- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 70893
Mary Wigman (born Marie Wiegmann, 13 November 1886 – 18 September 1973) was a German dancer, choreographer, notable as the pioneer of expressionist dance, dance therapy, and movement training without pointe shoes. She is considered one of the most important figures in the history of modern dance. She became one of the most iconic figures of Weimar German culture and her work was hailed for bringing the deepest of existential experiences to the stage.
Karoline Sophie Marie Wiegmann was born in Hanover, Germany.
She came to dance comparatively late after seeing three students of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, who aimed to approach music through movement using three equally-important elements: solfège, improvisation and his own system of movements, eurhythmics. Another key early experience was a solo concert by Grete Wiesenthal.
In 1913, she was introduced to Rudolf von Laban and following his lead, she worked upon a technique based in contrasts of movement; expansion and contraction, pulling and pushing. During the First World War she worked as Laban's assistant in Leipzig.
Actors: Udo Kier (actor), Paul Cantelon (actor), Kerri Randles (actress), Ingeborg Luescher (actress), Jasmine Albuquerque (actress), Henry Vincent (actor), Caitlyn Carradine (actress), Lawrence Weiner (actor), Kristin Ligocki (actress), Simon Chaput (producer), Tommi Thorvildsen (actor), Alexis Cohen (actress), Paul McCarthy (actor), Linda Behr (miscellaneous crew), Jason Rhoades (actor),
Genres: Short,
This footage of Mary Wigman performing 'Sommerdans' has been dated to 1929 by the techniques and the characteristics of her development at that time. What particularly struck me about this performance is the extraordinary plasticity of her arms and hands. I think this is the original sound. Silent films could be given the illusion of being with sound by synchronising the footage with a phonograph record. Gaumont’s Chronomégaphone was in operation as early as 1908. Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance, who also advocated and developed dance therapy. She was one of the most important figures in the history of European dance, an iconic figure in Weimar Republic German culture. Her work was praised for translating existential ideas onto the stage....
This footage of Mary Wigman performing ‘Pastorale’ has been dated to 1929 by the techniques and the characteristics of her development at that time. What particularly struck me about this performance is the extraordinary plasticity of her arms and hands. I think this is the original sound. Silent films could be given the illusion of being with sound by synchronising the footage with a phonograph record. Gaumont’s Chronomégaphone was in operation as early as 1908. Wigman was a German dancer, choreographer and pioneer of expressionist dance, who also advocated and developed dance therapy. She was one of the most important figures in the history of European dance, an iconic figure in Weimar Republic German culture. Her work was praised for translating existential ideas onto the stage. ...
www.arthaus-musik.com available on DVD (102204) A Film by Norbert Busè & Christof Debler UPC: 807280220490
"In Germany, the Expressionist current triggered a wealth of exchanges between painters and dancers. While Laban embodied the new figure of the dancer as educator and theoretician, Mary Wigman, one of his pupils at the free community of Monte Verità, best epitomized the figure of woman beset with life and death urges, as illustrated in her famous Witch's dance. Wigman, who viewed herself as a dancer of humanity, proved equally fascinating to painters Emil Nolde and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, not to mention her pupil Gret Palucca." in http://www.centrepompidou.fr/Pompidou/Manifs.nsf/0/BD710C4F1C76C927C12578240035355C?OpenDocument&sessionM;=2.2.2&L=2 More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Wigman and read: -Rainer Metzger's "Berlin in the Twenties: Art and Culture 1918-33" -Mel G...
A Mary Wigman dance evening :: Fabián Barba | Panorama 2013 Teatro Municipal Carlos Gomes 08 nov e 09 nov 20h http://panoramafestival.com/2013
This choreography is my tribute to Mary Wigman.accompaniment by Patrick Croce.
Rudolf Laban, Mary Wigman, Kurt Jooss Part I begins with Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), credited with being one of the most important innovators and guiding forces of modern dance. It continues with two of his most gifted and influential students, Mary Wigman, who became the foremost choreographer and exponent of German expressionist dance, and Kurt Jooss, who was Laban's assistant and lead dancer.. Jooss later established his own company Ballets Jooss, with great success until forced to leave Germany for political reasons in 1933. Part I concludes with preparations for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Part II begins with the 1936 Olympics and the cancellation by Josef Goebbels of Laban's massive opening choreographic piece The Spring Wind and the New Joy and Laban's consequent downfall and escap...
Rudolf Laban, Mary Wigman, Kurt Jooss Part I begins with Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), credited with being one of the most important innovators and guiding forces of modern dance. It continues with two of his most gifted and influential students, Mary Wigman, who became the foremost choreographer and exponent of German expressionist dance, and Kurt Jooss, who was Laban's assistant and lead dancer.. Jooss later established his own company Ballets Jooss, with great success until forced to leave Germany for political reasons in 1933. Part I concludes with preparations for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Part II begins with the 1936 Olympics and the cancellation by Josef Goebbels of Laban's massive opening choreographic piece The Spring Wind and the New Joy and Laban's consequent downfall and escap...
All copyrights belong to Shnappel Theatrical Cosmetics. I do not claim any credits. Credits (Video footage): The Cabinet of Dr Caligari Mary Wigman, German Choreographer Credits (Music): Igor Stravinsky - Berceuse and Finale El Huervo - Ghost Life Companions - Richard Rest is all original content.
Inner Landscape, the latest offering in the company's innovative series of thematic performances including contextual media and narration, features the acclaimed Graham psychological works in which she laid bare the human psyche. The Joyce season includes premieres by Lar Lubovitch and Yvonne Rainer, a revival of Mary Wigman's Witch Dance and Graham's comic Every Soul is a Circus, as well as Graham classics Night Journey, Deaths and Entrances, and Chronicle.
Mrs Buckland and Mrs Mary Whitehouse's campaign to clean up the BBC. They both speak at a conference. A heckler is approached by men and is about to be ejected. Delivering a petition.
Year 3 Choreography dress run Inspired by Mary Wigman, Witch Dance.
Oradores FABIÁN BARBA Equador/Bélgica ANABELA SILVA Portugal Apresentação ANA DINGER Portugal Conferência realizada no âmbito da programação do Festival Materiais Diversos 2014, na Biblioteca Municipal Gustavo Pinto Lopes, Torres Novas. Que contrariedades se escondem na designação dança contemporânea? O que leva a catalogar determinada criação dos dias de hoje como datada? Fabián reflecte sobre a sua experiência enquanto bailarino em dois contextos distintos – Quito (Equador) e Bruxelas (Bélgica) -, e como os paradoxos na percepção do que é a contemporaneidade na dança o levam a conceber os projectos A Mary Wigman Dance Evening (2009) e A personal yet collective history (2012), nos quais instiga a que se estabeleçam relações presentes com danças do passado. Ao longo da sua formação na ...
Artist Donna Huddleston presents a new performance work. Occupying the gallery, Huddleston will reinterpret Mary Wigman’s 1914 Witch Dance. This project is a continuation of a body of work which explores Wigman’s German Expressionist choreography. Huddleston has already responded to this seminal piece of dance with a large wall painting, which drew upon the formal conventions of Art Nouveau and the Viennese Succession and was displayed in Sadler’s Wells last year. Witch Dance at Drawing Room will allow Huddleston to realise the performative potential of her previous project. Focussing on the dramatic energy and the violence and eroticism of Wigman's choreography, Huddleston’s own troupe of female dancers at Drawing Room will explore Wigman’s 'Witch' in a contemporary context. Exploiting ...
The pioneering film, German Lineage in Modern Dance: Solos by Wigman, Hoyer, Holm, Nikolais, Louis celebrates the legacy of modern dance that started in Germany before World War I and expanded into new dimensions in the United States in the late 20th century. The influence of this complex and compelling heritage has spanned decades and spread to diverse areas globally. This intriguing film presents solos by innovators and artistic heirs of German Expressionist Dance, or Ausdruckstanz. Works of each choreographer are highlighted through solos, narration and original photographs. The film features the following choreographies: Mary Wigman’s Witch Dance and Swinging Landscapes (Germany), excerpts from Dore Hoyer’s Affectos Humanos (Germany), Hanya Holm’s Homage to Mahler (Germany, U.S.), Alw...
Shaped by visionary dancer-choreographers like Mary Wigman, her teacher Rudolf von Laban, Jaques Dalcroze, and Valeska Gert, Ausdruckstanz, or Expressionist Dance, emerged in the context of the Weimar-era German cultural hotpot of the 1920s. Rejecting traditional dance in favor of rhythm, and step-driven choreography for concept-driven movement, these dance pioneers used the body to evoke the soul. Weimar arts expert Mel Gordon (UC Berkeley) introduces us to this key movement in the formation of contemporary modern dance and dance theatre with screenings of rarely seen Ausdruckstanz films from his own collection, live reconstructions of Expressionist dances (such as Wigman’s unforgettable Witch Dance) by dancer/choreographer Carlye Eckert, and a panel discussion with dance critics and hist...
Barfüßige, langhaarige Menschen mit Stirnbändern, die in langen Gewändern oder gar nackt in unberührter Natur tanzen, die freie Liebe propagieren, sich vegan ernähren und mit Drogen experimentieren - da denkt fast jeder an die Hippiebewegung der 60er Jahre. Doch die Idee eines alternativen Lebens wurde schon vor über 100 Jahren in der Nähe der kleinen Stadt Ascona in der südlichen Schweiz geboren. Der Dokumentarfilm von Carl Javér erzählt die Geschichte einer Gruppe junger Töchter und Söhne begüterter Eltern, die um 1900 gegen ihre Zeit revoltieren. Eine von ihnen war Ida Hofmann, die der transsilvanischen Oberschicht entstammte, als begabte Pianistin in Russland ihren Lebensunterhalt verdiente, aber den für sie vorgezeichneten Lebensweg verlassen wollte. Als sie sich in den belgischen Fa...
a dance & text piece with an educational slant - "Pioneer Spirit", by Claire Elizabeth Barratt, informs about the Pioneers (or "mothers") of Modern Dance by a collection of quotes & examples of movement styles referring to: Lois Fuller & Ruth St Denis - for exoticism, Mary Wigman & Martha Graham - for drama & expressionism, Isadora Duncan & Doris Humphrey - for kinetic freedom. performed at the Dans/cE Kapital Festival - August 2006 (Ottawa ON Canada)
Does the tides and turnings of so-called modern society with its wars, politics and rapid technological progress sometimes make you freak out? You are not alone in this. It seems like all kinds of people throughout history yearned for alternative ways of living in this world. If you think the hippies invented free love and headbands, think again. At the beginning of the 20th Century, a group of radical thinkers broke away from mainstream society, purchased a bit of land on top of a Swiss mountain, and set about changing the world. Their first act was to burn the accoutrements of a rigid and class-bound society. Corsets were the first of many things to be torched. But remaking the social order is not as simple as donning a smock and letting your beard grow out. I want to tell you about t...
1992 , 58' , couleur , documentaire Réalisation : Jean-Claude Bonfanti. Production : Atmosphère communication, France 3. C'est dans les années 20, à l'école de Jacques Copeau qui jouxtait le théâtre du Vieux-Colombier, que le jeune Etienne Decroux découvre le mime alors enseigné par une jeune fille à la fois élève et maître d'art corporel, mademoiselle Copeau, désormais connue sous le nom de Marie-Hélène Dasté. Le choc sera tel que Decroux consacrera sa vie au mime. Ce portrait alterne des archives montrant Etienne Decroux enseigner son art avec une gravité et une passion qui en font tout le sel et des interventions de ses élèves qui témoignent de ce qui fut son but : doter la pantomime d'une grammaire, à l'égal du langage et de la danse. Marcel Marceau, Raymond Devos, Corinne Soum et S...