Australia-Korea Foundation

  • AKF 2016-17 grant round closed

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  • My Life on Both Sides of the DMZ

    Australia-Korea Foundation Scholar Alek Sigley’s story on both sides of the DMZ.

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  • The Sydney Symphony Orchestra in Seoul

    The Australia-Korea Foundation was proud to support the joint rehearsal with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Seoul National University Orchestra on 28 October.

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  • The joy of intercultural encounters

    Australia and Korea connected through children’s theatre and literature.

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Introduction to the Australia-Korea Foundation

The Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) was established by the Australian Government in 1992 to promote bilateral relations between Korea and Australia. The objectives of the Foundation are to increase public awareness of Australia in Korea and of Korea in Australia; develop partnerships in areas of shared interest in the bilateral, regional and global context; and increase Australians' capacity to effectively engage with Korea. The AKF offers annual grant funding to organisations and individuals to support projects or activities which advance Australia's engagement with Korea, including exchanges, partnerships and other collaborations in the general fields of business, education, academia, arts/culture and society.

Brief history of Australia-Korea Foundation

Following head-of-government-level visits in 1988-89, the Governments of Australia and the Republic of Korea agreed to establish a group of influential members from the business, academic, cultural and media sectors of Australia and Korea to identify new directions and areas of cooperation in the relationship between the two countries. The group — the Australia-Korea Forum — subsequently met in Canberra and in Sydney and brought down a series of recommendations aimed at broadening and strengthening bilateral ties, including a recommendation that each side establish a foundation to promote the relationship. This culminated in the establishment of the Foundation by the Australian Government in 1992.

Order constituting the Australia-Korea Foundation

Korea-Australia Foundation

The Government of the Republic of Korea also announced the formation of the Korean counterpart of the AKF, the Korea-Australia Foundation (KAF), in 1991. The Board of the KAF is composed of a number of prominent Koreans from government, academia and business.

Australia-Korea Foundation Annual Reports

 Foundations, Councils and Institutions now report on their activities as part of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Annual Report.

Australia-Korea Foundation Newsletter

The Australia-Korea Foundation Newsletter provides news about bilateral relations and stories of people-to-people engagement.

Subscribe and view previous newsletters.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: +61 2 6261 3869
  • Fax: +61 2 6261 2143
  • Mail:
    • Australia
      Australia-Korea Foundation, North Asia Division
      Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
      R G Casey Building, John McEwen Crescent
      Barton ACT 0221
    • Korea
      Australia-Korea Foundation
      Australian Embassy
      19th Fl, Kyobo Building
      1 Jongno 1-Ga, Jongno-Gu
      Seoul, Korea

Last Updated: 25 September 2014