From the Archives: October 24th, 1990

John Waters went on the campaign trail with Brian Lenihan just as the Tánaiste’s bid for the presidency in 1990 began to unravel over whether he had tried to persuade a previous president to consider a change of government without an election

Seriously, this is not a joking matter: John Waters’s Irish Times article

Seriously, this is not a joking matter: John Waters’s Irish Times article

Has anyone ever stopped to think that all this talk about “issues” and “responsibility” might yet have a very detrimental effect on the Presidency? Certainly, it is having a very worrying effect on Brian Lenihan. The idea of his campaign is very simple: he is behaving as a candidate in precisely the same way as he would (will?) behave as President. One of the consequences of this is that he no longer makes jokes, or at least not in public.

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