Odlazak u Njemačku često je rješenje za posljedice loših politika vlasti. Bijela kuga, raseljavanje omladine, nezaposlenost i besperspektivnost. To su bolesti koje pogađaju cijelo bh društvo.
U malim sredinama najlakše ih je dijagnosticirati. U Livnu je prije rata živjela blizu 41 hiljada stanovnika.
Danas ih je, kažu tamošnji aktivisti, nešto više od 30 hiljada.
Livno-grad duhova!
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Livno u ratu (Šesta brdska)
Bosnien: Von Pferden und Wölfen (Ard - 23.09.2014)
Die Reise führt in eine verlassene und vergessene Gegend mitten in Europa. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, an der Grenze zu Kroatien, setzen sich Lija und seine Motorradgang für das Wohl anderer ein und für das von rund 250 wilden Pferden, die auf der Hochebene von Livno leben.
In dem kleinen bosnischen Bergstädtchen Livno nahe der kroatischen Grenze lebt ein außergewöhnlicher Mann. Im Alter von 20 Jahre
Film & Edit - Wedding photo & video studio Karadža Choreography - LDF - Livno.
Livno u ratu Ladovina
muzicki spot.
Salkica tamburica - Livno 1980.g.
Livno u domovinskom ratu 1. dio - dokumentarni film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
Livno u domovinskom ratu 2.dio - dokumentarni film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
Livno, zaboravljeni biser Mediterana
Livno je jedan od najljepših gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini, te jedan od najstarijih gradova o ovom dijelu Europe, prepoznatljiv po svojoj karakterističnoj me...
08 Livno
U vremenima kada se u Livnu sve dijelilo na srpsko i hrvatsko, jedno prijateljstvo se učvršćuje. Mislav čuva Stevanovog devetomjesečnog sina od odmazde i šalje ga roditeljima, preko razmjene.
Petnaest godina poslije, i dalje se ustručavaju da o tome javno govore u svojim selima.
Livno: Ova porodica samo želi da ima šta pojesti
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Mirko Perkovic Poky-Stara ljubav po Livnu se seta (LIVNO)
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno
Divlji konji u BiH (Livno, Rogatica)
Izvor: www.rtvfbih.ba.
Livno The View through different eyes - 1080p HD
Jedan drugačiji pogled na Livno i gornji - stari grad 1080p HD video. Fotografija: E. Delelić, M. Orman i B. Bulić Video obrada: L. Pašalić Režija: E. Delali...
Livno - Trostruko ubistvo 31. 10. 2015.
Božić Livno 2015
Božić Livno 2015
Mlada misa - fra Jurica Periša, Livno 05.08.2012.
Crna Legija Livno 1943
Crna Legija Livno 1943 http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crna_legija.
Livno u ratu (pečenjeeeeee)
Specijalna teško jurišna postrojba u iscrpljujućoj ofanzivno taktičkoj operaciji
ljubunčić kud ljubunčić livno
Odlazak u Njemačku često je rješenje za posljedice loših politika vlasti. Bijela kuga, raseljavanje omladine, nezaposlenost i besperspektivnost. To su bolesti ...
Odlazak u Njemačku često je rješenje za posljedice loših politika vlasti. Bijela kuga, raseljavanje omladine, nezaposlenost i besperspektivnost. To su bolesti koje pogađaju cijelo bh društvo.
U malim sredinama najlakše ih je dijagnosticirati. U Livnu je prije rata živjela blizu 41 hiljada stanovnika.
Danas ih je, kažu tamošnji aktivisti, nešto više od 30 hiljada.
info +387(0)33 580 882
marketing: +387(0) 33 580 900
Jošanicka 55, Vogošca, 71320,
Saznajte više o Hayatu: http://www.hayat.ba/
Skinite Hayat app za iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/hr/app/hayat/id1003719038
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Pratite VIJESTI U 7 na TWITTERU: https://twitter.com/hayatvu7
Pratite Hayat TV na INSTAGRAMU: https://instagram.com/hayattvbih/
wn.com/Zašto Je Livno Napušteni Grad (22 09 2015)
Odlazak u Njemačku često je rješenje za posljedice loših politika vlasti. Bijela kuga, raseljavanje omladine, nezaposlenost i besperspektivnost. To su bolesti koje pogađaju cijelo bh društvo.
U malim sredinama najlakše ih je dijagnosticirati. U Livnu je prije rata živjela blizu 41 hiljada stanovnika.
Danas ih je, kažu tamošnji aktivisti, nešto više od 30 hiljada.
info +387(0)33 580 882
marketing: +387(0) 33 580 900
Jošanicka 55, Vogošca, 71320,
Saznajte više o Hayatu: http://www.hayat.ba/
Skinite Hayat app za iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/hr/app/hayat/id1003719038
Skinite Hayat app za ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.segvic.hayat&hl;=en
Lajkajte Hayat: https://www.facebook.com/HayatTVBIH
Lajkajte Hayat PLUS: https://www.facebook.com/Hayatplus
Lajkajte Hayat MUSIC TV: https://www.facebook.com/HayatMUSICTV
Lajkajte Hayat FOLK TV: https://www.facebook.com/hayatfolktv
Lajkajte Hayatovce: https://www.facebook.com/Hayatovci
Lajkajte VIJESTI U 7: https://www.facebook.com/vijestiu7
Lajkajte ISPUNI MI ŽELJU: https://www.facebook.com/ispunimizelju
Lajkajte ZMBT: https://www.facebook.com/ZMBTHayatTV
Pratite Hayat TV na TWITTERU: https://twitter.com/HayatTVBIH
Pratite VIJESTI U 7 na TWITTERU: https://twitter.com/hayatvu7
Pratite Hayat TV na INSTAGRAMU: https://instagram.com/hayattvbih/
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 97
Livno-grad duhova!
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wn.com/Livno Grad Duhova
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- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 8682
Bosnien: Von Pferden und Wölfen (Ard - 23.09.2014)
Die Reise führt in eine verlassene und vergessene Gegend mitten in Europa. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, an der Grenze zu Kroatien, setzen sich Lija und seine Motorra...
Die Reise führt in eine verlassene und vergessene Gegend mitten in Europa. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, an der Grenze zu Kroatien, setzen sich Lija und seine Motorradgang für das Wohl anderer ein und für das von rund 250 wilden Pferden, die auf der Hochebene von Livno leben.
In dem kleinen bosnischen Bergstädtchen Livno nahe der kroatischen Grenze lebt ein außergewöhnlicher Mann. Im Alter von 20 Jahren war Lija - damals im Bürgerkrieg - Führer einer paramilitärischen Einheit, jetzt leitet er eine Motorradgang, die sich "Die Wölfe" nennt. Statt mit Drogen, Prostitution und Schutzgeldern Geschäfte zu machen, haben sich "Die Wölfe" unter Lijas Führung zu einer Art karitativem Verein entwickelt, der sich für das Gemeinwohl einsetzt.
Eine Mission hat es den ehemaligen Kämpfern besonders angetan: die Rettung und Pflege einer Herde von wilden Pferden, die von der Gesellschaft als genauso entbehrlich angesehen wurden wie sie selbst. Zum ersten Mal begegnete Lija den wilden Pferden während des Balkankrieges. Um die Tiere vor dem sicheren Tod zu retten, befahl er seinen Soldaten, ihre Essensrationen mit ihnen zu teilen. Es war der Beginn einer außergewöhnlichen Verbindung zwischen den Männern und den Pferden.
Nach dem Krieg waren die Tiere akut von Wilderern und Dieben bedroht. Erst Lija und seine Freunde kümmerten sich um sie und sorgten dafür, dass Gesetze zum Schutz der Pferde erlassen wurden. Jetzt wollen die Männer für die Tiere ein Futterlager und Wasserstellen bauen, damit sie die harten Winter und die trockenen Sommer überstehen. Für die Männer sind die Pferde zu einem Symbol für Stärke und Überlebenskraft geworden.
Quelle: http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/050535-000/von-pferden-und-woelfen
wn.com/Bosnien Von Pferden Und Wölfen (Ard 23.09.2014)
Die Reise führt in eine verlassene und vergessene Gegend mitten in Europa. In Bosnien-Herzegowina, an der Grenze zu Kroatien, setzen sich Lija und seine Motorradgang für das Wohl anderer ein und für das von rund 250 wilden Pferden, die auf der Hochebene von Livno leben.
In dem kleinen bosnischen Bergstädtchen Livno nahe der kroatischen Grenze lebt ein außergewöhnlicher Mann. Im Alter von 20 Jahren war Lija - damals im Bürgerkrieg - Führer einer paramilitärischen Einheit, jetzt leitet er eine Motorradgang, die sich "Die Wölfe" nennt. Statt mit Drogen, Prostitution und Schutzgeldern Geschäfte zu machen, haben sich "Die Wölfe" unter Lijas Führung zu einer Art karitativem Verein entwickelt, der sich für das Gemeinwohl einsetzt.
Eine Mission hat es den ehemaligen Kämpfern besonders angetan: die Rettung und Pflege einer Herde von wilden Pferden, die von der Gesellschaft als genauso entbehrlich angesehen wurden wie sie selbst. Zum ersten Mal begegnete Lija den wilden Pferden während des Balkankrieges. Um die Tiere vor dem sicheren Tod zu retten, befahl er seinen Soldaten, ihre Essensrationen mit ihnen zu teilen. Es war der Beginn einer außergewöhnlichen Verbindung zwischen den Männern und den Pferden.
Nach dem Krieg waren die Tiere akut von Wilderern und Dieben bedroht. Erst Lija und seine Freunde kümmerten sich um sie und sorgten dafür, dass Gesetze zum Schutz der Pferde erlassen wurden. Jetzt wollen die Männer für die Tiere ein Futterlager und Wasserstellen bauen, damit sie die harten Winter und die trockenen Sommer überstehen. Für die Männer sind die Pferde zu einem Symbol für Stärke und Überlebenskraft geworden.
Quelle: http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/050535-000/von-pferden-und-woelfen
- published: 31 Aug 2015
- views: 73
Film & Edit - Wedding photo & video studio Karadža Choreography - LDF - Livno....
Film & Edit - Wedding photo & video studio Karadža Choreography - LDF - Livno.
wn.com/Livno Is Also Happy
Film & Edit - Wedding photo & video studio Karadža Choreography - LDF - Livno.
Livno u domovinskom ratu 1. dio - dokumentarni film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV....
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
wn.com/Livno U Domovinskom Ratu 1. Dio Dokumentarni Film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 22911
author: Zoran Brnić
Livno u domovinskom ratu 2.dio - dokumentarni film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV....
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
wn.com/Livno U Domovinskom Ratu 2.Dio Dokumentarni Film
Dokumentarni film - Livanjska brigada Petar Krešimir IV.
- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 41491
author: Zoran Brnić
Livno, zaboravljeni biser Mediterana
Livno je jedan od najljepših gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini, te jedan od najstarijih gradova o ovom dijelu Europe, prepoznatljiv po svojoj karakterističnoj me......
Livno je jedan od najljepših gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini, te jedan od najstarijih gradova o ovom dijelu Europe, prepoznatljiv po svojoj karakterističnoj me...
wn.com/Livno, Zaboravljeni Biser Mediterana
Livno je jedan od najljepših gradova u Bosni i Hercegovini, te jedan od najstarijih gradova o ovom dijelu Europe, prepoznatljiv po svojoj karakterističnoj me...
- published: 01 Nov 2009
- views: 15305
author: Lo Brentini
08 Livno
U vremenima kada se u Livnu sve dijelilo na srpsko i hrvatsko, jedno prijateljstvo se učvršćuje. Mislav čuva Stevanovog devetomjesečnog sina od odmazde i šalje ...
U vremenima kada se u Livnu sve dijelilo na srpsko i hrvatsko, jedno prijateljstvo se učvršćuje. Mislav čuva Stevanovog devetomjesečnog sina od odmazde i šalje ga roditeljima, preko razmjene.
Petnaest godina poslije, i dalje se ustručavaju da o tome javno govore u svojim selima.
wn.com/08 Livno
U vremenima kada se u Livnu sve dijelilo na srpsko i hrvatsko, jedno prijateljstvo se učvršćuje. Mislav čuva Stevanovog devetomjesečnog sina od odmazde i šalje ga roditeljima, preko razmjene.
Petnaest godina poslije, i dalje se ustručavaju da o tome javno govore u svojim selima.
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 75
Livno: Ova porodica samo želi da ima šta pojesti
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wn.com/Livno Ova Porodica Samo Želi Da Ima Šta Pojesti
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- published: 29 Jun 2015
- views: 5733
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno...
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno
wn.com/Čuvari Vremena Majko Volim Livno
Čuvari Vremena - Majko Volim Livno
- published: 20 Mar 2010
- views: 16727
Livno The View through different eyes - 1080p HD
Jedan drugačiji pogled na Livno i gornji - stari grad 1080p HD video. Fotografija: E. Delelić, M. Orman i B. Bulić Video obrada: L. Pašalić Režija: E. Delali......
Jedan drugačiji pogled na Livno i gornji - stari grad 1080p HD video. Fotografija: E. Delelić, M. Orman i B. Bulić Video obrada: L. Pašalić Režija: E. Delali...
wn.com/Livno The View Through Different Eyes 1080P Hd
Jedan drugačiji pogled na Livno i gornji - stari grad 1080p HD video. Fotografija: E. Delelić, M. Orman i B. Bulić Video obrada: L. Pašalić Režija: E. Delali...
Božić Livno 2015
Božić Livno 2015...
Božić Livno 2015
wn.com/Božić Livno 2015
Božić Livno 2015
- published: 27 Dec 2015
- views: 561
Crna Legija Livno 1943
Crna Legija Livno 1943 http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crna_legija....
Crna Legija Livno 1943 http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crna_legija.
wn.com/Crna Legija Livno 1943
Crna Legija Livno 1943 http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crna_legija.
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 20841
author: LiVideo
Livno u ratu (pečenjeeeeee)
Specijalna teško jurišna postrojba u iscrpljujućoj ofanzivno taktičkoj operaciji...
Specijalna teško jurišna postrojba u iscrpljujućoj ofanzivno taktičkoj operaciji
wn.com/Livno U Ratu (Pečenjeeeeee)
Specijalna teško jurišna postrojba u iscrpljujućoj ofanzivno taktičkoj operaciji
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 145
Livno voznja do Gubera 2014
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weathe...
The Old Stone Bridge - Konjic, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com David’s Been Here is touring all the must-visit sites and top attractions in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In this short clip, David brings us to the south-central town of Konjic, where he pays a visit to the Old Stone Bridge. Built in the year 1682 by the Ottomans, this historic bridge was destroyed by the Germans in 1945 and then reconstructed in 2009. One of the best examples
Split Old town - Autumn 2013
A Friday in early November 2013 in the Dalmation City of Split which happens to be the 2nd biggest city in Croatia ...........92 kms away from Livno and has great links to the outside world .....the Ferry to Ancona in Italy and the Airport to most European Hubs in Summer and to Zagreb in Winter....Coffee is an important part of the Dalmatian psyche.
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel - Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Slovenia Dubrovnik • Sar...
Red carpet Sarajevo Film Festival, August 2013 - Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 Wow!... - this was really a film festiv...
Denis Roy Cervantes Conociendo Bosnia y Herzegovina
Belarus Survival Guide - EXPAT.BY expert talk
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- getting from the airport to Minsk
- communication in English
- emergency medical help in Minsk
- police in Belarus
- problems for handicapped people in Belarus
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Bogota, D.C - Tunja's Highway ! This is a beautiful trip around colombian places; this highway goes across Cundinamarca and Boyaca DEPARTAMENTOS (like states...
Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Bosnia-Herzegovina,summer 2010-Bosna,divna,mila
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Bosnia-Herzegovina:Long Road From Hell
A NewAttic Studio Travel Production by Misha Karo.
Trip to Hercegovina
YES Abroad travels to Herzegovina to visit Trebinje, Stolac, and Mostar.
BPOTD Productions
Instagram: #bosnianpicoftheday
Holiday in Bosnia - Bosnia Holidays - Self Catering B&B; Bosnia - Bosnia Tourism -
Take a holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience something that you will find hard to beat anywhere else in Europe. We believe that our guests and vis...
Discover unique and fascinating BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA ( best video ever made about Bosnia in youtube )
Bosnia-Herzegovina is the heart shaped land that lies in the heart of southeast Europe. It is right here where that eastern and western civilizations and cul...
Dalmatia Tours
Dalmatia Tours - Occupying the central 375km of Croatia’s Adriatic coast, Dalmatia offers a matchless combination of hedonism and historical discovery. The jagged coast is speckled with lush offshore islands that are part of the reason the region has become one of the world’s hottest tourist destinations. Roman ruins, spectacular beaches, old fishing ports, medieval architecture and historic citie
Sarajevo during Film Festival, August 2013 - Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 This summer more than 100.000 visitors ...
Valkenburg: World Christmas Markets, Caves and Parade
Videoproduction: Harry Winthagen Music: Brass Band Limburg from CD Merry Xmas; http://www.brassbandlimburg.nl/?page_id=786 Conductor: Frans Violet; Composer ...
Lučko - the Gate of Zagreb
The starting point of the Zagreb-Rijeka highway connecting the capital city with the sea is Lučko. Your long wait through the pay tolls is often made easier ...
OVA -Leskovac nas grad- Jablanicki okrug
A1 Split to Zagreb highway
30 october on the way to Zagreb.
cork, irska
nekaj besed pred odhodom
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weathe......
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weathe...
wn.com/Banja Luka Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather Banja Luka Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weathe...
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 17
author: beautycity
The Old Stone Bridge - Konjic, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com David’s Been Here is touring all the must-visit sites and top attractions in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In this short clip, David brings us...
http://davidsbeenhere.com David’s Been Here is touring all the must-visit sites and top attractions in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In this short clip, David brings us to the south-central town of Konjic, where he pays a visit to the Old Stone Bridge. Built in the year 1682 by the Ottomans, this historic bridge was destroyed by the Germans in 1945 and then reconstructed in 2009. One of the best examples of Ottoman architecture in all of Bosnia & Herzegovina, this bridge is well worth a visit if you’re driving from the capital city of Sarajevo to the southern city of Mostar. Take some photos of the bridge, stop by for a coffee and take a short tour around this picturesque, quaint town… an interesting and quick day trip in southern central Bosnia & Herzegovina!
wn.com/The Old Stone Bridge Konjic, Bosnia Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com David’s Been Here is touring all the must-visit sites and top attractions in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In this short clip, David brings us to the south-central town of Konjic, where he pays a visit to the Old Stone Bridge. Built in the year 1682 by the Ottomans, this historic bridge was destroyed by the Germans in 1945 and then reconstructed in 2009. One of the best examples of Ottoman architecture in all of Bosnia & Herzegovina, this bridge is well worth a visit if you’re driving from the capital city of Sarajevo to the southern city of Mostar. Take some photos of the bridge, stop by for a coffee and take a short tour around this picturesque, quaint town… an interesting and quick day trip in southern central Bosnia & Herzegovina!
- published: 11 Dec 2014
- views: 15
Split Old town - Autumn 2013
A Friday in early November 2013 in the Dalmation City of Split which happens to be the 2nd biggest city in Croatia ...........92 kms away from Livno and has gre...
A Friday in early November 2013 in the Dalmation City of Split which happens to be the 2nd biggest city in Croatia ...........92 kms away from Livno and has great links to the outside world .....the Ferry to Ancona in Italy and the Airport to most European Hubs in Summer and to Zagreb in Winter....Coffee is an important part of the Dalmatian psyche.
wn.com/Split Old Town Autumn 2013
A Friday in early November 2013 in the Dalmation City of Split which happens to be the 2nd biggest city in Croatia ...........92 kms away from Livno and has great links to the outside world .....the Ferry to Ancona in Italy and the Airport to most European Hubs in Summer and to Zagreb in Winter....Coffee is an important part of the Dalmatian psyche.
- published: 08 Nov 2013
- views: 12
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel - Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Slovenia Dubrovnik • Sar......
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel - Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Slovenia Dubrovnik • Sar...
wn.com/Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Travel - Crossroads of the Adriatic: Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Slovenia Dubrovnik • Sar...
Red carpet Sarajevo Film Festival, August 2013 - Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 Wow!... - this was really a film festiv......
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 Wow!... - this was really a film festiv...
wn.com/Red Carpet Sarajevo Film Festival, August 2013 Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 Wow!... - this was really a film festiv...
Belarus Survival Guide - EXPAT.BY expert talk
Here we are - Vladimir and Serge - expat.by team - at your service. Today we discuss the very basics you shall be aware of before coming to Belarus:
- coming ...
Here we are - Vladimir and Serge - expat.by team - at your service. Today we discuss the very basics you shall be aware of before coming to Belarus:
- coming to Belarus by air, train or car
- border control and customs
- getting from the airport to Minsk
- communication in English
- emergency medical help in Minsk
- police in Belarus
- problems for handicapped people in Belarus
- gays in Belarus
- food and restaurants in Minsk
- entertainment in Minsk
for geeting more info or personal help contact us
wn.com/Belarus Survival Guide Expat.By Expert Talk
Here we are - Vladimir and Serge - expat.by team - at your service. Today we discuss the very basics you shall be aware of before coming to Belarus:
- coming to Belarus by air, train or car
- border control and customs
- getting from the airport to Minsk
- communication in English
- emergency medical help in Minsk
- police in Belarus
- problems for handicapped people in Belarus
- gays in Belarus
- food and restaurants in Minsk
- entertainment in Minsk
for geeting more info or personal help contact us
- published: 11 Apr 2014
- views: 310
Highway Croatia -- Travelling on the Croatian Highway
Information about toll fees on Croatia highway you can find here http://www.croatia-expert.com/toll-croatian-highway/ here you may also post a question about......
Information about toll fees on Croatia highway you can find here http://www.croatia-expert.com/toll-croatian-highway/ here you may also post a question about...
wn.com/Highway Croatia Travelling On The Croatian Highway
Information about toll fees on Croatia highway you can find here http://www.croatia-expert.com/toll-croatian-highway/ here you may also post a question about...
Traveling by Bogota, D.C - Tunja's Highway, Colombia. [Every Teardrop is Waterfall - Coldplay]
Bogota, D.C - Tunja's Highway ! This is a beautiful trip around colombian places; this highway goes across Cundinamarca and Boyaca DEPARTAMENTOS (like states......
Bogota, D.C - Tunja's Highway ! This is a beautiful trip around colombian places; this highway goes across Cundinamarca and Boyaca DEPARTAMENTOS (like states...
wn.com/Traveling By Bogota, D.C Tunja's Highway, Colombia. Every Teardrop Is Waterfall Coldplay
Bogota, D.C - Tunja's Highway ! This is a beautiful trip around colombian places; this highway goes across Cundinamarca and Boyaca DEPARTAMENTOS (like states...
- published: 21 Feb 2012
- views: 60
author: Harry Rod
Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina
Visit http://traveltoeasterneurope.com/ for free vital information on attractions and travel around Eastern Europe Like us on facebook : https://www.facebook......
Visit http://traveltoeasterneurope.com/ for free vital information on attractions and travel around Eastern Europe Like us on facebook : https://www.facebook...
wn.com/Visit Bosnia And Herzegovina
Visit http://traveltoeasterneurope.com/ for free vital information on attractions and travel around Eastern Europe Like us on facebook : https://www.facebook...
- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 85
author: 21mints
Bosnia-Herzegovina,summer 2010-Bosna,divna,mila
Traveling through beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina ,summer 2010.Bosnom kroz gradove (a, i sela) u ljeto 2010....
Traveling through beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina ,summer 2010.Bosnom kroz gradove (a, i sela) u ljeto 2010.
wn.com/Bosnia Herzegovina,Summer 2010 Bosna,Divna,Mila
Traveling through beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina ,summer 2010.Bosnom kroz gradove (a, i sela) u ljeto 2010.
Bosnia-Herzegovina:Long Road From Hell
A NewAttic Studio Travel Production by Misha Karo....
A NewAttic Studio Travel Production by Misha Karo.
wn.com/Bosnia Herzegovina Long Road From Hell
A NewAttic Studio Travel Production by Misha Karo.
- published: 19 Jan 2011
- views: 134
author: Misha Karo
Trip to Hercegovina
YES Abroad travels to Herzegovina to visit Trebinje, Stolac, and Mostar.
BPOTD Productions
Instagram: #bosnianpicoftheday...
YES Abroad travels to Herzegovina to visit Trebinje, Stolac, and Mostar.
BPOTD Productions
Instagram: #bosnianpicoftheday
wn.com/Trip To Hercegovina
YES Abroad travels to Herzegovina to visit Trebinje, Stolac, and Mostar.
BPOTD Productions
Instagram: #bosnianpicoftheday
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 97
Holiday in Bosnia - Bosnia Holidays - Self Catering B&B; Bosnia - Bosnia Tourism -
Take a holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience something that you will find hard to beat anywhere else in Europe. We believe that our guests and vis......
Take a holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience something that you will find hard to beat anywhere else in Europe. We believe that our guests and vis...
wn.com/Holiday In Bosnia Bosnia Holidays Self Catering B B Bosnia Bosnia Tourism
Take a holiday in Bosnia and Herzegovina and experience something that you will find hard to beat anywhere else in Europe. We believe that our guests and vis...
Discover unique and fascinating BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA ( best video ever made about Bosnia in youtube )
Bosnia-Herzegovina is the heart shaped land that lies in the heart of southeast Europe. It is right here where that eastern and western civilizations and cul......
Bosnia-Herzegovina is the heart shaped land that lies in the heart of southeast Europe. It is right here where that eastern and western civilizations and cul...
wn.com/Discover Unique And Fascinating Bosnia Herzegovina ( Best Video Ever Made About Bosnia In Youtube )
Bosnia-Herzegovina is the heart shaped land that lies in the heart of southeast Europe. It is right here where that eastern and western civilizations and cul...
Dalmatia Tours
Dalmatia Tours - Occupying the central 375km of Croatia’s Adriatic coast, Dalmatia offers a matchless combination of hedonism and historical discovery. The jagg...
Dalmatia Tours - Occupying the central 375km of Croatia’s Adriatic coast, Dalmatia offers a matchless combination of hedonism and historical discovery. The jagged coast is speckled with lush offshore islands that are part of the reason the region has become one of the world’s hottest tourist destinations. Roman ruins, spectacular beaches, old fishing ports, medieval architecture and historic cities make a trip to Dalmatia (Dalmacija) unforgettable.
Split is the largest city in the region and a hub for bus and boat connections along the Adriatic, as well as home to the late Roman Diocletian’s Palace. Nearby are the early Roman ruins in Solin (Salona). Zadar has yet more Roman ruins and a wealth of churches. The architecture on Hvar Island and Korčula Island recalls the days when these places were outposts of the Venetian empire. But none can rival majestic Dubrovnik, a cultural and aesthetic jewel.
The dramatic coastal scenery is due to the rugged Dinaric Alps, which form a 1500m long barrier that separates Dalmatia from Bosnia and Hercegovina. After the last Ice Age part of the coastal mountains were flooded, creating the sort of long, high islands seen in the Gulf of Kvarner. The deep, protected passages between these islands are a paradise for sailors and cruisers.
Enjoy Your Dalmatia Tours!
wn.com/Dalmatia Tours
Dalmatia Tours - Occupying the central 375km of Croatia’s Adriatic coast, Dalmatia offers a matchless combination of hedonism and historical discovery. The jagged coast is speckled with lush offshore islands that are part of the reason the region has become one of the world’s hottest tourist destinations. Roman ruins, spectacular beaches, old fishing ports, medieval architecture and historic cities make a trip to Dalmatia (Dalmacija) unforgettable.
Split is the largest city in the region and a hub for bus and boat connections along the Adriatic, as well as home to the late Roman Diocletian’s Palace. Nearby are the early Roman ruins in Solin (Salona). Zadar has yet more Roman ruins and a wealth of churches. The architecture on Hvar Island and Korčula Island recalls the days when these places were outposts of the Venetian empire. But none can rival majestic Dubrovnik, a cultural and aesthetic jewel.
The dramatic coastal scenery is due to the rugged Dinaric Alps, which form a 1500m long barrier that separates Dalmatia from Bosnia and Hercegovina. After the last Ice Age part of the coastal mountains were flooded, creating the sort of long, high islands seen in the Gulf of Kvarner. The deep, protected passages between these islands are a paradise for sailors and cruisers.
Enjoy Your Dalmatia Tours!
- published: 16 Aug 2014
- views: 301
Sarajevo during Film Festival, August 2013 - Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 This summer more than 100.000 visitors ......
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 This summer more than 100.000 visitors ...
wn.com/Sarajevo During Film Festival, August 2013 Bosnia
Do you want more information on Bosnia Today? Just visit http://wilderness-resort.de/index.php?article_id=169&clang;=1 This summer more than 100.000 visitors ...
Valkenburg: World Christmas Markets, Caves and Parade
Videoproduction: Harry Winthagen Music: Brass Band Limburg from CD Merry Xmas; http://www.brassbandlimburg.nl/?page_id=786 Conductor: Frans Violet; Composer ......
Videoproduction: Harry Winthagen Music: Brass Band Limburg from CD Merry Xmas; http://www.brassbandlimburg.nl/?page_id=786 Conductor: Frans Violet; Composer ...
wn.com/Valkenburg World Christmas Markets, Caves And Parade
Videoproduction: Harry Winthagen Music: Brass Band Limburg from CD Merry Xmas; http://www.brassbandlimburg.nl/?page_id=786 Conductor: Frans Violet; Composer ...
Lučko - the Gate of Zagreb
The starting point of the Zagreb-Rijeka highway connecting the capital city with the sea is Lučko. Your long wait through the pay tolls is often made easier ......
The starting point of the Zagreb-Rijeka highway connecting the capital city with the sea is Lučko. Your long wait through the pay tolls is often made easier ...
wn.com/Lučko The Gate Of Zagreb
The starting point of the Zagreb-Rijeka highway connecting the capital city with the sea is Lučko. Your long wait through the pay tolls is often made easier ...
- published: 17 Feb 2013
- views: 111
author: Zagreb iTv
cork, irska
nekaj besed pred odhodom...
nekaj besed pred odhodom
wn.com/Cork, Irska
nekaj besed pred odhodom
- published: 02 Feb 2008
- views: 160