Voznja Centar - Novo Sarajevo
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo by Vivo Studio
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo snimljena iz vazduha. Snimak je javno emitovan uoči Spasovdana u Kulturnom centru. Nadamo se da ćete i Vi uživati u drugačijem pogledu na našu Opstinu Istočno Novo Sarajevo.
Sve vrste snimanja i slikanja iz vazduha!
Vise informacija:
Ivan Trnčić
Telefon: +387 65 072 372
Email: vivostudio.it@gmail.com
Site: www.vivostudio.at.ua
Facebook: facebook.com/vivost
Opcina Novo Sarajevo
Novo Sarajevo
Izbor sportiste opstine Istocno Novo Sarajevo 07 02 2015
Svjetski dan prve pomoci - Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo
Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo obilježio je Svjetski dan prve pomoći pokaznom vježbom na Vilsonovom šetalištu.
Makar danas razmislite o značaju prve pomoći, da li ste spremni sutra, u slučaju potrebe, spremni pomoći, da li znate osnove, broj Hitne pomoći, šta u slučaju krvarenja, a šta ako osoba nema svijesti?
Nauči prvu pomoć, prva pomoć je za sve i svakoga!
#prva_pomoć #redcrossnovosarajevo
Volonteri CK Novo Sarajevo edukovali javnost - "Tuča Adolescenata u Sarajevu"
Nasa Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crveni-Kri%C5%BE-NOVO-SARAJEVO/174404637719
Website: http://redcrossns.org/ddk/
U svijetu se 13. septembar obilježava kao Svjetski dan prve pomoći, a Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo je ovaj dan odlučio obilježiti taktičko-pokaznom vježbom koju su izveli mladi volonteri i volonterke ove organizacije.
Volonteri i volonterke Cr
Crveni krst Novo Sarajevo okončao akciju "Jedan paketić - jedan osmijeh"
► Prati FACE TV:
Official http://facetv.ba
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► YT official https://www.youtube.com/user/FACETVHD
Općina Novo Sarajevo: Izgradnja kružnog toka u Velešićima
U Velešićima je u toku izgradnja mini saobraćajnog rotora. 230.000 KM za ovu namjenu obezbjedile su Općina Novo Sarajevo i Kantonalna direkcija za puteve.
Požar u Aleji Lipa Novo Sarajevo
Centar za zdravo starenje Novo Sarajevo - Jutarnji program 17.01.2016.
Otvoren je drugi Centar za zdravo starenje Opštine Novo Sarajevo. Nalazi se u Velešićima a dio je Mreže centara za zdravo starenje.
Tim povodom u jutarnjem programu radija BIR, voditelj Nurko Čaušević ugostio je Eminu Rovčanin, pomoćnicu načelnika Opštine Novo Sarajevo i Ferić Minelu, predstavnicu nevladine organizacije "Partnerstvo za javno zdravlje". Gošće su predstavile ideju nastanka Mreže ce
Unija mladih DF Novo Sarajevo - Dan u životu jednog aktiviste!
Unija mladih Demokratske fronte Novo Sarajevo i prezentacija kandidata DF-a za opće izbore, 2014. za sve nivoe vlasti sa područja Novog Sarajeva.
The Frajle - Sarajevo - (Audio 2015) NOVO
Album "B strana Ljubavi" 2015 (PgP Rts Srbija, Aquarius Records Hrvatska)
Prodajna mesta:
Srbija - PgP prodavnica i Lily drogerije(kupovinom cda donirate 150din za Fondaciju "Nataša Kovačević"
Hrvatska - DM drogerije (kupovinom diska donirate 15kn za udrugu "Sve za nju")
Music: Nevena Buča, Jelena Buča, Marija Mirković i Nataša Mihajlović
Saobraćajna nesreća na Socijalnom
U sarajevskoj ulici Zmaja od Bosne (kod marketa “Hoše”) došlo je do teške saobraćajne nezgode, u kojoj su ozlijeđene dvije osobe.
Metodsko-pokazna vježba "Sigurnost 2015" CZ Općine Novo Sarajevo
Metodsko-pokazna vježba "Sigurnost 2015" CZ Općine Novo Sarajevo
KUD "Lola" - Vranje (Dan općine Novo Sarajevo)
Međunarodni dan starih osoba u Centru za zdravo starenje Novo Sarajevo
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †. Serbia Srbija Srpska Serbska Serbland gusle S...
Ubrzana izgradnja stambenih objekata u Istočnom Sarajevu najvidljivija je u opštini Istočno Novo Sarajevo u kojoj je i potražnja stanova najveća. Usvajanjem ...
EDAL PROSOUND SARAJEVO AUDIO,VIDEOP LIGHT PRODUKCIJA tel , 061 500 970 E-mail, ena-e-music@hotmail.com
Letu štuke - Centar za djecu i omladinu Novo Sarajevo 24.01.2015. / Sarajevski.ba
Humanitarni koncert Letu štuke i Dvadesetorica za pomoć muzičkoj školi u Maglaju - foto galerija na linku:
Letu štuke - Tesla, Pero Papacoder, Paranoja
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo by Vivo Studio
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo snimljena iz vazduha. Snimak je javno emitovan uoči Spasovdana u Kulturnom centru. Nadamo se da ćete i Vi uživati u drugačijem pog...
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo snimljena iz vazduha. Snimak je javno emitovan uoči Spasovdana u Kulturnom centru. Nadamo se da ćete i Vi uživati u drugačijem pogledu na našu Opstinu Istočno Novo Sarajevo.
Sve vrste snimanja i slikanja iz vazduha!
Vise informacija:
Ivan Trnčić
Telefon: +387 65 072 372
Email: vivostudio.it@gmail.com
Site: www.vivostudio.at.ua
Facebook: facebook.com/vivostudio.it
wn.com/Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo By Vivo Studio
Opština Istočno Novo Sarajevo snimljena iz vazduha. Snimak je javno emitovan uoči Spasovdana u Kulturnom centru. Nadamo se da ćete i Vi uživati u drugačijem pogledu na našu Opstinu Istočno Novo Sarajevo.
Sve vrste snimanja i slikanja iz vazduha!
Vise informacija:
Ivan Trnčić
Telefon: +387 65 072 372
Email: vivostudio.it@gmail.com
Site: www.vivostudio.at.ua
Facebook: facebook.com/vivostudio.it
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 588
Svjetski dan prve pomoci - Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo
Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo obilježio je Svjetski dan prve pomoći pokaznom vježbom na Vilsonovom šetalištu.
Makar danas razmislite o značaju prve pomoći, da li st...
Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo obilježio je Svjetski dan prve pomoći pokaznom vježbom na Vilsonovom šetalištu.
Makar danas razmislite o značaju prve pomoći, da li ste spremni sutra, u slučaju potrebe, spremni pomoći, da li znate osnove, broj Hitne pomoći, šta u slučaju krvarenja, a šta ako osoba nema svijesti?
Nauči prvu pomoć, prva pomoć je za sve i svakoga!
#prva_pomoć #redcrossnovosarajevo
wn.com/Svjetski Dan Prve Pomoci Crveni Križ Novo Sarajevo
Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo obilježio je Svjetski dan prve pomoći pokaznom vježbom na Vilsonovom šetalištu.
Makar danas razmislite o značaju prve pomoći, da li ste spremni sutra, u slučaju potrebe, spremni pomoći, da li znate osnove, broj Hitne pomoći, šta u slučaju krvarenja, a šta ako osoba nema svijesti?
Nauči prvu pomoć, prva pomoć je za sve i svakoga!
#prva_pomoć #redcrossnovosarajevo
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 108
Volonteri CK Novo Sarajevo edukovali javnost - "Tuča Adolescenata u Sarajevu"
Nasa Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crveni-Kri%C5%BE-NOVO-SARAJEVO/174404637719
Website: http://redcrossns.org/ddk/
Nasa Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crveni-Kri%C5%BE-NOVO-SARAJEVO/174404637719
Website: http://redcrossns.org/ddk/
U svijetu se 13. septembar obilježava kao Svjetski dan prve pomoći, a Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo je ovaj dan odlučio obilježiti taktičko-pokaznom vježbom koju su izveli mladi volonteri i volonterke ove organizacije.
Volonteri i volonterke Crvenog križa Novo Sarajevo danas su u prizemlju Importanne centra održali taktično-pokaznu vježbu koja se sastojala od simulacije scene tučnjave adolescenata u tržnom centru na pokretnim stepenicama i reagovanja ekipe prve pomoći kroz pomoć povrijeđenima.
“Željeli smo pokazati koliko je važno u pravom trenutku reagovati na adekvatan način. Nesreća se može desiti bilo kome, svakodnevno, na bilo kojem mjestu, a cilj naše ekipe prve pomoći je bio da reaguje pravovremeno, te pokaže kako na ispravan način sanirati povrede”, kazala je za Klix.ba Amina Kurtagić, PR Crvenog križa općine Novo Sarajevo.
Ona je dodala kako se 13. septembar ove godine obilježava pod motom “Budi heroj, spasi život” stavljajući akcenat na činjenicu da svako od nas treba naučiti barem osnove prve pomoći, jer na taj način može spasiti nečiji život.
“Nažalost, ljudi nisu dovoljno upućeni, niti daju mnogo značaja oblasti prve pomoći. Ona se kod nas uči i polaže samo pri vozačkom ispitu, no ljudi trebaju znati da se uvijek mogu, ukoliko žele, educirati na ovu temu, u općinskim organizacijama Crvenog križa Kantona Sarajevo”, naglasila je Kurtagić.
wn.com/Volonteri Ck Novo Sarajevo Edukovali Javnost Tuča Adolescenata U Sarajevu
Nasa Facebook stranica: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crveni-Kri%C5%BE-NOVO-SARAJEVO/174404637719
Website: http://redcrossns.org/ddk/
U svijetu se 13. septembar obilježava kao Svjetski dan prve pomoći, a Crveni križ Novo Sarajevo je ovaj dan odlučio obilježiti taktičko-pokaznom vježbom koju su izveli mladi volonteri i volonterke ove organizacije.
Volonteri i volonterke Crvenog križa Novo Sarajevo danas su u prizemlju Importanne centra održali taktično-pokaznu vježbu koja se sastojala od simulacije scene tučnjave adolescenata u tržnom centru na pokretnim stepenicama i reagovanja ekipe prve pomoći kroz pomoć povrijeđenima.
“Željeli smo pokazati koliko je važno u pravom trenutku reagovati na adekvatan način. Nesreća se može desiti bilo kome, svakodnevno, na bilo kojem mjestu, a cilj naše ekipe prve pomoći je bio da reaguje pravovremeno, te pokaže kako na ispravan način sanirati povrede”, kazala je za Klix.ba Amina Kurtagić, PR Crvenog križa općine Novo Sarajevo.
Ona je dodala kako se 13. septembar ove godine obilježava pod motom “Budi heroj, spasi život” stavljajući akcenat na činjenicu da svako od nas treba naučiti barem osnove prve pomoći, jer na taj način može spasiti nečiji život.
“Nažalost, ljudi nisu dovoljno upućeni, niti daju mnogo značaja oblasti prve pomoći. Ona se kod nas uči i polaže samo pri vozačkom ispitu, no ljudi trebaju znati da se uvijek mogu, ukoliko žele, educirati na ovu temu, u općinskim organizacijama Crvenog križa Kantona Sarajevo”, naglasila je Kurtagić.
- published: 05 Mar 2015
- views: 13
Crveni krst Novo Sarajevo okončao akciju "Jedan paketić - jedan osmijeh"
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wn.com/Crveni Krst Novo Sarajevo Okončao Akciju Jedan Paketić Jedan Osmijeh
► Prati FACE TV:
Official http://facetv.ba
► Facebook https://www.facebook.com/facetv.ba
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► Twitter https://twitter.com/tv_face
► Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/facetv
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► YT official https://www.youtube.com/user/FACETVHD
- published: 02 Jan 2015
- views: 160
Općina Novo Sarajevo: Izgradnja kružnog toka u Velešićima
U Velešićima je u toku izgradnja mini saobraćajnog rotora. 230.000 KM za ovu namjenu obezbjedile su Općina Novo Sarajevo i Kantonalna direkcija za puteve....
U Velešićima je u toku izgradnja mini saobraćajnog rotora. 230.000 KM za ovu namjenu obezbjedile su Općina Novo Sarajevo i Kantonalna direkcija za puteve.
wn.com/Općina Novo Sarajevo Izgradnja Kružnog Toka U Velešićima
U Velešićima je u toku izgradnja mini saobraćajnog rotora. 230.000 KM za ovu namjenu obezbjedile su Općina Novo Sarajevo i Kantonalna direkcija za puteve.
- published: 04 Nov 2014
- views: 26
wn.com/Istocno Novo Sarajevo Nova Godina Za 01 01 2016
- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 88
Centar za zdravo starenje Novo Sarajevo - Jutarnji program 17.01.2016.
Otvoren je drugi Centar za zdravo starenje Opštine Novo Sarajevo. Nalazi se u Velešićima a dio je Mreže centara za zdravo starenje.
Tim povodom u jutarnjem pro...
Otvoren je drugi Centar za zdravo starenje Opštine Novo Sarajevo. Nalazi se u Velešićima a dio je Mreže centara za zdravo starenje.
Tim povodom u jutarnjem programu radija BIR, voditelj Nurko Čaušević ugostio je Eminu Rovčanin, pomoćnicu načelnika Opštine Novo Sarajevo i Ferić Minelu, predstavnicu nevladine organizacije "Partnerstvo za javno zdravlje". Gošće su predstavile ideju nastanka Mreže centara, partnere na realizaciji projekta kao i rezultate dosadašnjih iskustava. Najavile su i aktivnosti koje se planiraju organizovati u Centru za zdravo starenje Velešići.
wn.com/Centar Za Zdravo Starenje Novo Sarajevo Jutarnji Program 17.01.2016.
Otvoren je drugi Centar za zdravo starenje Opštine Novo Sarajevo. Nalazi se u Velešićima a dio je Mreže centara za zdravo starenje.
Tim povodom u jutarnjem programu radija BIR, voditelj Nurko Čaušević ugostio je Eminu Rovčanin, pomoćnicu načelnika Opštine Novo Sarajevo i Ferić Minelu, predstavnicu nevladine organizacije "Partnerstvo za javno zdravlje". Gošće su predstavile ideju nastanka Mreže centara, partnere na realizaciji projekta kao i rezultate dosadašnjih iskustava. Najavile su i aktivnosti koje se planiraju organizovati u Centru za zdravo starenje Velešići.
- published: 17 Jan 2016
- views: 6
Unija mladih DF Novo Sarajevo - Dan u životu jednog aktiviste!
Unija mladih Demokratske fronte Novo Sarajevo i prezentacija kandidata DF-a za opće izbore, 2014. za sve nivoe vlasti sa područja Novog Sarajeva....
Unija mladih Demokratske fronte Novo Sarajevo i prezentacija kandidata DF-a za opće izbore, 2014. za sve nivoe vlasti sa područja Novog Sarajeva.
wn.com/Unija Mladih Df Novo Sarajevo Dan U Životu Jednog Aktiviste
Unija mladih Demokratske fronte Novo Sarajevo i prezentacija kandidata DF-a za opće izbore, 2014. za sve nivoe vlasti sa područja Novog Sarajeva.
- published: 20 Sep 2014
- views: 644
The Frajle - Sarajevo - (Audio 2015) NOVO
Album "B strana Ljubavi" 2015 (PgP Rts Srbija, Aquarius Records Hrvatska)
Prodajna mesta:
Srbija - Pg...
Album "B strana Ljubavi" 2015 (PgP Rts Srbija, Aquarius Records Hrvatska)
Prodajna mesta:
Srbija - PgP prodavnica i Lily drogerije(kupovinom cda donirate 150din za Fondaciju "Nataša Kovačević"
Hrvatska - DM drogerije (kupovinom diska donirate 15kn za udrugu "Sve za nju")
Music: Nevena Buča, Jelena Buča, Marija Mirković i Nataša Mihajlović
lyrics: Alka Vuica, Jelena Buča
Arr: Vojislav Aralica
Video: The Frajle
Idu godine,
Ja put putujem
I još nigde nemam mira
Hajde, sviraj mi,
Te pesme svilene,
Ko da neko dušu dira
Tamo gde je ljubav,
Tamo ćeš me naći,
Kad do tebe svratim,
Kao da se kući vratim
O, dobro, Sarajevo,
Lude noći vina i sevdaha,
Mene čeka moja raja,
Uvek idemo do kraja,
Tu se živi iz meraka
O, dobro, Sarajevo,
Lude noći tu u šeher gradu,
Od kafane do kafane,
Nižem noći, nižem dane,
Meni srce tu ukradu
Idu godine,
Ja još putujem
I još nigde nemam mira
Hajde, sviraj mi,
Te pesme svilene,
Ko da neko dušu dira
Tamo gde je ljubav,
Tamo ćeš me naći,
Kad do tebe svratim,
Kao da se kući vratim
Label and copyright: PGP Rts & The Frajle
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
wn.com/The Frajle Sarajevo (Audio 2015) Novo
Album "B strana Ljubavi" 2015 (PgP Rts Srbija, Aquarius Records Hrvatska)
Prodajna mesta:
Srbija - PgP prodavnica i Lily drogerije(kupovinom cda donirate 150din za Fondaciju "Nataša Kovačević"
Hrvatska - DM drogerije (kupovinom diska donirate 15kn za udrugu "Sve za nju")
Music: Nevena Buča, Jelena Buča, Marija Mirković i Nataša Mihajlović
lyrics: Alka Vuica, Jelena Buča
Arr: Vojislav Aralica
Video: The Frajle
Idu godine,
Ja put putujem
I još nigde nemam mira
Hajde, sviraj mi,
Te pesme svilene,
Ko da neko dušu dira
Tamo gde je ljubav,
Tamo ćeš me naći,
Kad do tebe svratim,
Kao da se kući vratim
O, dobro, Sarajevo,
Lude noći vina i sevdaha,
Mene čeka moja raja,
Uvek idemo do kraja,
Tu se živi iz meraka
O, dobro, Sarajevo,
Lude noći tu u šeher gradu,
Od kafane do kafane,
Nižem noći, nižem dane,
Meni srce tu ukradu
Idu godine,
Ja još putujem
I još nigde nemam mira
Hajde, sviraj mi,
Te pesme svilene,
Ko da neko dušu dira
Tamo gde je ljubav,
Tamo ćeš me naći,
Kad do tebe svratim,
Kao da se kući vratim
Label and copyright: PGP Rts & The Frajle
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
- published: 12 Nov 2015
- views: 282
Saobraćajna nesreća na Socijalnom
U sarajevskoj ulici Zmaja od Bosne (kod marketa “Hoše”) došlo je do teške saobraćajne nezgode, u kojoj su ozlijeđene dvije osobe....
U sarajevskoj ulici Zmaja od Bosne (kod marketa “Hoše”) došlo je do teške saobraćajne nezgode, u kojoj su ozlijeđene dvije osobe.
wn.com/Saobraćajna Nesreća Na Socijalnom
U sarajevskoj ulici Zmaja od Bosne (kod marketa “Hoše”) došlo je do teške saobraćajne nezgode, u kojoj su ozlijeđene dvije osobe.
- published: 31 Oct 2014
- views: 3691
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †. Serbia Srbija Srpska Serbska Serbland gusle S......
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †. Serbia Srbija Srpska Serbska Serbland gusle S...
wn.com/Srpsko Sarajevo Nacelnik Opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo Vozi Mercedes †
Srpsko Sarajevo: Nacelnik opstine Srpsko Novo Sarajevo vozi mercedes †. Serbia Srbija Srpska Serbska Serbland gusle S...
Ubrzana izgradnja stambenih objekata u Istočnom Sarajevu najvidljivija je u opštini Istočno Novo Sarajevo u kojoj je i potražnja stanova najveća. Usvajanjem ......
Ubrzana izgradnja stambenih objekata u Istočnom Sarajevu najvidljivija je u opštini Istočno Novo Sarajevo u kojoj je i potražnja stanova najveća. Usvajanjem ...
wn.com/Kafa U 5 Ekspanzija Gradnje Istocno Novo Sarajevo
Ubrzana izgradnja stambenih objekata u Istočnom Sarajevu najvidljivija je u opštini Istočno Novo Sarajevo u kojoj je i potražnja stanova najveća. Usvajanjem ...
- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 1447
author: eltaTV1
EDAL PROSOUND SARAJEVO AUDIO,VIDEOP LIGHT PRODUKCIJA tel , 061 500 970 E-mail, ena-e-music@ho...
EDAL PROSOUND SARAJEVO AUDIO,VIDEOP LIGHT PRODUKCIJA tel , 061 500 970 E-mail, ena-e-music@hotmail.com
wn.com/Festival Folklora Novo Sarajevo 2014
EDAL PROSOUND SARAJEVO AUDIO,VIDEOP LIGHT PRODUKCIJA tel , 061 500 970 E-mail, ena-e-music@hotmail.com
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 24
Letu štuke - Centar za djecu i omladinu Novo Sarajevo 24.01.2015. / Sarajevski.ba
Humanitarni koncert Letu štuke i Dvadesetorica za pomoć muzičkoj školi u Maglaju - foto galerija na linku:
Humanitarni koncert Letu štuke i Dvadesetorica za pomoć muzičkoj školi u Maglaju - foto galerija na linku:
Letu štuke - Tesla, Pero Papacoder, Paranoja
wn.com/Letu Štuke Centar Za Djecu I Omladinu Novo Sarajevo 24.01.2015. Sarajevski.Ba
Humanitarni koncert Letu štuke i Dvadesetorica za pomoć muzičkoj školi u Maglaju - foto galerija na linku:
Letu štuke - Tesla, Pero Papacoder, Paranoja
- published: 25 Jan 2015
- views: 113
What to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us to the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discover Sarajevo’s sights, sounds, and tastes. Sarajevo is a bustling capital with several historical, cultural and gastronomic stops to experience.
David starts off in the city center where he meets up with his local guide Raza to begin the tour. The best place to start is the Eternal Flame
Sarajevo Travel Guide, Guia de Sarajevo
Today Ruben Alonso visits the Sarajevo handcraft market and takes an Ottoman coffee. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita el mercado de artesanías de Sarajevo y toma un c...
Things to do in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (Balkan Road Trip 06)
In this episode we are checking out the top things to do in Sarajevo - a place where you really come up close with history!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/backpacking-balkans-guide/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b
Opteka SteadyCa
A Tourist's Guide to Sarajevo, Bosnia
www.theredquest.com A friend of mine, Michael, visit Sarajevo for the first time in Summer 2007. It was hot. We see what the city has to offer. Read my book ...
IFLYtheworld.com Sarajevo
Movie with travel tips about Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina produced especially for IFLYtheworld.com, a travel guide with tips, movies, stories, information and fun, all contributed by airline crew.
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town
Sarajevo is small, but still large.
You must go to Baščaršija It is the heart of Sarajevo.
This is just a small part of Sarajevo.
Like and share with your friends !!
Sarajevo, Bosnia: As We Travel Europe - Country #13
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sarajevo, Bosnia: Europe Train Challenge: Country #13 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
GUIDE 2 SARAJEVO . COM - English version
Welcome to Sarajevo, a unique tourist destination connecting the East and the West. The Mobile Audio Guide, Guide2Sarajevo.com offers a unique service which ...
Sarajevo Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Ferhad-Begova, one of Sarajevo's 186 mosques. A Sarajevo Rose marking where people were killed by...
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide- August 2009
Sarajevo City Tour - Guía de Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Today Ruben Alonso visits the city of Sarajevo and discover why is also know the Jerusalem of Europe. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita la ciudad de Sarajevo y descubr...
Around the Balkans in 20 Days (Part 1/5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
Bosnia And Herzegovina Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Bosnia in
10th century Bosnian state during Ban Kulin 1180-1204 Bosnian state
during king Tvrtko 1353-1391 Borders of Bosnian state in second part of
15th century Bosnia and Herzegovina in second part of 19th century.
Kulin Ban's plate found in Biskupići, near Visoko. The Višegrad bridge
crossing the river Drina, built during the Ottoman
Travel Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Tours Croatia, Montenegro http://youtu.be/Iz7V1utq...
Bosnia And Herzegovina Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
and see top most Tourist Attractions in Bosnia And Herzegovina.
Top Places to visit in Bosnia And Herzegovina:
Stari Most, Kravice Waterfalls, Baščaršija, Vrelo Bosne, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, Svrzo's House, Tvrdoš Monastery, Jahorina, Buna River, Sutjeska National Park, Sarajevo Tunnel, Bjelašnica, Igman, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Synagogue
Subscribe to Social Bubble: h
Bosnia Trip 2015 (Documentary)
Things to do in Bosnia overall. I covered most of the places and did main stuff in 8 days.
Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
For more details, visit fahadkhalaf.com
Top Things to do in Dubrovnik, Croatia (Balkan Road Trip 05)
After Montenegro we are checking out the top things to do in Dubrovnik and show you why this place is so famous by tourists and Game of Thrones Fans!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/things-to-do-dubrovnik/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/
Sarajevo''s bumper tourist season
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - 29 August 2011
1. Wide of Old Town (called Bascarsija) tourists sitting on old Turkish fountain, pigeons flying away
2. Tourist looking at map of Sarajevo
3. Various of tourists in Old Town
4. Roof of the old Turkish fountain
5. Wide tourists around old Turkish fountain
6. Wide craftsmen shops
7. Various of craftsman at work
8. Wide of artisan objects on dis
【K】Bosnia Travel-Sarajevo[보스니아 여행-사라예보]밀랴츠카 강을 따라 가는 파란 트램 여행/Miljacka River/Blue Tram
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Travelling Light - Sarajevo (Trailer)
Imam al-Ghazali's Revival of the Religious Sciences with Abdal Hakim Murad in Sarajevo. For more see: www.mishkatmedia.com.
Sarajevo Stories We Are Bosnia Travel Documentary
Haris Pamuk is a native of Sarajevo who was evacuated during the Bosnian War, but came back to the city to set up his own business. This short travel documentary covers his love of Sarajevo tourism and culture, its people and events that have taken part in the city during and after the war.
Haris covers difficult subjects like the Bosnian genocide in Srebrenica. But he also talks of the beauty of
GUIDE 2 SARAJEVO . COM - in Bosnian
Dobro došli u Sarajevo, jedinstvenu turističku destinaciju, koja spaja Istok i Zapad.
Šest vijekova moderne historije grada oslikano je u njegovim grandioznim objektima u kojima se na jedinstven način isprepliću najveće evropske kulture i civilizacije.
Mobilni Audio Vodič Guide2Sarajevo nudi jedinstvenu uslugu upoznavanja ovog čarobnog grada na vlastiti način i tempom koji vama najviše odgovar
What to Do in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us around to discover what to do in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this episode we'll show you what to see and where to eat in Banja Luka should you ever make it to the central northern region of this fascinating country.
David opens up with a brief history of the city from the banks of the Vrbas River near t
What to See & Eat in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us to the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discover Sarajevo’s sights, sounds, and tastes. Saraje...
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us to the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discover Sarajevo’s sights, sounds, and tastes. Sarajevo is a bustling capital with several historical, cultural and gastronomic stops to experience.
David starts off in the city center where he meets up with his local guide Raza to begin the tour. The best place to start is the Eternal Flame, located in the city center. It has burned continuously since 1946 except during the Bosnian War 1992-1995. It is on display for everyone to see.
David and Raza then take a walk along Ferhadija, Sarajevo’s main pedestrian street that links the two different parts of the city – the 19th century buildings dating back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Medieval district dating back to Ottoman occupation. In the mix there are also several communist-era buildings when Bosnia existed as a republic in the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia, for short).
At the point when Ferhadija Street meets the Ottoman quarter, there is line on the floor that shows the split. All along Ferhadija Street there are shops, restaurants, cafés, and banks. It is also where the Eternal Flame is located.
Before Raza and David head into Bascarsija (Ottoman district), they make a quick stop at the square of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. In Bascarsija they visit the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, which was built 1530. Afterwards, Raza shows David the different ways to drink a traditional Bosnian coffee at a local Kafana. After fueling up, David stops by Sebilj fountain to have a sip of water. Legend has it that anyone who drinks from the fountain will return to Sarajevo, so we’ll see if David makes his way back one day to experience more of what to see and eat in Sarajevo!
Now time for a little souvenir shopping down Coppersmith Street. Raza shows David the most typical gift one could buy here – a copper coffee pot used to serve Bosnian coffee. All this walking around made them work up quite an appetite, so they head to a bakery to try some delicious pies (cheese, spinach, and meat). The pies are baked over a coal oven and are the perfect fast food. They are also very inexpensive.
Next thing David tries is cevapi (pronounced che-vap-ee), which is pretty much the unofficial national dish of the country. Day 2 takes David and Raza to see the city from a magnificent lookout point, Zuta Tabija, or “yellow fortress.” David recommends driving or taking a taxi there because the climb to the top is quite steep. From here you can see the center of the city and the rolling green hills in the background (in case you didn’t know, Bosnia is one of Europe’s most lush and verdant countries).
After quickly seeing Emperor’s Mosque, Raza takes David to see the exact spot where Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, were assassinated on June 28, 1914. At the time David visited (2014) it was the 100th year anniversary of their untimely deaths. The assassination triggered the start of the First World War. After revisiting such a pivotal point in European history, David gets curious to see where all the bread he’s been eating comes from so Raza takes him to a nearby bakery, Pekara Alifakovac. They specialize in Somun bread, which is what is served with cevapi. This family-owned bakery churns out hundreds of Somun breads each day, and they have a pick-up window for customers on the go. It’s very hot inside but the experience was well worth it, especially since they allowed David to eat a piece of freshly baked bread.
Last but not least, David heads outside of the city center to visit one of the most culturally significant places in Bosnia, the Sarajevo Tunnel or Tunnel of Hope. Visitors can now see a portion of a tunnel that allowed Bosnians to smuggle in weapons and supplies during the Siege of Sarajevo (May 1992 through November 1995).
And there you have it, a brief intro about what to see and eat in Sarajevo. We hoped you liked it!
wn.com/What To See Eat In Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us to the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina to discover Sarajevo’s sights, sounds, and tastes. Sarajevo is a bustling capital with several historical, cultural and gastronomic stops to experience.
David starts off in the city center where he meets up with his local guide Raza to begin the tour. The best place to start is the Eternal Flame, located in the city center. It has burned continuously since 1946 except during the Bosnian War 1992-1995. It is on display for everyone to see.
David and Raza then take a walk along Ferhadija, Sarajevo’s main pedestrian street that links the two different parts of the city – the 19th century buildings dating back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Medieval district dating back to Ottoman occupation. In the mix there are also several communist-era buildings when Bosnia existed as a republic in the Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia, for short).
At the point when Ferhadija Street meets the Ottoman quarter, there is line on the floor that shows the split. All along Ferhadija Street there are shops, restaurants, cafés, and banks. It is also where the Eternal Flame is located.
Before Raza and David head into Bascarsija (Ottoman district), they make a quick stop at the square of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. In Bascarsija they visit the Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, which was built 1530. Afterwards, Raza shows David the different ways to drink a traditional Bosnian coffee at a local Kafana. After fueling up, David stops by Sebilj fountain to have a sip of water. Legend has it that anyone who drinks from the fountain will return to Sarajevo, so we’ll see if David makes his way back one day to experience more of what to see and eat in Sarajevo!
Now time for a little souvenir shopping down Coppersmith Street. Raza shows David the most typical gift one could buy here – a copper coffee pot used to serve Bosnian coffee. All this walking around made them work up quite an appetite, so they head to a bakery to try some delicious pies (cheese, spinach, and meat). The pies are baked over a coal oven and are the perfect fast food. They are also very inexpensive.
Next thing David tries is cevapi (pronounced che-vap-ee), which is pretty much the unofficial national dish of the country. Day 2 takes David and Raza to see the city from a magnificent lookout point, Zuta Tabija, or “yellow fortress.” David recommends driving or taking a taxi there because the climb to the top is quite steep. From here you can see the center of the city and the rolling green hills in the background (in case you didn’t know, Bosnia is one of Europe’s most lush and verdant countries).
After quickly seeing Emperor’s Mosque, Raza takes David to see the exact spot where Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, were assassinated on June 28, 1914. At the time David visited (2014) it was the 100th year anniversary of their untimely deaths. The assassination triggered the start of the First World War. After revisiting such a pivotal point in European history, David gets curious to see where all the bread he’s been eating comes from so Raza takes him to a nearby bakery, Pekara Alifakovac. They specialize in Somun bread, which is what is served with cevapi. This family-owned bakery churns out hundreds of Somun breads each day, and they have a pick-up window for customers on the go. It’s very hot inside but the experience was well worth it, especially since they allowed David to eat a piece of freshly baked bread.
Last but not least, David heads outside of the city center to visit one of the most culturally significant places in Bosnia, the Sarajevo Tunnel or Tunnel of Hope. Visitors can now see a portion of a tunnel that allowed Bosnians to smuggle in weapons and supplies during the Siege of Sarajevo (May 1992 through November 1995).
And there you have it, a brief intro about what to see and eat in Sarajevo. We hoped you liked it!
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 22
Sarajevo Travel Guide, Guia de Sarajevo
Today Ruben Alonso visits the Sarajevo handcraft market and takes an Ottoman coffee. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita el mercado de artesanías de Sarajevo y toma un c......
Today Ruben Alonso visits the Sarajevo handcraft market and takes an Ottoman coffee. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita el mercado de artesanías de Sarajevo y toma un c...
wn.com/Sarajevo Travel Guide, Guia De Sarajevo
Today Ruben Alonso visits the Sarajevo handcraft market and takes an Ottoman coffee. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita el mercado de artesanías de Sarajevo y toma un c...
Things to do in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (Balkan Road Trip 06)
In this episode we are checking out the top things to do in Sarajevo - a place where you really come up close with history!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packe...
In this episode we are checking out the top things to do in Sarajevo - a place where you really come up close with history!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/backpacking-balkans-guide/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b
Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb
Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4
SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD
Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo
Even though the scars of the past are still visible all over the city this is now a place where different cultures and religions are living together peacefully. Churches, mosques and synagogues can be found almost next to each other which is why Sarajevo is often called “European Jerusalem”.
One of our favorite Things to do in Sarajevo was walking around the beautiful old town. We recommend trying the local food, checking out the works of the craftsmen and drinking a typical bosnian coffee.
More info on all spots can be found within the Sarajevo Travel Guide:
Here are all the things to do in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina we covered in this video:
- City Center of Sarajevo
- Baščaršija square
- Yellow Fortress
- Latin Bridge
- Promenade at the Miljacka River
- Čevabdžinica Zeljo
Special thanks to Hostel Massimo for having us:
In the next episode of our Balkan Road Trip we'll visit Novi Sad in Serbia!
--- my travel equipment ---
insurance http://www.back-packer.org/worldnomads_versicherung
packing list http://www.back-packer.org/patagonia-packing-list-trekking/
Online Language Course http://www.back-packer.org/babbel_eng
My favorite Hotels & Hostels:
Follow me:
wn.com/Things To Do In Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina (Balkan Road Trip 06)
In this episode we are checking out the top things to do in Sarajevo - a place where you really come up close with history!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/backpacking-balkans-guide/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b
Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb
Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4
SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD
Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo
Even though the scars of the past are still visible all over the city this is now a place where different cultures and religions are living together peacefully. Churches, mosques and synagogues can be found almost next to each other which is why Sarajevo is often called “European Jerusalem”.
One of our favorite Things to do in Sarajevo was walking around the beautiful old town. We recommend trying the local food, checking out the works of the craftsmen and drinking a typical bosnian coffee.
More info on all spots can be found within the Sarajevo Travel Guide:
Here are all the things to do in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina we covered in this video:
- City Center of Sarajevo
- Baščaršija square
- Yellow Fortress
- Latin Bridge
- Promenade at the Miljacka River
- Čevabdžinica Zeljo
Special thanks to Hostel Massimo for having us:
In the next episode of our Balkan Road Trip we'll visit Novi Sad in Serbia!
--- my travel equipment ---
insurance http://www.back-packer.org/worldnomads_versicherung
packing list http://www.back-packer.org/patagonia-packing-list-trekking/
Online Language Course http://www.back-packer.org/babbel_eng
My favorite Hotels & Hostels:
Follow me:
- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 27
A Tourist's Guide to Sarajevo, Bosnia
www.theredquest.com A friend of mine, Michael, visit Sarajevo for the first time in Summer 2007. It was hot. We see what the city has to offer. Read my book ......
www.theredquest.com A friend of mine, Michael, visit Sarajevo for the first time in Summer 2007. It was hot. We see what the city has to offer. Read my book ...
wn.com/A Tourist's Guide To Sarajevo, Bosnia
www.theredquest.com A friend of mine, Michael, visit Sarajevo for the first time in Summer 2007. It was hot. We see what the city has to offer. Read my book ...
- published: 24 Feb 2008
- views: 10606
author: cessnagbdso
IFLYtheworld.com Sarajevo
Movie with travel tips about Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina produced especially for IFLYtheworld.com, a travel guide with tips, movies, stories, information and...
Movie with travel tips about Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina produced especially for IFLYtheworld.com, a travel guide with tips, movies, stories, information and fun, all contributed by airline crew.
wn.com/Iflytheworld.Com Sarajevo
Movie with travel tips about Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina produced especially for IFLYtheworld.com, a travel guide with tips, movies, stories, information and fun, all contributed by airline crew.
- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 209
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town
Sarajevo is small, but still large.
You must go to Baščaršija It is the heart of Sarajevo.
This is just a...
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town
Sarajevo is small, but still large.
You must go to Baščaršija It is the heart of Sarajevo.
This is just a small part of Sarajevo.
Like and share with your friends !!
wn.com/Sarajevo Beautiful City You Must Visit This Old Town In Bosnia And Herzegovina
Sarajevo beautiful City - You must visit this old town
Sarajevo is small, but still large.
You must go to Baščaršija It is the heart of Sarajevo.
This is just a small part of Sarajevo.
Like and share with your friends !!
- published: 27 Apr 2014
- views: 10125
Sarajevo, Bosnia: As We Travel Europe - Country #13
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sarajevo, Bosnia: Europe Train Challenge: Country #13 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer....
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sarajevo, Bosnia: Europe Train Challenge: Country #13 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
wn.com/Sarajevo, Bosnia As We Travel Europe Country 13
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sarajevo, Bosnia: Europe Train Challenge: Country #13 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
- published: 07 Aug 2011
- views: 55025
author: AsWeTravel
GUIDE 2 SARAJEVO . COM - English version
Welcome to Sarajevo, a unique tourist destination connecting the East and the West. The Mobile Audio Guide, Guide2Sarajevo.com offers a unique service which ......
Welcome to Sarajevo, a unique tourist destination connecting the East and the West. The Mobile Audio Guide, Guide2Sarajevo.com offers a unique service which ...
wn.com/Guide 2 Sarajevo . Com English Version
Welcome to Sarajevo, a unique tourist destination connecting the East and the West. The Mobile Audio Guide, Guide2Sarajevo.com offers a unique service which ...
- published: 18 Aug 2014
- views: 67
author: Adnan Koro
Sarajevo Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Ferhad-Begova, one of Sarajevo's 186 mosques. A Sarajevo Rose marking where people were killed by......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Ferhad-Begova, one of Sarajevo's 186 mosques. A Sarajevo Rose marking where people were killed by...
wn.com/Sarajevo Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Ferhad-Begova, one of Sarajevo's 186 mosques. A Sarajevo Rose marking where people were killed by...
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide- August 2009...
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide- August 2009
wn.com/Landing In Budapest From Sarajevo Flight With Money Talks Travel Guide
Landing in Budapest from Sarajevo flight with Money Talks Travel Guide- August 2009
- published: 12 Sep 2009
- views: 204
Sarajevo City Tour - Guía de Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Today Ruben Alonso visits the city of Sarajevo and discover why is also know the Jerusalem of Europe. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita la ciudad de Sarajevo y descubr......
Today Ruben Alonso visits the city of Sarajevo and discover why is also know the Jerusalem of Europe. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita la ciudad de Sarajevo y descubr...
wn.com/Sarajevo City Tour Guía De Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
Today Ruben Alonso visits the city of Sarajevo and discover why is also know the Jerusalem of Europe. Hoy Ruben Alonso visita la ciudad de Sarajevo y descubr...
Around the Balkans in 20 Days (Part 1/5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document......
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
wn.com/Around The Balkans In 20 Days (Part 1 5)
15 years after hosting Europe's ugliest civil war since the Holocaust, VICE takes a road trip across the remnants of Old Yugoslavia. Watch more VICE document...
- published: 29 Aug 2012
- views: 539938
author: VICE
Bosnia And Herzegovina Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Bosnia in
10th century Bosnian state during Ban Kulin 1180-1204 Bosnian state
during king Tvrtko 135...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Bosnia in
10th century Bosnian state during Ban Kulin 1180-1204 Bosnian state
during king Tvrtko 1353-1391 Borders of Bosnian state in second part of
15th century Bosnia and Herzegovina in second part of 19th century.
Kulin Ban's plate found in Biskupići, near Visoko. The Višegrad bridge
crossing the river Drina, built during the Ottoman Era. Sarajevo -
Baščaršija. The building of the Assembly of the City of Banja Luka. A
Monument commemorating the Battle of Sutjeska in eastern B&H.; Momo and
Uzeir towers in Sarajevo. Situation on the ground in the closing days
of the war. Serb controlled territory - red, Croat - blue, Bosniak -
green. Identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre. Building of
the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Red flower from central
Bosnia. 200 KM (Convertible Mark) bill of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Legal
tender coins from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Neum, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian
Coastline. Waterfalls in Jajce. Bileća lake. Estimates of Bosniak
percentage in BiH municipalities for 2005. Ethnic composition of
Bosnia & Herzegovina in 1991 (local community data). Serbs - red,
Croats - blue, Bosniaks - green. The different colours show the largest
single ethnic croup in each commune. Ethnic composition of Bosnia &
Herzegovina in In Bosnia and Herzegovina Sunni Islam is the largest
single religious group with an estimated 40% being Muslim. The second
largest religious group in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Serb Orthodox
Christianity, accounting for an estimated 35%, and the third largest
religious group in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Roman Catholicism.
wn.com/Bosnia And Herzegovina Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Bosnia in
10th century Bosnian state during Ban Kulin 1180-1204 Bosnian state
during king Tvrtko 1353-1391 Borders of Bosnian state in second part of
15th century Bosnia and Herzegovina in second part of 19th century.
Kulin Ban's plate found in Biskupići, near Visoko. The Višegrad bridge
crossing the river Drina, built during the Ottoman Era. Sarajevo -
Baščaršija. The building of the Assembly of the City of Banja Luka. A
Monument commemorating the Battle of Sutjeska in eastern B&H.; Momo and
Uzeir towers in Sarajevo. Situation on the ground in the closing days
of the war. Serb controlled territory - red, Croat - blue, Bosniak -
green. Identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre. Building of
the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Red flower from central
Bosnia. 200 KM (Convertible Mark) bill of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Legal
tender coins from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Neum, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian
Coastline. Waterfalls in Jajce. Bileća lake. Estimates of Bosniak
percentage in BiH municipalities for 2005. Ethnic composition of
Bosnia & Herzegovina in 1991 (local community data). Serbs - red,
Croats - blue, Bosniaks - green. The different colours show the largest
single ethnic croup in each commune. Ethnic composition of Bosnia &
Herzegovina in In Bosnia and Herzegovina Sunni Islam is the largest
single religious group with an estimated 40% being Muslim. The second
largest religious group in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Serb Orthodox
Christianity, accounting for an estimated 35%, and the third largest
religious group in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Roman Catholicism.
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 2446
Travel Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Tours Croatia, Montenegro http://youtu.be/Iz7V1utq......
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Tours Croatia, Montenegro http://youtu.be/Iz7V1utq...
wn.com/Travel Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia Hd
Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Slovenia HD World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Tours Croatia, Montenegro http://youtu.be/Iz7V1utq...
Bosnia And Herzegovina Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
and see top most Tourist Attractions in Bosnia And Herzegovina.
Top Places to visit in Bosnia And Herzegovina:
Stari Most, Kravice Waterfalls, Baščaršija, Vrel...
and see top most Tourist Attractions in Bosnia And Herzegovina.
Top Places to visit in Bosnia And Herzegovina:
Stari Most, Kravice Waterfalls, Baščaršija, Vrelo Bosne, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, Svrzo's House, Tvrdoš Monastery, Jahorina, Buna River, Sutjeska National Park, Sarajevo Tunnel, Bjelašnica, Igman, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Synagogue
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wn.com/Bosnia And Herzegovina Tourist Attractions 15 Top Places To Visit
and see top most Tourist Attractions in Bosnia And Herzegovina.
Top Places to visit in Bosnia And Herzegovina:
Stari Most, Kravice Waterfalls, Baščaršija, Vrelo Bosne, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque, Svrzo's House, Tvrdoš Monastery, Jahorina, Buna River, Sutjeska National Park, Sarajevo Tunnel, Bjelašnica, Igman, National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Synagogue
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- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Bosnia Trip 2015 (Documentary)
Things to do in Bosnia overall. I covered most of the places and did main stuff in 8 days.
Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
For more detai...
Things to do in Bosnia overall. I covered most of the places and did main stuff in 8 days.
Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
For more details, visit fahadkhalaf.com
wn.com/Bosnia Trip 2015 (Documentary)
Things to do in Bosnia overall. I covered most of the places and did main stuff in 8 days.
Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe.
For more details, visit fahadkhalaf.com
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 18
Top Things to do in Dubrovnik, Croatia (Balkan Road Trip 05)
After Montenegro we are checking out the top things to do in Dubrovnik and show you why this place is so famous by tourists and Game of Thrones Fans!
Related Gu...
After Montenegro we are checking out the top things to do in Dubrovnik and show you why this place is so famous by tourists and Game of Thrones Fans!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/things-to-do-dubrovnik/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b
Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb
Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4
SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD
Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo
It seems like all cities at this part of the Adriatic have stunning old towns - on top of that the one in Dubrovnik is located on a Peninsula resulting in stunning photographs you want to pin to your walls at home.
One of our favorite Things to do in Dubrovnik has been walking the walls. We recommend doing it in the evening to enjoy the views during the Golden Hour.
Beside the town itself you should visit the nearby beaches and tske the cable car up to the Mt. Srd for the best views. More info can be found within the Dubrovnik Travel Guide (link above!).
Here are all the things to do in Dubrovnik we covered in this video:
- old town of Dubrovnik
- City Wall of Dubrovnik
- Cafe Buža (Bar at the City Wall)
- Cable Car to the top of Mt. Srd
- Beaches next to the old town
- Kayak Tour
In the next episode of our Balkan Road Trip we'll visit Sarajevo in Bosnia & Herzegovina!
--- my travel equipment ---
insurance http://www.back-packer.org/worldnomads_versicherung
packing list http://www.back-packer.org/patagonia-packing-list-trekking/
Online Language Course http://www.back-packer.org/babbel_eng
My favorite Hotels & Hostels:
Follow me:
wn.com/Top Things To Do In Dubrovnik, Croatia (Balkan Road Trip 05)
After Montenegro we are checking out the top things to do in Dubrovnik and show you why this place is so famous by tourists and Game of Thrones Fans!
Related Guide: http://www.back-packer.org/things-to-do-dubrovnik/
--- equipment used to produce this video ---
Sony NEX 5 http://amzn.to/1FrMMxB
GoPro Camera http://amzn.to/1GZdh1q
Amazon Tripod http://amzn.to/1Of2HpJ
Joby Gorillapod http://amzn.to/1CMyE0b
Opteka SteadyCam http://amzn.to/1JCHAeb
Zoom H2n Audio Recorder http://amzn.to/1FFVSt4
SDHC Memory Card http://amzn.to/1ygZzWD
Waterproof Memory Card Case http://amzn.to/1FFWLCb
Backpack Osprey Farpoint 40 http://amzn.to/1ceMOlo
It seems like all cities at this part of the Adriatic have stunning old towns - on top of that the one in Dubrovnik is located on a Peninsula resulting in stunning photographs you want to pin to your walls at home.
One of our favorite Things to do in Dubrovnik has been walking the walls. We recommend doing it in the evening to enjoy the views during the Golden Hour.
Beside the town itself you should visit the nearby beaches and tske the cable car up to the Mt. Srd for the best views. More info can be found within the Dubrovnik Travel Guide (link above!).
Here are all the things to do in Dubrovnik we covered in this video:
- old town of Dubrovnik
- City Wall of Dubrovnik
- Cafe Buža (Bar at the City Wall)
- Cable Car to the top of Mt. Srd
- Beaches next to the old town
- Kayak Tour
In the next episode of our Balkan Road Trip we'll visit Sarajevo in Bosnia & Herzegovina!
--- my travel equipment ---
insurance http://www.back-packer.org/worldnomads_versicherung
packing list http://www.back-packer.org/patagonia-packing-list-trekking/
Online Language Course http://www.back-packer.org/babbel_eng
My favorite Hotels & Hostels:
Follow me:
- published: 20 Aug 2015
- views: 105
Sarajevo''s bumper tourist season
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - 29 August 2011
1. Wide of Old Town (called Bascarsija) tourists sitting on old Turkish fountain, pigeons flying away
2. Tourist...
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - 29 August 2011
1. Wide of Old Town (called Bascarsija) tourists sitting on old Turkish fountain, pigeons flying away
2. Tourist looking at map of Sarajevo
3. Various of tourists in Old Town
4. Roof of the old Turkish fountain
5. Wide tourists around old Turkish fountain
6. Wide craftsmen shops
7. Various of craftsman at work
8. Wide of artisan objects on display
9. Close up of plate showing churches of Sarajevo
10. Tourist Natalia Mandelli walking by shops
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Natalia Mandelli, Tourist from Italy :
"It''s a beautiful city. They tell that it''s "Jerusalem of Europe" and I think this is the case because all religions live here together, and I like it a lot."
12. Wide of Sarajevo, the spires of Orthodox and Catholic church next to each other
13. Wide of ruins of old Turkish bazaar
14. Wide of old clock tower dating back to Ottoman empire
15. Various of people praying at mosque, filmed through bars of fence
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Brendan Gilbert, Tourist from New Zealand:
"It''s good. It''s very different from other towns in Europe we''ve been so far. You definitely see the Eastern influence how it has met with Western influence as well. I''m sort of fascinated by all the history that''s gone on here. It''s good to have a look around here and see the remains of war and all that sort of thing."
17. People''s feet walking over division between Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture in central Sarajevo (Ottoman pavement is solid rock and next to it is Austro-Hungarian marble on the street)
18. Tourists looking at map, pan to busy street
19. Sarajevo Catholic Cathedral, tilt down to tourists walking by
20. Set up of spokesperson from Sarajevo Tourist Association Asja Hadziefendic-Mesic
21. Mid of Hadziefendic-Mesic, looking at view of Sarajevo
22. Wide of Sarajevo skyline
23. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Asja Hadziefendic-Mesic, Sarajevo Tourist Association spokeswoman :
"The estimate of World Tourism Federation is that Bosnia-Hercegovina will be in the next period among three top world tourist destinations, with the highest growth in number of tourists."
24. Reception of Boutique 36 hotel
25. Cutaway of STILL photo of Sarajevo skyline in black and white on hotel wall
26. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Andrea Softic, Manager of Boutique 36 hotel:
"With great pleasure I can say that literally we are having a tourist boom here in Sarajevo. Also in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Especially this season was a success and it is unfortunately behind us, but we had so many guests from all over the world, from all continents."
27. Wide of The Museum of the City of Sarajevo
28. Tourists looking at pictures of Franz Ferdinand''s assassination on display outside museum
29. STILL in black and white of same street location from 1914
30. STILL in black and white of emperor Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia, before he was shot in Sarajevo
31.STILL in black and white of emperor Franz Ferdinand, arriving in Sarajevo on the day he was shot in 1914
32. STILL in black and white of Franz Ferdinand''s assassins in court
33. Wide of tourists looking at pictures at the museum
34. Close up of stone outside museum with information on assassination
35. Tourist drinking water from spring
36. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Beth Niksic, Tourist from U.S :
"Just wonderful. The buildings; you have the Austro-Hungarian and you have Bascarsija, the old Turkish all melding together. And the different foods and the smells and..."
37. Close up of traditional Bosnian food, cevapcici (various minced meat folded into little sausage, with onion and pita bread) on barbeque
38. Close up of plate of cevapcici on table
39. Wide of waitress taking meals to diners at Bosnian restaurant
40. Tourists eating cevapcici
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/7356512adc9d6d10bfa145e8b3af1c5d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Sarajevo''s Bumper Tourist Season
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - 29 August 2011
1. Wide of Old Town (called Bascarsija) tourists sitting on old Turkish fountain, pigeons flying away
2. Tourist looking at map of Sarajevo
3. Various of tourists in Old Town
4. Roof of the old Turkish fountain
5. Wide tourists around old Turkish fountain
6. Wide craftsmen shops
7. Various of craftsman at work
8. Wide of artisan objects on display
9. Close up of plate showing churches of Sarajevo
10. Tourist Natalia Mandelli walking by shops
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Natalia Mandelli, Tourist from Italy :
"It''s a beautiful city. They tell that it''s "Jerusalem of Europe" and I think this is the case because all religions live here together, and I like it a lot."
12. Wide of Sarajevo, the spires of Orthodox and Catholic church next to each other
13. Wide of ruins of old Turkish bazaar
14. Wide of old clock tower dating back to Ottoman empire
15. Various of people praying at mosque, filmed through bars of fence
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Brendan Gilbert, Tourist from New Zealand:
"It''s good. It''s very different from other towns in Europe we''ve been so far. You definitely see the Eastern influence how it has met with Western influence as well. I''m sort of fascinated by all the history that''s gone on here. It''s good to have a look around here and see the remains of war and all that sort of thing."
17. People''s feet walking over division between Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian architecture in central Sarajevo (Ottoman pavement is solid rock and next to it is Austro-Hungarian marble on the street)
18. Tourists looking at map, pan to busy street
19. Sarajevo Catholic Cathedral, tilt down to tourists walking by
20. Set up of spokesperson from Sarajevo Tourist Association Asja Hadziefendic-Mesic
21. Mid of Hadziefendic-Mesic, looking at view of Sarajevo
22. Wide of Sarajevo skyline
23. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Asja Hadziefendic-Mesic, Sarajevo Tourist Association spokeswoman :
"The estimate of World Tourism Federation is that Bosnia-Hercegovina will be in the next period among three top world tourist destinations, with the highest growth in number of tourists."
24. Reception of Boutique 36 hotel
25. Cutaway of STILL photo of Sarajevo skyline in black and white on hotel wall
26. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Andrea Softic, Manager of Boutique 36 hotel:
"With great pleasure I can say that literally we are having a tourist boom here in Sarajevo. Also in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Especially this season was a success and it is unfortunately behind us, but we had so many guests from all over the world, from all continents."
27. Wide of The Museum of the City of Sarajevo
28. Tourists looking at pictures of Franz Ferdinand''s assassination on display outside museum
29. STILL in black and white of same street location from 1914
30. STILL in black and white of emperor Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia, before he was shot in Sarajevo
31.STILL in black and white of emperor Franz Ferdinand, arriving in Sarajevo on the day he was shot in 1914
32. STILL in black and white of Franz Ferdinand''s assassins in court
33. Wide of tourists looking at pictures at the museum
34. Close up of stone outside museum with information on assassination
35. Tourist drinking water from spring
36. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Beth Niksic, Tourist from U.S :
"Just wonderful. The buildings; you have the Austro-Hungarian and you have Bascarsija, the old Turkish all melding together. And the different foods and the smells and..."
37. Close up of traditional Bosnian food, cevapcici (various minced meat folded into little sausage, with onion and pita bread) on barbeque
38. Close up of plate of cevapcici on table
39. Wide of waitress taking meals to diners at Bosnian restaurant
40. Tourists eating cevapcici
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/7356512adc9d6d10bfa145e8b3af1c5d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 2
【K】Bosnia Travel-Sarajevo[보스니아 여행-사라예보]밀랴츠카 강을 따라 가는 파란 트램 여행/Miljacka River/Blue Tram
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
사라예보에 도착해서 가장 먼저 눈에 들어 온 것은 트램이다. 길 한가운데로 빈번하게 오가는 트램을 보니 낯선 곳에 와 있다는 게 실감난다. 수시로 오고 가는 트램. 트램은 사라예보 사람들이 애용하는 교통수단이다. 도심 전체를 훑어보고 싶어, 사람들을 따라 트램에 올라탄다. 트램은 동서로 길게 형성된 사라예보 시내를 종단한다. 도심을 양분하는 밀랴츠카 강을 거슬러 센터 지역까지 한 바퀴 돌면 사라예보가 어떤 도시인지 한 눈에 들어온다.
[English: Google Translator]
I arrived in Sarajevo is the first thing your eyes on the tram. I trams frequently fly to and from the middle of the road and realize that something strange here. Trams come and go from time to time. Tram is a means of transportation to Sarajevo favorite people. I want to see browse the whole city, people along the ride up the tram. Trams will end long formed the Sarajevo city from east to west. Milrya back in Totsuka river that bisects the city center area around Sarajevo have come to one wheel at a glance what kind of city.
■클립명: 유럽092-보스니아01-01 밀랴츠카 강을 따라 가는 파란 트램 여행/Miljacka River/Blue Tram
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 노윤구 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 3월 March
유럽,Europe,동유럽,보스니아,Bosnia,Bosna,,노윤구,2010,3월 March,사라예보,Sarajevo,Sarajevo
wn.com/【K】Bosnia Travel Sarajevo 보스니아 여행 사라예보 밀랴츠카 강을 따라 가는 파란 트램 여행 Miljacka River Blue Tram
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU
● Follow me on TWITTER - https://goo.gl/npQdxL
● Like us on FACEBOOK - http://goo.gl/UKHX33
● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
사라예보에 도착해서 가장 먼저 눈에 들어 온 것은 트램이다. 길 한가운데로 빈번하게 오가는 트램을 보니 낯선 곳에 와 있다는 게 실감난다. 수시로 오고 가는 트램. 트램은 사라예보 사람들이 애용하는 교통수단이다. 도심 전체를 훑어보고 싶어, 사람들을 따라 트램에 올라탄다. 트램은 동서로 길게 형성된 사라예보 시내를 종단한다. 도심을 양분하는 밀랴츠카 강을 거슬러 센터 지역까지 한 바퀴 돌면 사라예보가 어떤 도시인지 한 눈에 들어온다.
[English: Google Translator]
I arrived in Sarajevo is the first thing your eyes on the tram. I trams frequently fly to and from the middle of the road and realize that something strange here. Trams come and go from time to time. Tram is a means of transportation to Sarajevo favorite people. I want to see browse the whole city, people along the ride up the tram. Trams will end long formed the Sarajevo city from east to west. Milrya back in Totsuka river that bisects the city center area around Sarajevo have come to one wheel at a glance what kind of city.
■클립명: 유럽092-보스니아01-01 밀랴츠카 강을 따라 가는 파란 트램 여행/Miljacka River/Blue Tram
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 노윤구 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 3월 March
유럽,Europe,동유럽,보스니아,Bosnia,Bosna,,노윤구,2010,3월 March,사라예보,Sarajevo,Sarajevo
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 3
Travelling Light - Sarajevo (Trailer)
Imam al-Ghazali's Revival of the Religious Sciences with Abdal Hakim Murad in Sarajevo. For more see: www.mishkatmedia.com....
Imam al-Ghazali's Revival of the Religious Sciences with Abdal Hakim Murad in Sarajevo. For more see: www.mishkatmedia.com.
wn.com/Travelling Light Sarajevo (Trailer)
Imam al-Ghazali's Revival of the Religious Sciences with Abdal Hakim Murad in Sarajevo. For more see: www.mishkatmedia.com.
Sarajevo Stories We Are Bosnia Travel Documentary
Haris Pamuk is a native of Sarajevo who was evacuated during the Bosnian War, but came back to the city to set up his own business. This short travel documentar...
Haris Pamuk is a native of Sarajevo who was evacuated during the Bosnian War, but came back to the city to set up his own business. This short travel documentary covers his love of Sarajevo tourism and culture, its people and events that have taken part in the city during and after the war.
Haris covers difficult subjects like the Bosnian genocide in Srebrenica. But he also talks of the beauty of places in Bosnia such as Mostar and Pocitelj also featured in the film, and his hopes for the future in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe, Sarajevo.
wn.com/Sarajevo Stories We Are Bosnia Travel Documentary
Haris Pamuk is a native of Sarajevo who was evacuated during the Bosnian War, but came back to the city to set up his own business. This short travel documentary covers his love of Sarajevo tourism and culture, its people and events that have taken part in the city during and after the war.
Haris covers difficult subjects like the Bosnian genocide in Srebrenica. But he also talks of the beauty of places in Bosnia such as Mostar and Pocitelj also featured in the film, and his hopes for the future in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe, Sarajevo.
- published: 07 Jan 2016
- views: 6
GUIDE 2 SARAJEVO . COM - in Bosnian
Dobro došli u Sarajevo, jedinstvenu turističku destinaciju, koja spaja Istok i Zapad.
Šest vijekova moderne historije grada oslikano je u njegovim grandioznim...
Dobro došli u Sarajevo, jedinstvenu turističku destinaciju, koja spaja Istok i Zapad.
Šest vijekova moderne historije grada oslikano je u njegovim grandioznim objektima u kojima se na jedinstven način isprepliću najveće evropske kulture i civilizacije.
Mobilni Audio Vodič Guide2Sarajevo nudi jedinstvenu uslugu upoznavanja ovog čarobnog grada na vlastiti način i tempom koji vama najviše odgovara.
Koristite lokalni mobilni telefon kao lični turistički vodič i poslušajte pažljivo prikupljene i tačne podatke o svim gradskim znamenitostima. Guide2Sarajevo sadrži autorizovane tekstove o više od 70 atrakcija kao i mapu grada Sarajeva.
Za ovaj vodič ne treba vam napredni mobilni telefoni. Možete koristiti bilo koji mobilni uređaj.
Guide2Sarajevo pruža i savjete koji će vaš boravak u Sarajevu učiniti jedinstvenim i neponovljivim. Uživajte!
Za vise informacija posjetite našu Facebook stranicu: https://www.facebook.com/Guide2Sarajevo
wn.com/Guide 2 Sarajevo . Com In Bosnian
Dobro došli u Sarajevo, jedinstvenu turističku destinaciju, koja spaja Istok i Zapad.
Šest vijekova moderne historije grada oslikano je u njegovim grandioznim objektima u kojima se na jedinstven način isprepliću najveće evropske kulture i civilizacije.
Mobilni Audio Vodič Guide2Sarajevo nudi jedinstvenu uslugu upoznavanja ovog čarobnog grada na vlastiti način i tempom koji vama najviše odgovara.
Koristite lokalni mobilni telefon kao lični turistički vodič i poslušajte pažljivo prikupljene i tačne podatke o svim gradskim znamenitostima. Guide2Sarajevo sadrži autorizovane tekstove o više od 70 atrakcija kao i mapu grada Sarajeva.
Za ovaj vodič ne treba vam napredni mobilni telefoni. Možete koristiti bilo koji mobilni uređaj.
Guide2Sarajevo pruža i savjete koji će vaš boravak u Sarajevu učiniti jedinstvenim i neponovljivim. Uživajte!
Za vise informacija posjetite našu Facebook stranicu: https://www.facebook.com/Guide2Sarajevo
- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 337
What to Do in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us around to discover what to do in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this...
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us around to discover what to do in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this episode we'll show you what to see and where to eat in Banja Luka should you ever make it to the central northern region of this fascinating country.
David opens up with a brief history of the city from the banks of the Vrbas River near the Kastel, where he explains all the different cultures that have resided Banja Luka throughout the centuries. The first stop on David's Banja Luka tour is Gospodska Street, the city's main pedestrian boulevard lined with neo-Rennaissance and art nouveau buildings. Along Gospodska Street there are shops, banks, sidewalk cafes and restaurants.
Next is the Church of Christ the Savior, a Serbian Orthodox church in downtown Banja Luka. What stands today is a reconstruction of the original church built in 1929 and destroyed during WWII. This one was built in 2004 and features a beautiful bell/ clock tower and golden domes that are typical of eastern orthodox churches. If you come to Banja Luka don't miss visiting the Central Market, a covered market where vendors sell everything from vegetables and clothing, to specialty cheeses and household items. Everything is so fresh and organic! The Central Market open every day and is free to enter. The best time to come is in the morning to avoid the midday heat.
If you've been traveling in Bosnia for a while, you may have tried Ćevapčići (pronounced che-vap-chee-chee). These oblong-shaped grilled minced meatballs are the undisputed kings of Bosnian fast foods. You can find them throughout the Balkans; an influence left behind by the Ottomans. In Banja Luka Ćevapčići are made a little differently than the rest of the country - they are patties instead of shaped like sausages. A great place to try them is Kod Muje restaurant. From the outside, Kod Muje looks like a wooden cabin. Sit outside in the shaded terrace under one of the umbrellas like David did to enjoy the fresh air with your meal. This is a cheap and very satisfying meal.
The next restaurant David visits is the only restaurant in the Kastel fortress, Kazamat Restaurant. It has a beautiful setting along the Vrbas River, which is why reserving a table outside is highly recommended! For the last 30 years they've specialized in traditional Serbian food like fresh salads and grilled meats. The inside of Kazamat Restaurant is a little dark, but decorated with medieval memorabilia that's worth having a look. One of David's top restaurant picks for Bosnia!
According to everyone we spoke with, Mala Stanica is the best restaurant in Banja Luka, so David knew he had to try it! What makes Mala Stanica special is its location within the 19th century train station. This historically and architecturally significant building is a cultural icon of Banja Luka. Mala Stanica specializes in gourmet fusion cuisine, and they believe in slow cooking their foods to optimize the flavors. David enjoyed a memorable tasting menu of the house specialties with sampling from the extensive wine list (100+ wines!) You cannot leave until you've had the chocolate soufflé, their most popular dessert. TO-DIE-FOR!
wn.com/What To Do In Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina
http://davidsbeenhere.com In this episode David takes us around to discover what to do in Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this episode we'll show you what to see and where to eat in Banja Luka should you ever make it to the central northern region of this fascinating country.
David opens up with a brief history of the city from the banks of the Vrbas River near the Kastel, where he explains all the different cultures that have resided Banja Luka throughout the centuries. The first stop on David's Banja Luka tour is Gospodska Street, the city's main pedestrian boulevard lined with neo-Rennaissance and art nouveau buildings. Along Gospodska Street there are shops, banks, sidewalk cafes and restaurants.
Next is the Church of Christ the Savior, a Serbian Orthodox church in downtown Banja Luka. What stands today is a reconstruction of the original church built in 1929 and destroyed during WWII. This one was built in 2004 and features a beautiful bell/ clock tower and golden domes that are typical of eastern orthodox churches. If you come to Banja Luka don't miss visiting the Central Market, a covered market where vendors sell everything from vegetables and clothing, to specialty cheeses and household items. Everything is so fresh and organic! The Central Market open every day and is free to enter. The best time to come is in the morning to avoid the midday heat.
If you've been traveling in Bosnia for a while, you may have tried Ćevapčići (pronounced che-vap-chee-chee). These oblong-shaped grilled minced meatballs are the undisputed kings of Bosnian fast foods. You can find them throughout the Balkans; an influence left behind by the Ottomans. In Banja Luka Ćevapčići are made a little differently than the rest of the country - they are patties instead of shaped like sausages. A great place to try them is Kod Muje restaurant. From the outside, Kod Muje looks like a wooden cabin. Sit outside in the shaded terrace under one of the umbrellas like David did to enjoy the fresh air with your meal. This is a cheap and very satisfying meal.
The next restaurant David visits is the only restaurant in the Kastel fortress, Kazamat Restaurant. It has a beautiful setting along the Vrbas River, which is why reserving a table outside is highly recommended! For the last 30 years they've specialized in traditional Serbian food like fresh salads and grilled meats. The inside of Kazamat Restaurant is a little dark, but decorated with medieval memorabilia that's worth having a look. One of David's top restaurant picks for Bosnia!
According to everyone we spoke with, Mala Stanica is the best restaurant in Banja Luka, so David knew he had to try it! What makes Mala Stanica special is its location within the 19th century train station. This historically and architecturally significant building is a cultural icon of Banja Luka. Mala Stanica specializes in gourmet fusion cuisine, and they believe in slow cooking their foods to optimize the flavors. David enjoyed a memorable tasting menu of the house specialties with sampling from the extensive wine list (100+ wines!) You cannot leave until you've had the chocolate soufflé, their most popular dessert. TO-DIE-FOR!
- published: 09 Jun 2015
- views: 52