Felicity Ward's new show is candid and soul-exposing.

Felicity Ward's new show is candid and soul-exposing. Photo: Supplied

Reviewer rating:

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Full Melbourne International Comedy Festival coverage

Laughing Stock Productions
ACMI, The Cube until April 17

After winning many awards and hearts for her stand up about her mental health, Felicity Ward left Australia for London in 2013. Her full house cheered because she's staying because she's in love with a man who loves her unconditionally.

But love isn't a cure and her anxiety includes insomnia, depression and irritable bowel syndrome – the exploding diarrhoea kind. 

What if There is No Toilet? is a loving hour of poo jokes as one of her symptoms was, and is, fear about finding a toilet. This peaked when she couldn't perform without wearing (unnecessarily) protection.

It's not as tight as her earlier The Hedgehog Dilemma, but Felicity's honest and soul-exposing story will reach people who think that all they need is a good sleep or are considering stopping doing something they love because blaming stress is easier than asking for help.

Or there's her impression of a toilet paper jellyfish.