Libra Daily Horoscope for Jul 31st, 2015

Wondering about astrology's daily effects on you and your mood? Though a multitude of planetary movements affects us every day, the moon governs our emotions and is one of the most important indicators of your day-to-day experience. Be sure to check Today's Horoscope for each of the twelve signs.

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Rating: 50 out of 5 stars

Surf's up. Here comes a big wave of enthusiasm, and you'll be riding this one in to shore. But even as you squint and grin in the glittering spray of the moment, you should be paying attention to the small things that are getting swept away. You'll hate it later if you couldn't find where you left them. So take a snapshot, sketch out a map or use whatever little trick works to keep things fixed in your memory. Today you'll need the complete picture. Only then will you really be able to abandon yourself.

By Kelli Fox, The Astrologer

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5-star rating
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Horoscope's keywords
Mood word