+1900+1902), Melies (1899), G.A. Smith (1902), De Chomon (1908) and many others. Unfortunately none of the surviving films seem to contain a performance by the original dancer / choreographer Loie Fuller (despite some of them carrying her name in the title or otherwise crediting her as the dancer). Loie Fuller was a pioneer of modern dance and of theatrical lightning effects. She developed this dance in 1891 and combined her choreography with silk costumes illuminated by multi-colored lighting of her own design. In se...
Jody Sperling re-enacts the dance of modern dance pioneer Loie Fuller in Claire de Lune to the music of Debussy at Kaatsbaan International Dance Center.
Unknown Lumiere film, called the Serpentine Dance. The dancer is Loie Fuller; the pioneer modern dancer. Recorded in 1896, and hand-colored frame by frame. Music by Sigur Ros - Se Lest Enjoy
Loie Fuller is a 1901 French short black-and-white silent film. Some copies have been stencil-coloured in Segundo de Chomon's Barcelona workshop. The film depicts a serpentine dance by Loie Fuller. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loie_Fuller_(1901_film)
Tickets to Polar Rhythms June 2-4: http://timelapsedance.com/events/polar_rhythms/ Climate Cultures at University of Virginia presented this a new work-in-progress collaboration (excerpt shown) between choreographer Jody Sperling and composer Matthew Burtner on a program with their "Ice Cycle" performed by Time Lapse Dance. Sperling, considered the foremost interpreter of the style of Loie Fuller, transports Loie's magic to an ethereal ice and water-scape suggested by Burtner's Fibonnaci sequence inspired rhythmic score. You can see the next phase of work at "Polar Rhythms: Dance and Music of Ice" at University Settlement, June 2-4, 2016: http://timelapsedance.com/events/polar_rhythms/
La vita della ballerina Loie Fuller in un biopic presentato a Cannes
Cheorgraphed By Loie Fuller, Reconstructed by Megan Slayter, Projections by Kevin Abbott. Realtime Projections using Unity 3D and Particle Playground.
Vidéo Document / sur les danseuses LoÏe Fuller / Isadora Duncan
« La danseuse » s'inspire de la vie d'une figure méconnue de la danse contemporaine, Loïe Fuller, artiste franco-américaine quelque peu oubliée. Son interprète principale et sa réalisatrice nous en parlent. Retrouvez l'article sur le site madmoiZelle.com : http://www.madmoizelle.com/la-danseuse-interviews-soko-critique-632819 Recevez chaque jour à 18h le meilleur de madmoiZelle (et une exclu !) dans votre email, rejoignez les abonné-e-s de la Pause Culotte ! http://mmz.li/PauseCulotte Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! http://mmz.li/Ab-mmZ-YT Suivez madmoiZelle chaque jour sur http://www.madmoizelle.com Téléchargez l'appli madmoiZelle sur http://www.madmoizelle.com/appli-mobile-maj-193909 Twitter : http://twitter.com/madmoiZelle FB : http://www.fb.com/madmoizelle Instagram : http://instagram...
There was nothing in her background to prepare Loïe to become the toast of the Folies Bergères in Paris and stages across the world. Then she created the 'Serpentine Dance'... 1887. After the death of her gold prospector father, 25-year-old Marie-Louise leaves her life in the American West to join her mother in New York and pursue her heart's dream - becoming an actress. One night on stage, becoming tangled in her long dress, she avoids falling by spinning the fabric in a graceful, magical gesture: the "Serpentine Dance" is born. The audience - shocked, then overwhelmed - calls out for more. Marie-Louise has become Loïe Fuller. She embarks on a new, hectic life, leaving New York, where imitators try to steal her radical innovations, for Paris. At the Folies Bergères, she dazzles the capita...
Ich übernehme keine Gewähr für die richtige Aussprache . Das Video ist ein Ergebnis meiner Recherchen , ohne Anspruch auf Richtigkeit . ____________________________________ BESUCHE MALAICA AUF FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/MALAICAhipstories http://www.malaica.de/ ORIENTAL DANCE ART® - Lehrerin bei HAVVA aus Ulm: http://www.havva.de/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=70&Itemid;=96 Ihr Buch Folklore & Hoftänze: http://www.amazon.de/Orientalischer-Tanz-Folklore--Havva-Marklowski/dp/3980876519/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid;=1379409585&sr;=8-1&keywords;=folklore+und+hoft%C3%A4nze _________________________________________________________________________ Belly Dance-Ella Lola-1898: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziOAYNqRjIY _______________________________________________________________...
Florent Schmitt (1870 - 1958), La tragédie de Salomé - Symphonic Poem, Op 50 (1909) Performed by Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Marek Janowski cond. 00:00 - Prelude 08:29 - Danse des perles 12:39 - Part 2 14:07 - Les enchantments de la mer 21:57 - Danse des éclairs 25:06 - Danse de l'effroi A fellow-member—with Ravel, Delage, Fargue, and others—of the exclusive artistic brotherhood who called themslves Les Apaches, Schmitt was an ardent champion of new music and was an early advocate of Stravinsky, an attitude which attracted the younger composer’s friendship and praise. Schmitt was so taken with Stravinsky’s Firebird that he renamed his house ‘Villa Oiseau de feu’. Stravinsky for his part may have been influenced by Schmitt, especially by what was destined to become his most...
There was nothing in her background to prepare Loïe to become the toast of the Folies Bergères in Paris and stages across the world. Then she created the 'Serpentine Dance'... 1887. After the death of her gold prospector father, 25-year-old Marie-Louise leaves her life in the American West to join her mother in New York and pursue her heart's dream - becoming an actress. One night on stage, becoming tangled in her long dress, she avoids falling by spinning the fabric in a graceful, magical gesture: the "Serpentine Dance" is born. The audience - shocked, then overwhelmed - calls out for more. Marie-Louise has become Loïe Fuller. She embarks on a new, hectic life, leaving New York, where imitators try to steal her radical innovations, for Paris. At the Folies Bergères, she dazzles the capita...
Source: http://www.spreaker.com/user/hallicasserjayne/the-life-and-times-of-coco-chanel_1 The intriguing life of iconic fashion designer Coco Chanel and a look at Nazi occupied Paris during World War II are the focus of The Halli Casser-Jayne Show when joining Halli at her table is Rhonda K. Garelick, author of a sensational new biography of Chanel MADEMOISELLE: COCO CHANEL AND THE PULSE OF HISTORY, and architect by profession and author of THE PARIS ARCHITECT, Charles Belfoure. Rhonda K. Garelick writes on fashion, performance, art, and cultural politics. Her books include RISING STAR: DANDYISM, GENDER, AND PERFORMANCE IN THE FIN DE SIÈCLE, ELECTRIC SALOME: LOIE FULLER’S PERFORMANCE OF MODERNISM, and, as co-editor, FABULOUS HARLEQUIN: ORLAN AND THE PATCHWORK SELF. Her work has also appe...
◆ 臉書頁面 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/781807168559777/ ➤「音聲共舞,繪影翩翩」系列演講簡介: 「音聲共舞,繪影翩翩」系列,邀請大家一起來看國際舞蹈影像創作,並將回視台灣目前舞蹈、錄像實驗與相關展演活動。 舞蹈影像導演協同編舞與攝影,在特定的場域(site-specific),經由反覆排練、即興實驗現地創作,透過運鏡以及場景調度(mise-en-scène),捕捉力量與速度於時空相乘的瞬間,取法電影/錄像敘事,形成內在節奏;或為(for)錄像而舞、或與(with)錄像共舞、或憑(on)錄像而舞,啟動審美對話,探索動作在時間與空間中新的抒情/敘事可能;經後製剪輯重構,調整視覺調性,逆轉舞句,改變時間,舞動空間,戲劇其間,決定外在節奏以及音聲與影像的關係,完成不可分割的整體藝術(indivisible wholeness)。 ➤ 第一場:神祕主義者最初的文本是他/她的身體(上)—先鋒們 ◆ 時間:2015年01月24日(六)15:00-16:30 ◆ 地點:在地實驗計劃論壇 Etat Forum(台北市建國南路一段160號七樓) ◆ 演講摘要: 安東尼奧‧德‧尼可拉斯(Antonio de Nicholas)說:「神祕主義者最初的文本......是他的身體......」 舞蹈與影像結合的機緣似是其來有自? 回溯先鋒們實驗電影與舞蹈的革命,旁涉國際舞蹈影像展及各地實驗的新陳代謝,導演、編舞家、舞蹈家、攝影師、剪輯師、燈光與場景設計師等等,誰是創作者?歡迎一起來觀想那些年他們一起實驗出來的經典。 ◆ 講者:蔡昀庭 嘗試舞蹈短片創作及參與國際參展,包括義大利米蘭"Solo in Azione video exhibition, Vdeodanza Espressioni”、英國愛丁堡”DA...
a dance & text piece with an educational slant - "Pioneer Spirit", by Claire Elizabeth Barratt, informs about the Pioneers (or "mothers") of Modern Dance by a collection of quotes & examples of movement styles referring to: Lois Fuller & Ruth St Denis - for exoticism, Mary Wigman & Martha Graham - for drama & expressionism, Isadora Duncan & Doris Humphrey - for kinetic freedom. performed at the Dans/cE Kapital Festival - August 2006 (Ottawa ON Canada)
Little girl this world turns quick
And fast enough to make you sick
And it takes away the best years of our life
Leaving us to wonder if we'll ever find another
When there seems to be so very little time
And we give our hearts too often
And we often have them broken
In exchange for all the effort that we give
We never learn our lesson
It's a curse and it's a blessing
It's the price we pay and the reason that we live
Little girl I've held true love
The kind that poets all speak of
And I've found my self just broken and alone
And I know you'll do the same
And you will taste the bitter pain
The kind that only comes with having to let go
Little Girl can break your will
When the night is cold and still
And you wonder when that damned old son will rise
Bring with it some better days
And maybe ease a little pain
Just long enough for you to rest your troubled mind
At times you will seem lost
But when you add up all the cost
You'll think the pleasure can't be worth all the pain
And you'll curse the day you fell
And you'll drink too much and tell
All your friends that you could never love again
Now I don't know a lot, just enough to write a song
But this much that I can tell you is the truth
There'll be a thousand heart aches before the sunrise and the night breaks
And the shadows fade and release their hold on you
Little Girl I have found love
The kind that old folks all speak of
And no poet can dress it up with fancy words
Cause it is patient
It is kind
It forgives
And it is blind