- published: 08 Aug 2016
- views: 142319
Opini Anak UI - UI Cantik
Opini Anak UI - Kuliah, Tipsen, Nyontek
IU(아이유) _ YOU&I;(너랑나) MV
OKK UI 2015
Kampus Top Asia, Peringkat UI, ITB & UGM Melejit
5 Ciri Khas Ngampus di FKM UI
DJTV - OKK UI 2016 - DAY 02
Opini Anak UI - YouTube YouTube YouTube Lebih Dari TV
[MV] HIGH4, IU(하이포, 아이유) _ Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms(봄,사랑,벚꽃 말고)
Andovi da Lopez menanyakan pendapat Mahasiswa & Mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia mengenai akun Instagram "UI.CANTIK", sementara Jovial da Lopez sebagai Alumni UI sedang sibuk dan tidak ingin balik ke kampus. Subscribe to skinnyindonesian24. Terima kasih kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi UI yang telah diwawancara: Cecil Nadira - FMIPA Geografi 2015 - @cecilnadr Caesaria Ayu - FT Metalurgi 2015 - @caesariayu Sofyan - Fasilkom 2015 - @muhaarisofyan Agustina Eka Fanny - Vokasi Pajak 2014 - @Agustinaekaff Hilmi - FMIPA 2015 - @hilmirzd Rahmi - FIB 2014 - @aminayah Alvin Raditya - FT Perkapalan 2015 - @alvinradityaa Arma Amin - FT Perkapalan 2015 - @armaamin
Andovi and Jovial survey around UI to ask about nyontek, tipsen and dosen. But... much easier to do this with Survey Monkey : https://www.surveymonkey.com Subscribe to Skinnyindonesian24! http://bit.ly/SkinnyID24
[ ♬ Download ] iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/last-fantasy/id484346200 Melon : http://www.melon.com/cds/album/web/albumdetailmain_list.htm?albumId=2040666 ▶ LOENMUSIC TW : https://twitter.com/LOEN_MUSIC ▶ LOENMUSIC FB : http://www.facebook.com/LOENMUSIC.official IU's new album 'Last Fantasy' is the first full album in 2 years since her first album 'Growing Up', produced by Cho Young-Chul who gave birth to the "IU syndrome" last year. The title song "You and I" is a work by composer Lee Min-Soo and lyricist Kim Ee-Na of "Good Day" with a somewhat mystic and peculiar concept of a teenage girl traveling through time to go into the future. Switching to and from the minor and major keys, the arrangement is noteworthy for its diverse and fantasy-like atmosphere using real sounds fr...
OKK UI 2015 adalah sebuah rangkaian kegiatan kaderisasi kampus terbesar di Universitas Indonesia yang diadakan mulai tanggal 21-22 Agustus 2015. Acara yang melibatkan seluruh lapisan berjumlah 8000 mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia menjadi tonggak penyambutan awal di kampus perjuangan selama beberapa tahun kedepannya. Dengan acara OKK ini, diharapkan seluruh mahasiswa baru dapat mengenal Universitas Indonesia secara menyeluruh dan tentunya menemukan jaringan persahabatan baru yang bermanfaat bagi perkembangan masing-masing individu di kampus tertua di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ( NKRI ).
Berita baik datang dari dunia pendidikan tinggi tanah air. Berdasarkan rilis yang dikeluarkan lembaga pemeringkat dunia, Quac-Quarelly Symonds (QS) University Ranking atas lebih dari 350 perguruan tinggi di Asia, Universitas Indonesia berhasil melesat naik 10 peringkat sekaligus. Parameter yang dipakai adalah kualitas tenaga pendidik, reputasi akademis, jumlah tenaga pendidik asing serta kegiatan belajar mengajar di setiap fakultas. Nama universitas terkenal Indonesia seperti Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) jadi perbincangan. Seperti apa potret kampus pencetak kaum intelektual terbaik di Asia? Kampus Top Asia, Kita ulas lebih lengkap untuk anda. Ikuti berita dengan kemasan internasional berbahasa Indonesia di www.cnnindonesia...
Baby Alive se machucou com um prego! E agora? Brincadeira! É só uma maquiagem de terror! Vejam que interessante os efeitos que podem ser feitos com esta maquiagem. É do mesmo tipo usado em filmes de terror. Espero que gostem! E não tenham medo, pois é só uma maquiagem! Meu outro canal: http://www.youtube.com/juliasilva Meu site: http://www.juliasilva.tv Instagram: http://instagram.com/juliasilvamh Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/oficialjuliasilva Snap: eujuliasilva Kuddle: @juliasilva
Thank you for watching! Follow our twitter @caturcinema Video ini dibuat oleh Catur Cinema, komunitas perfilman di FKM UI. Crews Director: Aghnia Dima Editor: Dhea Amira Camera Person: Ayunita K, Septi Rizqi R. Talents: Adhim Arrauf Aghnia dima Amelya Hernawaty Ayunita K Dhea Amira Dyfani Riftynira Frans Andreas Praitno Margomgom Septi Rizqi R. Tommy C Hutabarat Wachyu Mahasiswa FKM UI 2013 LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE!!! More info Twitter: @caturcinema **Video ini dibuat berdasarkan pandangan para crew dan tidak semua mahasiswa FKM UI seperti yang ditampilkan di video.**
Andovi da Lopez & Jovial da Lopez menanyakan pendapat mahasiswa & mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia tentang kalimat, "YouTube YouTube YouTube Lebih dari TV. Subscribe to skinnyindonesian24 Terima kasih kepada @pascalmeliala yang telah mengedit videonya dan @andhikaprabowo untuk shooting nya. Dan Terima kasih juga kepada semua Mahasiwa & Mahasiswi UI yang telah diinterview. @rizkyhanifpp Fisip 2016 @_fahrida Fisip 2016 @jihanpatiendra_ Fisip 2016 @Revolton Fisip 2016 @Nadhiramelati Psikologi 2014 @helviranp Psikologi 2014 @Feliciaft Hukum 2016 @Stephanidea Hukum 2016 @Gabrieldyr Hukum 2016 @reginadamaris Hukum 2016
[MV] HIGH4, IU(하이포, 아이유) _ Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms(봄,사랑,벚꽃 말고) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) :: iTunes DL : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bom-salang-beojkkoch-malgo/id858263201 Even before its release, HIGH4 with IU's 'Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms' was a big issue for HIGH4's collaboration with IU. The song is finally released at noon on April 8th. IU participated in not only writing HIGH4's debut song, 'Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms', but in its music video. She gave her full support to HIGH4 for them to enter the music industry. HIGH4 with IU's 'Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms' expresses the loneliness one feels in spring through its witty lyrics and sweet melo...
If i could tell you
In words how i feel
And if i could stop
I could make you hear
I would tell you about
You and I
A story that could live
And never die,oh
You and I
Could be one after all
Our love
Could be so strong
(i said it would be so strong)
You and I
Would never stop (oh no)
You and I
Could reach the top
Do you understand
Its gotta be me and you
you know how i feel
I guess you feel the same too
I could go on and on
To tell you how i feel
The story is too long
I guess i've said the real deal
You and I (You and I)
Could be one after all
Our love
Could be so strong
(do you know what im talking bout baby)
You and I
Would never stop (we would never stop)
You and I
Could reach the top
You know i love you baby
Before you take it in
This story never ends,baby
Before you take it in
You and I,You and I
You and I
Could be one after all
(before you take it in)
Our love (you see)
Could be so strong
We could make love all night (before you take it in)
You and I
Would never stop (we would never stop)
You and I
Could reach the top
You and Me,Me and You
You and Me
We could make love all night long
It would be so strong baby
It would be so strong
Now let me tell you how i feel