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Taxation: make the rich pay….something!  

Nick G.

The Australian Tax Office, under increasing pressure from community groups and unions to shed light on tax evasion by the corporate sector, has once again published data on companies privately owned in Australia.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

Australian Wine Industry and Pinstripe Suits  

Ned K. 

The Weekend Australian Easter edition in the Business Review contained a revealing article about the deceptive marketing ploys of multinational owned wineries in Australia. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

It's Terrible or It's Fine?  

Ned K.

Malcolm Turnbull said earlier this year that there was never a more exciting or never a better time to be an Australian. I would have to agree with him and go one further by saying that there was never a better time to be (as Marx saw himself) ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

The Irish Liberation Struggle: some issues arising  

Josh S.

1916 is the100th anniversary of the Irish Easter rebellion.  It is timely to explore some of the lessons and implications of the Irish revolt and subsequent liberation struggle and independence negotiations.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 24

Education corporations 'want to mine our kids for profit' says campaigner  

Louisa L.

“Global capital is on the move and it wants to take over education,” Angelo Gavrielatos, Project Director with Education International (EI), the peak body of the world's teacher unions, told the state Council of the NSW Teachers Federation on March 12.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 20

Privateers wreak havoc in NSW public hospitals  

David G.

St George Hospital in south-eastern Sydney is facing shortages of basic supplies.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 20

"The Greyed Depression" and Downward Pressure on Wages  

Ned K.

"The Greyed Depression" was the heading of an article in the Adelaide Sunday Mail on 13 March this year.

The article referred to statistics from DOME, a state government funded organization that provides training and employment services to people over 40 years of age. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 14

The decline of US imperialism and the rise of Donald Trump.  

Nick G.

A reader has asked for our opinion on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.  The reader observed that “he is not afraid of going to war to achieve his goals” and asked “If Donald Trump comes into power and is the same type of person as Adolf Hitler in ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 07

Remember Aboriginal Women Workers Struggles On International Women's Day  

Ned K.

8 March 2016 is International Women's Day. This is an appropriate time to remember that Aboriginal women workers were taking action on women workers' rights before the emergence of the Suffragette movement in Australia in the 1890s and early years of the 20th Century. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 06

Amalgamations of unions - for better or for worse  

Ned K.

In recent months there have been reports in the daily press about amalgamations of unions. 

The first major one was between the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) and Maritime Union of Australia. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 29




Editorial note: A reader has sent this article on US pressure for a Japanese build of the new Australian submarine fleet. Our position is that the submarines will most certainly be used to serve the predatory interests of ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 29

White Paper locks Australia into US confrontation with China  

Bill F.

The Turnbull government’s recently released Defence White Paper could easily have been called the Offence White Paper, since it virtually places Australia’s military forces at the disposal of US imperialism and its aggressive foreign policy agenda in the Pacific region.


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 28

Crush the ABCC not workers’ bodies!  

Nick G.
Just over a year since Jorge Castillo-Riffo was crushed to death in a scissors lift accident on the Royal Adelaide Hospital building site, another worker has lost his life.
Like Jorge, he was crushed in a scissors lift, caught between the lift platform and the top of a ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 21

The world enters a third wave of economic crisis, with more to come!  

Max O

In November last year The Economist , that foremost economic journal of capitalism, stated that "The world is entering a third stage of a rolling debt crisis...". The first one centred on the US with the collapse of the real estate market (2008), the second one centred on ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 18

Standing strong against the new stolen generation  

Louisa L

On February 14 Alan Jones, a mere fart of the rich and powerful, said, “And we need stolen generations ...Those children for their own benefit should be taken away.”


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 17

Grandmothers say, 'Give our kids back!'  

Louisa L

Eight years since Kevin Rudd's apology to the Stolen Generations of the 20th Century, Aboriginal Elders from around Australia converged on Federal Parliament to voice their grief and anger against the perpetrators of a new stolen generation.


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 17

The “Just In Time System” for Aspiring Parliamentarians  

Ned K.

Earlier this year in SA in the long serving state Labor Government, Premier Weatherill announced that former Shop Distributive and Allied Trades Association (the SDA) secretary, Peter Malinauskas was joining the ALP parliamentary team and becoming a Cabinet Minister. Malinauskas hails from the right faction Labor ‘stable’ overseen ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 14

Snippets from the West  

Robin H.
Jobs, services and the environment are all under attack in Western Australia.



more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 09

Disability care workers fight for a fair deal  

Ned K.

The ABC TV News on Saturday 6 February provided better than usual coverage of an enterprise bargaining dispute between a major disability service provider in South Australia, Minda and its about 1,000 strong workforce. The TV News report showed hundreds of disability workers rallying outside Minda’s head campus ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 08

Dick Smith: from icon to impasse  

Nick G.

The sorry story of electronics company Dick Smith is a reminder of the destructive circuitry of capitalism. 
Corporate takeovers, private equity parasitism, employee underpayments and customer rip-offs all get a guernsey.


more...- Posted on 2016 Feb 08

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