
The Nord-Pas-de-Calais miners' strike, 1941

A pit occupied by Nazi troops

A short history of the mass strike of miners in Nazi-occupied northern France from 27 May to 10 June. Despite heavy repression it won improvements to pay and conditions.

La Pariza Komunumo: Peter Kropotkin

kunveno de la Pariza komunumo

Eseo de Kropotkin pri la Pariza Komunumo de 1871.

When insurrections die - Gilles Dauvé

This is a reconceived version of 'Fascism and Anti-Fascism'. In this text, Dauvé draws on the experiences of the revolutionary movements in Russia, Germany, and Spain to criticize anti-fascism and democracy, and to draw general conclusions for communists today.

Standing at night, or taking it lying down? - Mouvement Communiste/Kolektivně proti Kapitălu


A byproduct of the recent protests against the new "Labour Law" in France was an Occupy-style protest movement (known as "Nuits Debout") based around gatherings in public squares, notably Place de La République in Paris. This is a translation of a highly critical leaflet which Mouvement Communiste distributed at the gatherings. The original French version is provided as a PDF.

On boring from within - Bert Russell

An article by Bert Russell looking at 'boring from within' strategy by radicals in the AFL and CIO and their fruitless nature. Originally appeared in The One Big Union Monthly (February 1938).

Rise up every night, everywhere, every workplace

It has been said that the Nuit debout uprisings had their genesis in the idea that protestors should not go home after the next protest rather they should stay and occupy space. What if we decided as workers that we would not picket outside the workplace and then go back to work after the next big strike, that we would occupy the factory!

Proletariat is rising: 1.2 million in the streets against El Khomri Law in France

1.2 million people (workers and students) in the streets against the proposed El Khomri Law.

International Council Correspondence Volume 3, Number 9-10

The Volume 3, Number 9-10 (October 1937) issue of International Council Correspondence.

International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 9

The Volume 1, Number 9 (June 1935) issue of International Council Correspondence.

The Paris Commune: revolution and counterrevolution in Paris in 1870-1871

This is a draft translation in English of the book "La Commune de Paris – Révolution et contre-révolution à Paris en 1870-1871" in its first publication in French in 2011 under the name "Des Communards".