Newsletter + Resources

Please help us get copies of the following literature to every prisoner so they can connect with this growing prisoner-led movement!

Incarcerated Worker Newsletter

Printable versions are set up to print on two sides of several sheets of paper, print head to head, flip on the short edge of the paper, fold in half to form a booklet.

NEW!! Issue 5, Fall 2016 (printable version)

NEW!! Issue 5, Fall 2016 (readable version)

Issue 4, Summer 2016 (printable version)

Issue 4, Summer 2016 (readable version)

Issue 3, January 2016 (spanish version)

Issue 3, January 2016 (printable version)

Issue 3, January 2016 (readable version)

Issue 2, Summer 2015 (printable version)

Issue 2, Summer 2015 (readable version)

Issue 1, January 2015 (printable version)

Issue 1, January 2015 (readable version)

Newsletter Archives

IWW Literature

IWW Membership Application for People in Prison This file is set up to print on two sides of one sheet of paper, print head to head, flip on the short edge of the paper.

Free Alabama Movement Literature

The Free Alabama Movement’s Freedom Bill The Freedom Bill is a list of demands, not proposed legislation. This file is set up to print on two sides of two sheets of paper, print head to head, flip on the short edge of the paper, fold in half to form a booklet.

Let the Crops Rot in the Field This file is set up to print on two sides of two sheets of paper, print head to head, flip on the short edge of the paper, fold in half to form a booklet.

A Flicker Turns Into a Flame This file is set up to print on two sides of one sheet of paper, print head to head, flip on the long edge of the paper.

Trans Prisoner Resources