- published: 06 Nov 2016
- views: 188540
A melon is any of various plants of the family Cucurbitaceae with edible, fleshy fruit.
The word "melon" can refer to either the plant or specifically to the fruit. Many different cultivars have been produced, particularly of muskmelons.
Although the melon is a fruit (specifically, a berry), some varieties may be considered vegetables rather than fruits. The word melon derives from Latin melopepo, which is the latinization of the Greek μηλοπέπων (mēlopepon), meaning "melon", itself a compound of μῆλον (mēlon), "apple" + πέπων (pepōn), amongst others "a kind of gourd or melon".
Melons originated in Africa and southwest Asia, but they gradually began to appear in Europe toward the end of the Roman Empire. However recent discoveries of melon seeds dated between 1350 and 1120 BC in Nuragic sacred wells have shown that melons were first brought to Europe by the Nuragic civilization of Sardinia during the Bronze Age. Melons were among the earliest plants to be domesticated in both the Old and New Worlds. Early European settlers in the New World are recorded as growing honeydew and casaba melons as early as the 1600s. A number of Native American tribes in New Mexico, including Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Navajo, Santo Domingo and San Felipe, maintain a tradition of growing their own characteristic melon cultivars, derived from melons originally introduced by the Spanish. Organizations like Native Seeds/SEARCH have made an effort to collect and preserve these and other heritage seeds.
Melon Simulator Gameplay - KILLER WATERMELONS! - Let's Play Melon Simulator
Beneficios de comer melon
Watermelon & melon balls cake スイカとメロンのケーキ
farm knowledgeความรู้คู่เกษตร 02 05 58 ตอนแปลงmelon Hydroponic
Budidaya Melon Hidroponik || Agronomi
TANG MELON: 'Di bitin sa sarap!
Actors: Robert Stone (actor), Peter Cadwell (actor), William Ward Lewis (editor), Ruben Crow (actor), Richard Harrison (producer), Richard Harrison (writer), Richard Harrison (director), David Powell (actor), Laurie Crowter (writer), Guy Katsav (composer), Laurie Crowter (producer), Chen Shilony (actress), Antonio Marascal Perez (actor), Marc Parnell (composer), Santana Munoz (actor),
Plot: THE HONEY KILLER is about 48 hours in the life of Hedge-fund manager, Darryl Maddock, who suddenly discovers his stunning and exotic fiancé is a serial gold-digger with a penchant for violence. An original British, black comedy.
Genres: Comedy, Drama,Actors: Satoru Ogura (producer), Yuki Ninagawa (actress), Mika Kaneko (actress), Masayuki Kusumi (director),
Genres: Horror,Actors: Lee Rich (producer), David Clennon (actor), Richard Jaeckel (actor), Lance LeGault (actor), Malachy McCourt (actor), Michael Parks (actor), Andrew Robinson (actor), Louis Giambalvo (actor), E.W. Swackhamer (director), Jason Miller (writer), Barry De Vorzon (composer), Byron Webster (actor), Annie McEnroe (actress), Calvin Jung (actor), James A. Watson Jr. (actor),
Genres: Crime, Drama,We play Melon Simulator. Nope. I don't know either... New 7 Days To Die Series on: http://www.youtube.com/Vikkstar123HD Follow me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Vikkstar123 My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Vikkstar123 My Instagram: http://instagram.com/Vikkstagram Sidemen: https://www.youtube.com/KSIOlajidebtHD https://www.youtube.com/MM7Games https://www.youtube.com/EditinGaming https://www.youtube.com/Beh2inga https://www.youtube.com/ZerkaaPlays https://www.youtube.com/BlueJumperGaming Sidemen Clothing: http://sidemenclothing.com/ Sidemen PCs: http://bit.ly/Vikkstar123 Sidemen App iOS: http://appsto.re/i6Yc3Yk Sidemen App Android: http://bit.ly/SidemenAndroid My capture card: http://e.lga.to/v Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams: http://www.twitch.tv/vikkstar123 Chec...
Let's Play Melon Simulator! Melon Simulator gameplay is a chaotic, multiplayer (up to 4 players), first person melee combat game. Play as a member of the Melon Inc. Containment Unit, responding to a failed melon simulation. Work together with your teammates to beat your highscore, the longer you survive the harder it gets. Almost anything that isn't nailed down can be used to whack, slice, and throw at the oncoming melon hoard... katanas, machetes, paintings, melon chunks, wooden baseball bats, metal baseball bats, spiked baseball bats, planks, speakers, and more. Melon Simulator Download: http://store.steampowered.com/app/437550/ Other awesome Let's Plays you may enjoy: Totally Accurate Battle Simulator - https://goo.gl/rlvSsp BeamNG.Drive - https://goo.gl/Xs5mQQ Planet Coaster - htt...
Los beneficio de comer melones en http://www.cocinemosjuntos.com No olvides de compartir esta receta con tus amigos y familiares. https://www.facebook.com/CocinemosJuntos Y Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Cocinemosjuntos/posts GRACIAS y no te olvides de darle a "LIKE" y "SUSCRIBETE"
ブログBlogも絶賛更新中!http://ameblo.jp/mosogourmet/ 夏になるとスイカのデザートが作りたくなります。というわけで、今年はメロンの力を借り、スイカの皮を使ってみましたよ。意外と簡単なので、夏休みお子さんと一緒に作ってみてください。 *レシピ* 1.スイカの真ん中を好みの厚さに切り、中身をセルクルや包丁を使って抜く。 2.1の底に1.5センチの厚さに切ったスイカを敷き込み、冷蔵庫で冷やしておく。 ムースを作ります 3.粉ゼラチン 10gを水 60ccでしとらせておく。 4.生クリーム 100cc(103g)を7分立て(ヨーグルトくらいのかたさ)に泡立てる。 5.ヨーグルト 150gを入れざっと混ぜる。 6.カルピスメロン 100ccも入れ、ざっと混ぜる。 7.牛乳 100ccも入れ、ざっと混ぜる。 8.3を600wの電子レンジに20秒かけ粉ゼラチンを溶かす。(沸騰させないこと) 9.7に8を混ぜながら入れる。 10.9を氷水に当てながらトロミが付くまで混ぜながら冷やす。 11.2に10を注ぎ、冷やしておく。 12.スイカとメロンをくり抜き器で丸くくり抜く。 13.11に12をこんもりと盛り付ける。 14.13にナパージュを塗る。 ナパージュの作り方→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJLX8qZW30c 15.よく冷やしていただく。
Format spécial, 30 minutes de 1V1 sur Lucian et Syndra face à l'ami Nisqy, midlaner des Melty ! J’espère que ça vous plaira, ça change :) N'hésitez pas à like et vous abo biensur ehe ♥ https://www.twitch.tv/melon_lol https://twitter.com/LoL_Melon https://www.facebook.com/LolMelonGG
AGUA FRESCA DE HORCHATA Y MELON Ingredietes - 3 Tazas de Arroz remojadas (hidratado) - 3 Tazas de Azucar Morena - 1 Lata de Leche Evaporada - 1/2 Lata de Leche Nestle (Carnation) - 2 Melones Medianos Cortados en Trocitos - 2 Sobres de Sabor melon (Zuko) - 6 litros de agua y un vitrolero de 3 galones (11.3 litros) - hielo al gusto, color naranja comestible (opcional) Hola :)!!! mi nombre es Carmen y este canal Se Destaca en Cocina, ricas Recetas.. postres, Sopas Comida tradicional y Mucho mas! te invite amis dos Canales Carmen8ahttps://www.facebook.com/Carmen8a-Recetas-Saludables-batidos-y-mas-1466971086875314/?ref=bookmarks CarmenOchoamanualidades y mashttps://www.facebook.com/Carmen8a-Recetas-Saludables-batidos-y-mas-1466971086875314/?ref=bookmarks Sigueme En Mi Pagi...
Gameplay Ryze sur le smurf, un bon ptit bolossage comme on aime, hésitez pas à vous abo pour plus de keysmash ♥ Runes : http://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/2878512681/22189610?tab=builds https://www.twitch.tv/melon_lol https://twitter.com/LoL_Melon https://www.facebook.com/LolMelonGG
I chase my dreams between those memories
I remember your smile, saving you all the old melodies
Wherever I go I give my aims to you
On this road I'm walking alone, I'm feeling blue
Let me feel the love one more time
Let me see your face, through the world. It makes me fly
I want you! Hear my voice, try to understand
Telling you words, I can't find
I need you here in my life
Come to me, I must tell the truth honestly
Only you and me, come together finally
Look in your eyes, I'm loosing my mind, now I am alive
Feeling you close is all I want or I'll die
Let me feel the love one more time
Let me see your face, through the world. It makes me fly
I want you! Hear my voice, try to understand
Telling you words, I can't find
I need you here in my life