
The sans culottes in the French Revolution, 1793-1797 - Edinburgh DAM

A short pamphlet produced by the Direct Action Movement about the sans culottes: the revolutionary, urban poor in the French Revolution.

Lefebvre on the Situationists: an interview

An at times playful conversation with Henri Lefebvre conducted by Kristin Ross. Lefebvre, then in his eighties, discussed his memories of Guy Debord and the Situationist International as well as his attempts to provoke mischievous students around Nanterre University in 1968, where the May uprisings began. Originally published in October 79 (1997).

USI document for the International Syndicalist Conference (Paris, April 2007)

A discussion paper by Italian syndicalist union USI for a Paris conference in 2007.

The proletariat has to take up the struggle against religious fanaticism which reinforces the state and increases divisions within the exploited - Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti kapitálu

Religion is poison

The text against religious "fideism" which forms the body of this leaflet was mostly written before the Charlie Hebdo/Kosher Supermarket attacks and was not intended as a response to these events. But then events forced our hand! Some of the text proved very prescient, particularly the comments about anti-Semitism. Some comrades distibuted this leaflet at the massive "Je suis Charlie" demo. It was possibly the only "political" tract handed out there.

A proletarian note: Charlie Hebdo - Hamid Moradei

Already with Khomeini’s Fatwa crisis surrounding Salman Rushdie and the Mujahidin deafening Russian army in Afghanistan, we could justifiably described a new emerging conflict zone between the Islamic periphery and the center of capitalist world: In fact, Islamism was taking an global characteristic.

Charlie Hebdo

A  candle light vigil at the Place de la République, in Paris

Earlier this week, gunmen attacked the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and murdered several of its cartoonists. Some thoughts on the various issues that have arisen out of this event.

The Christmas truce, 1914 - Steven Johns

British and German troops fraternise, Boxing Day 1914

A short history of the widespread but unofficial truce between British and German troops on the Western front over Christmas, 1914 during World War I.

On top of a volcano - Jacques Philipponneau and René Riesel

This unabridged version of an article published in Le Monde on December 4, 2014 features reflections on the meaning of the recent wave of protests and riots that have swept France over the last year (2014) in response to accelerated industrial and commercial development projects, in the context of a worldwide environmental and social crisis, observing that “we are witnessing the birth of a conception of life that is hostile to the one that is imposed by domination”.

Killing for development - M.A.R.C.U.S.E. (Autonomous Movement for Critical Reflection for the Use of the Survivors of the Economy)

A brief analysis of the implications and broader significance of the ZAD movement in France (ZAD: Zones to Defend) in the wake of the killing of a demonstrator on October 26, 2014 who was protesting against the construction of a dam in southwest France.

Praise for ZAD - Some unfanatical zadophiles from Nantes, Grenoble, Carcassonne and other places

A brief encomium for the ZADs of France (ZAD: Zone to Defend), local organizations of anarchist-influenced anti-development activists fighting against construction projects (e.g., airports, dams, eco-tourism) that threaten to destroy communities, ways of life and nature, written and distributed after the French riot police killed a demonstrator on October 26, 2014 in Sivens who was protesting against a massive dam project.