
Discussion Paper

The Treasurer opened the conversation on tax by releasing the tax discussion paper on 30 March 2015. The formal submissions process has now closed.

Although the period for formal submissions has closed the Government will continue to receive input and engage with the community on how we can achieve a better tax system.

You can now view non-confidential submissions.

Chart data for the discussion paper and brochure is available.

Document downloads
PDF Word
Tax discussion paper – consolidated download 4.03MB
Tax discussion paper – brochure download 441KB
Foreword and preliminaries 467KB 227KB
1: Challenges for Australia’s tax system 208KB 170KB
2: Australia’s tax system 460KB 274KB
3: Individuals 330KB 209KB
4: Savings 365KB 158KB
5: General business tax issues 595KB 269KB
6: Small business 398KB 142KB
7: Not-for-profit sector 185KB 123KB
8: The Goods and Services Tax and state taxes 529KB 258KB
9: Indirect taxes 245KB 121KB
10: Complexity and administration 269KB 131KB
11: Tax system governance 230KB 110KB
Attachment A: Tax complexity metric 240KB 81KB
Summary of Discussion Questions 142KB 90KB

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